The way I see it is that if you're no longer a fan of Nintendo then it becomes pretty pointless to state the same ominous worry over every little detail of an unreleased product. Just leave them be and move on.
If you're still a fan and everything that has been officially shown has been positive, why not assume Nintendo are doing the right things? It's not like Nintendo haven't create timeless gems like OOT and MM. Therefore there is always the potential the next Zelda, for example, will be a great game.
I'm not trying to talk people out of being 'negative' because I believe that's good and creates a balanced view. But when it comes to BotW (and even the Switch) and it's largely positive presentations up until this point - it can get a bit annoying when we allow every little detail/rumour to alter our opinions so abruptly.
I'm just calling for rationality first, as opposed to the emotional responses which inevitably leads to the diss-cussing.
But he did... lets end this passive aggressive patronising tone and just say and respond to what we want.