I know that the name England came from the Angles tribes who settled here. They named the country Angle-land. Which transformed into England, the Angle is the reason why the French call it Angleterre.
Some names of countries in other places derive from what the country itself is called, for example;
Sverige is Sweden in English, or Suecia in Spanish.
Scotland in German is called Schottland, in Italian it is Scozia.
Russia is called Rossija in Russian.
Portugal is called Portogallo in Italian.
But there are countries that have meanings in their names are translated:
Crna Gora is what we call Montenegro, and both mean "Black Mountain".
Plus, bear in mind every language goes through changes. English went through a massive change about 700 years ago. After the change the language at the time is what is known as Olde English. It was like today's English only with extra letters or spelt differently. Of course English is changing today because people are removing letters and adding numbers.
I've gone on a bit.