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Everything posted by Jack_Thompson's_Wig

  1. I think Aonuma and Shigsy don't actually give a toss about the storyline, they just put some crap together that very loosely links to previous games and involves the Triforce. If they wanted to make a huge story, they'd get in Kojima.
  2. Here's how I see it. Mario must battle his way back to that stadium. This will no doubt involve meeting with lots of different characters. You'll probably start with Mazza, then play as others as the story progresses. Perhaps Fox, Falcon and Samus infriltrate the Halberd whislt Mario, Link and the rest battle on land, protecting their lands from the Ancient Minister. If characters are pre-selected for each level, then the game could use this well, with later levels involving enemies that play hugely against the characters weaknesses. For instance, Bowser's levels being filled with speedy, projectile based Primid.
  3. And why the hell did he play to the old 'Princess gets kidnapped' cliche? Gah! 10 quid the Petety battle involves water.
  4. Yes. What do they mean then? I don't want to be saying anything I really shouldn't xD
  5. Yes, that is altogether possible... but still. <_< *runs*
  6. As a new member, I spent ages trawling through the topics looking for a Welcome thread for 'teh n00bs', as they are often reffered to as, to say hi and a bit about them. It's something that many other forums have- -and if you lot DO have one, please direct me to it and close this please!- -so I thought this forum could do with one. Every little helps and all! Basically, the idea is this. -New members come here to say hi, and introduce themselves. -Members who are jumping off the good ship N-Europe for whatever reason can send themselves off and not have everyone wondering 'OMGF WHEREZ THYE GON!' -And members leaving for a short while (holidays, work, yaddayadda) can leave without the aforementioned hysteria arising as to their disappearance. Oh, and naturally, you wanna give the newcomers a warm reception, so no bickering! Go nuts.
  7. I'm guessing you've had your fair share of nicompoops in this thread then, looking at the title? And Ant-Shimmin, what do you mean 'in Motion'?
  8. Why on Earth does the 'first' Pokemon game always sell better? xD
  9. Wii is better purchased later on in the year. FACT. Zelda and Resi 4 are the best game, and they're ports! Although I'd never recommend a Core 360.
  10. They do to me too. Except for on thing- where's Guitar Hero 3?!?
  11. Exactly. Those 5 sons of a bitch were rock-solid, and Iron Knuckle, the Kaptain and the Ikana King were hard as well. Not to mention those Gerudos.
  12. WTF? Neogaf? Next time get a reliable source. Although I'd love Fire Flower in 3D, doesn't having the star pieces make it redundant?
  13. Nintendo's new Tokyo team is making it. The studio was created especially for Brawl. It'll just say Nintendo made it, though.
  14. *slaps for shuddering at memory of Spider-Pig* I recently started again on this, and like hell it's the hardest 3D Zelda! Majora and OoT beat it in difficulty, if only for Gyorg and the Water Temple respectively.
  15. 'MATT! DAMON!' xD With a (sorta) younger cast then what the Trekkies are used to, this could revitalise interest in the franchise, and perhaps steer it away from the cliched nerdy sci-fi pigeonholing it has become ever so prone to. As long as the effects are good.
  16. Shenmue's story wasn't finished, correct? If so, then the least they could have done is finish that Shenmue Online thing. And I don't see how a petition should be against the rules, but hey, I'm not the admins.
  17. O.O Seriously? They must be mad... about hair.
  18. Hmm, and I thought Blu-Ray was 'winning'. More fool me, if studios like Paramount are jumping off the bandwagon. Of course, they could just do BOTH, but that would be too easy now, wouldn't it?
  19. Too much information.
  20. Bah, accursed thing wouldn't play. I can imagine what it would be like anyway. FIRST POST EVER! WOO! (You guys need a welcome thread badly.)
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