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Everything posted by Roostophe

  1. I'd like to learn Spanish. Possibly even Portuguese.
  2. Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands: SUNNY Dew point: 57F Humidity: 41% Pressure (?): 30.04" (S) Visibilty: 5mi Wind Direction: ENE Speed: 9mph Max Gust: 13mph Temperature: 82F (27C) Goddamn it's too hot.
  3. Everybody seems to have failed to notice my reference to Metal Gear Solid in my first post.
  4. It feels like Spain over here with this bloody hot weather.
  6. Here is a video of that bit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQFqJx_45bA&search=Kenan%20%26%20Kel Enjoy!
  7. Strange... Such a nostalgic feeling! I used to watch Pete & Pete. Speaking of old Nickelodeon programmes, did anyone here watch Kenan & Kel?
  8. Some more from me: Jeff Buckley - Forget Her http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scYenpbyJI0 blink-182 - Adam's Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJw2PfJs7RE
  9. Holy shit. I had no idea they made a video for So Real (adds to favourites) Klaxons - Atlantis To Interzone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc9l7RnS4PI Primus - Wynona's Big Brown Beaver http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgIieInl1mY Spinal Tap - Majesty Of Rock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMbBgh2b7FA
  10. Is it the 1980's? Because that's what happened in the UK during the 1980's.
  11. I hate people who sit next to you on buses who smell of pigsh*t. I also hate people who use death threats when disagreeing or not liking what somebody has said on a message board or where ever.
  12. I learnt it as Angles. Hence the term Anglo-Saxon. That's why you could call me Anglo-Scottish rather than Englo-Scottish.
  13. We're not. As we have no fucking money. Doug Ellis is going senile. Simple as.
  14. I know that the name England came from the Angles tribes who settled here. They named the country Angle-land. Which transformed into England, the Angle is the reason why the French call it Angleterre. Some names of countries in other places derive from what the country itself is called, for example; Sverige is Sweden in English, or Suecia in Spanish. Scotland in German is called Schottland, in Italian it is Scozia. Russia is called Rossija in Russian. Portugal is called Portogallo in Italian. But there are countries that have meanings in their names are translated: Crna Gora is what we call Montenegro, and both mean "Black Mountain". Plus, bear in mind every language goes through changes. English went through a massive change about 700 years ago. After the change the language at the time is what is known as Olde English. It was like today's English only with extra letters or spelt differently. Of course English is changing today because people are removing letters and adding numbers. I've gone on a bit.
  15. Ditto, same here. Although it won't really have much to do with girls. I suppose the world's biggest wankers wrongly calling me a "girl beater" (wtf?) will have something to do with it. I wish I had a gf so I could go straight to anyone who ever called me a girl beater, my gf next to me. Say "You think I'm a girl beater?" "Yeah!" (Me & gf kiss) "Naff off!" (walks away)
  16. I was hoping for someone who is Scottish or likes football to rate my avatar. Anyway, CubeChris' avatar: SWAG 7/10.
  17. All these shirts aren't any good. But nothing compares to this monstrosity of 10 years ago: Very 1990's.
  18. Won't be long until then. I think AC Milan's new sponsor is betandwin.com, or so I've heard. They've probably lost big sponsor names because of the scandal.
  19. Nah, I don't particularly like you that much. :wink: Okay, are you two Celtic supporters? I like Rokhed's shirt in that picture. The best breed of dog!
  20. A pleasant surprise for me was getting an Xbox for Chrimbo 2004. Another was getting a DS with MK and AW: DS for Chrimbo 2005. Another was when my Dad came home with a Super Nintendo about 13 years ago. Another was when my Dad came home with GoldenEye 007 and Diddy Kong Racing about 8 years ago. Y'see. Life is full of surprises.
  21. In the words of Don Vito from Viva La Bam: YO! Welcome to the forums. BTW What gang? I've been here since 2004 (C-E) and no one has ever admitted me into a gang. Do you all hate me or something?
  22. It was me that said I missed him. Because I do. *sniff* :cry: :cry:
  23. Konami are the best when it comes to Footie games. Although FIFA '99 was a good game. Pro Evo is greatastic. ISS98 wasn't in the list. Is there actually any difference between ISS64 and ISS98?
  24. Big at 33? Ghostbusters at 28? The Goonies at 24? Fuck off!
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