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Everything posted by Falcon_BlizZACK

  1. You just know this Director is going to bring the good stuff with the way his dressed
  2. Someone needs to please create one epic Majoras Mask moon meme...
  3. @liger05 If thats a true list of anything, it is complete gutter trash lol. Is the presentation no longer 4am our time? Looking to sleep for 9...
  4. If he is in, I want him to now have some kind of character development or part in the plot.
  5. Woah! Bluetooth is definitely the MVP here, can finally connect to my Bluetooth headphones and soundbar.
  6. The way I see it is that if you're no longer a fan of Nintendo then it becomes pretty pointless to state the same ominous worry over every little detail of an unreleased product. Just leave them be and move on. If you're still a fan and everything that has been officially shown has been positive, why not assume Nintendo are doing the right things? It's not like Nintendo haven't create timeless gems like OOT and MM. Therefore there is always the potential the next Zelda, for example, will be a great game. I'm not trying to talk people out of being 'negative' because I believe that's good and creates a balanced view. But when it comes to BotW (and even the Switch) and it's largely positive presentations up until this point - it can get a bit annoying when we allow every little detail/rumour to alter our opinions so abruptly. I'm just calling for rationality first, as opposed to the emotional responses which inevitably leads to the diss-cussing. But he did... lets end this passive aggressive patronising tone and just say and respond to what we want.
  7. The bolded. The constant state of 'worry' on this board is boarderline pathological. Why is worry/fear always the first emotional response to things we know very little about? Surely it's healthier to give things we know very little about the benefit of the doubt? Especially when what we do know/have seen has been largely positive - this also includes the Switch. Chill out.
  8. With all due respect though they have barely shown the thing/its games etc.
  9. I think people and consumerism remains just as open and fickle for new quirky products. Gamers especially. Even members here who have had a strong stance of not wanting to buy into Nintendo anymore due to being 'burnt' as a Wii U owner are caving in by the thought of a new Wave Race or Excitetrucks.
  10. I can only speak for myself because there are too many variables to deem how successful and appealing the Switch can be to others. Nintendo hasn't had 'significant' 3rd party support for decades now - there is currently no real indicator to state anything has changed that much to suggest otherwise. People would probably fare better if they go in expecting the expected; a console primarily furnished by Nintendo's first party. Regardless, even with the amount of third party support the GC got, that didn't necessarily translate into more sales of the system. The Switch - with its "3-in-1" hybrid 'gimmick' can easily have the same effect. In fact, that whole reveal trailer was all about imagining the possibilities of how to utilize this gimmick, as opposed to actually show-casing noticeable [third party] software.
  11. I think BotW is proving otherwise. And I really didn't have an expectation that this slimline machine can ever match up to the power of a PS4/XBO. As for 3rd parties, personally I don't care that much if at all as Steam fulfills that area for me - Im mostly interested in the theorized onslaught of first party games. Well the Wii still hit that 100 million without updated graphics.
  12. But the Wii U didn't sell badly because of its visual capabilities. We could argue the full potential of the console wasn't even tapped into. But looking at games like Paper Mario and even Pikmin 3, Im very content with this.
  13. ...Are you sure about that? But then how would you play?
  14. I really don't see that as an issue. I've said many times we gamers are fickle - if we deem the entertainment value to be worth it we will buy it. Im currently knees deep with Steam games and had a recent binge with Sun/Moon but I will be first in-line to get a Switch and my new Nintendo fix. In fact, I find myself preparing for March by completing games now so they're out of the way.
  15. True, its frail but I found its speed is spectacular coupled with its power special bug and fairy attacks. It reminds me of a special Ninjask.
  16. Has anyone trained a Robombee? What do you think of that mon? I personally love it.
  17. Poke Pelago - the Evelup isles streamlines super training. Rather than furiously tapping punch-bags and playing stupid games, the whole process is streamlined by just leaving your pokemon there for as long as you want to get that stat boost.
  18. There's a beautiful throwback to a certain area in Cerulean City from back in the day <3
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