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Everything posted by harribo

  1. I disagree: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQcBwdlanms
  2. Said what i originally said about hellfire (y)
  3. Poo. Conzer posted. Anyway conzers sound cept for his allegiance to a certain Yorkshire football club.
  4. Nice description. Although you didn't mention the hand claps. Everytime it comes on in The Room(emo bar in Barnsley) everyone joins in the hand claps.
  5. Late Of The Pier - Bathroom Gurgle 7"
  6. Picture of a guy with jeweller! This is lewd, inappropriate and corrupting my innocent mind ban him.
  7. I can't see how a fully clothed man is wrong or inappropriate.
  8. Why is it noone has a problem if Eenuh or someone posts a picture wearing womens clothes?
  9. Girls Aloud? Oh well I'm off to go download some Late Of The Pier.
  10. Are you Dave Allen by any chance?
  11. Make faster sharper movements with it or swing it harder.
  12. It might also only be for demoing purposes.
  13. Band full of Hitler Miis anyone?
  14. I just came.
  15. Bought a Wispa today.
  16. Why not just say harribo. anyway 1. Halo
  17. How many Karts are in this image?
  18. Yay. although a lot of the time I get called Harrison, Harry, Harribo and more recently Jimbob. None of which are sexy.
  19. Well your dad doesn't sound human and your "sista" sounds like your bro.
  20. It was reported long ago on this forum as well.
  21. They have those in Gamestation.
  22. New Hadouken! video for Leap Of Faith http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/check/radio1/zanelowe/video/hadouken?size=16x9&bgc=C0C0C0&nbram=1&bbram=1&nbwm=1&bbwm=1 I like it although the video reminds me of The Ghost Frequency.
  23. Well its official Flux is now my most listened to Bloc Party song with 59 listens since like 9:30. Shame because it means I haven't had chance to finish listening to 65dos.
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