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Everything posted by Falcon_BlizZACK

  1. Someone compared the overworld of this game with Metal Gear Solid 3. I think the inclusion of wildlife and foodstuff is an ingenious way to get around the tradition of a sparsely populated Hyrule field. Plus the beastiary will likely be more rewarding than any skulltula/bug hunts.
  2. I agree with what he says with regards to, even if third party ports on the Switch won't be as visually impressive - having games like GTA 5 on the go is still a MASSIVE draw. I travel about 3x times a year to Norway, so my Switch relationship while traveling will go like this: Coach to airport - portable 45mins Airplane - portable 1h30mins Drive to home - 20 mins (assuming 3 hour charge) Very good with me.
  3. Trying to compile Wii U videos that were aired just before its release to correspond with what we're likely to get before the Switches release. Anyone know of anymore?
  4. @liger05 - Are you day one-ing Zelda and the Switch? I need you on my friends list!
  5. I don't mean it to be condescending, but how can there be reasoning for wanting to know the plot of plot heavy titles that will take you back £40-£60. It's somewhat insane to me or at least doesn't make sense, and seems like a disorder in itself. Just my opinion - no offence intended.
  6. Why? ADHD. People. Just. Cant. Control. Themselves... and social media amplifies this. (In my humble controversial opinion)
  7. Credits followed by the words "The End".
  8. I wish they would revisit Alpha 3 for HD remakes.
  9. Exactly. I guess the only barrier for the casuals this time around, as Ashley stated, is the price point. But I am convinced the Switch can lure the casuals in with the right marketing - and it's a good way to treat them [the casuals], few and cheaply made waggle games, for that unloyal lot.
  10. You know what!? ARMS can actually be a good way to solve N-Europe disputes.
  11. We can settle this with an arm wrestle. :p
  12. Not really, TP was developed on the GC after all. Good points in any case.
  13. Why on earth are people intent on spoiling themselves on games they have yet to play!?
  14. Hoping for a Nintendoland 2 meets Wii Sports 2 waggle-tastic game for lolz.
  15. Pretty certain we'll get a Direct about online services, how people believe the presentation news is all we're getting is... O' ye of little faith. Wii U's Miiverse Direct November 2012: Fair dos. I just feel its an easy win to grab a few million casuals with motion control tech demo/party games, whilst keeping it firmly hardcore. (I felt the most criminal thing about the Wii was forcing motion control philosophy on their core games).
  16. Is that really a bad thing? The Switch is ingeniously alike yet different from the Wii. With the joycon grip you can play games in their traditional form for traditional games OR buy the wii-mote-esque motion games. Its the difference between being forced to swing the remote pointlessly in Twilight Princess Wii to pressing buttons in BOTW.
  17. Metroid on Switch - reckon we'll see it this year as Reggie alluded to? Are you happy that Nintendo has continued with advancing its motion controls? Im happy that they are, the issue I had with the Wii was that it was the predominate way to play games - but for me the Switch redeems this by having the grip, rendering motion controls/waggle as (hopefully) optional, as I felt it should be (barring games like 1 2 switch).
  18. Regardless of the build, it goes without saying that the Switch version will look better than the U - whats there to argue about? We at least know the Switch version will have "superior environmental sound".
  19. Thought this will be best placed here... good lols:
  20. But I'm with you. Currently got: Neon Switch BOTW 1 2 Switch Spaltoon and Mario Kart will be mine, so hoping for some solid N-E multiplayer friendships come this gen! : peace:
  21. Bwahaha - lol same.
  22. The main thought going through my head while watching that was "cry me a river" - I bet he still day ones the Switch tho.
  23. Reminded of how hit and miss the Directs can be... Good news for mobile FE fans I guess...
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