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Everything posted by harribo

  1. hes holding his partners bra and your asking that?
  2. Well lets face it when a team like England's winning 3 - 0 at half time against a team like Estonia and considering how many games they have to play these days they're not likely to go at it full throttle.
  3. Has an awesome avatar plus a lol worthy sig.
  4. I you because you won't GTFO.
  5. So you want England to GTFO of the World Cup.
  6. Or in other words why take hardcore vocals and put it into hardcore music?
  7. Yeah its old.
  8. Now that you mention it he does kind of.
  9. So because it takes longer to come out its suddenly shit. Great logic.
  10. It took me to this year to become an aficionado I think having joined n-europe in 2005 after it changed from cube-europe. But in this year I appear to have made like 2000 posts.
  11. Analogue stick and flick up with the wiimote to jump I think. Could someone confirm or deny this.
  12. Has a cow for an avatar. Cows taste nice.
  13. Also Hi Maase please stick around and hopefully have a laugh like most of the forum seem to do. No he doesn't.
  14. What? I made a joke and people laughed except dynastygal who appears to lack a sense of humour.
  15. Never got one when they came out but have one now because of fond memories playing on my mates. It truly is a great console and if I didn't have an assignment due in tomorrow I'd probably be playing it now. Just looked through my games and I have: Fur Fighters Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation Soul Calibur Marvel Vs Capcom Power Stone Chu Chu Rocket(Don't remember ever buying that and have never played it) Street Fighter Alpha 3 and empty cases for Aerowings and Sonic Adventure 2.
  16. Adieu the only one i don't have. the rest i got from the singles or downloading ages ago. Also may I say the best tracks on there are: The Feast(demo) Kickin' Back On The Surface of Your Cheek Acid Nation
  17. Yes you can post a picture:
  18. Already got them all but might get it just because its limited like I got the vinyl version of Take To the Skies because its limited.
  19. Fields says he wants to keep going.
  20. *jealous* although I've already seen them both this year.
  21. So why were you dressed as pikachu?
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