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Everything posted by Falcon_BlizZACK

  1. Game completed! A very satisfying ending and the post game stuff looks pretty beefy. Anyone want some battles? FC: 1178-1519-8593
  2. Anyone notice the two different tunes for stone and normal evolution? This game is glorious. Im LOVING the Geodude line too - makes them a bit more viable without that x4 weakness to the usual stuff. Also in love with Poke Pelago --- putting in groups with the same nature to get the same buffs and seeing what items my mon have dug up for me. You have to give it up for this game man. This is hands down the best classic pokemon adventure yet.
  3. Magnemite/Ton bosses it through this game with all the fairy and bug types - My first Pokemon to reach lvl 50
  4. Ahhh, I'll take a shiny off your hands if it's not too much trouble my friend. But I'm pretty far into the game and the references to other regions is pretty mixed.
  5. Anyone got a Crabrawler? Its punching animation is soo satisfying with that one-two jab - I named mine Dudley. Also a shoutout to Ribombee - Its speed makes it so reliable. I named my Decidueye Fairy Bow ^_^'
  6. Yeah, for that $$$ cheddar cheese, folks will leak info on their own mum!
  7. After all that drama of boycotting this gen... Not trying to be malicious, but it would be great if we gamers could stop and think and be a bit more level-headed when it comes to business moves or '[nostalgia]pandering'. It's not that deep.
  8. I strongly believe Nintendo still has the craftsmanship to make their games relevant. I would argue the platformer-heavy Nintendo offering on the Wii U wasn't a good example of Nintendo's diverse libraries; no realistic sports (1080, Wave Race etc), no strong racers outside of MK - not even a "real" Mario (yes I will use that term) or a Zelda. Marketing is also incredibly important in this day - I remember seeing Splatoon youtube adverts which I feel contributed to its great success. Sony and Microsoft dominate the bus posters, billboards and every other outlet for marketing - I can't even remember a Wii U game being advertised on a billboard. IMO a game like Star Fox should be a launch title, not a game coming out three years later. A game like Paper Mario should be 'mid-gen', not as a swansong. Im just trying to point out why the Wii U's performance might not be a true reflection on how appealing a Nintendo box/games are.
  9. Yeah it's not the same. I got the Wii U day one - Assasins Creed, Nintendoland and Sonic Transformed Racing were the only games that I were playing for what seems like four months. The Wii U is a bad example to use as a guide to how future Nintendo consoles will sell - everything Nintendo has said and what has been leaked is showing Nintendo understands this. Wii U's top quality first party games came too late - at a time when the audience felt the console had nothing to offer due to its lack lustre launch and launch window, as well as the supposed confusion of the gamepad and an over reliance on platformers.
  10. Pretty much what Ive done since Saturday. : peace: Very impressed by the great selection of hair styles - braided cornrows!!
  11. LOVING this game! The Pokemon isles (keeping it vague) are great incentives to catch more Pokemon! Love the trials too - much better than the simple battle a few gym cronies then leader system. The world is just so lush and the most immersive in Pokemon. <3 And for the first time in a long time Im actually losing to these gym leaders/totem Pokemon <tears of joy>
  12. Very very happy with the AI in this game. Random trainers seem to know whats super-effective and keep to it and the whole wild/Totem Pokemon calling for back-up makes random encounters a bit more interesting.
  13. 1. It's a munchlax with its Snorlqx z stone. 2. Doesn't seem to have a code, just grab it online by 11 Jan 2017.
  14. Yup, there's a special gift leaflet in the box. Enjoying the game so far, nice music and those atmospheric cut scenes really makes this Pokémon stand out from the rest.
  15. You've had your Snickers this morning, haven't you? YATTA!! Romford CEX pulled through - Got the ONLY Pokemon Sun in stock there is one more Moon. Yaaaaaas.
  16. I'll be cycling around town first thing in the morning to see if a shop has stocked the PAL version early. Will come back with a report.
  17. Were people going this mental when Pokemon Yellow was released? Christ. The Pokemon Company has always pimped its games and dangled that carrot in our faces - whats different with Stars?
  18. ANSWER US!
  19. A copyright maneuver for a franchise that came out about 15 years ago? Nah - fully on-board the hype train! choo choo muhfuckers!!
  20. Jeez cant stand that guy, he obviously counts to 100 niggas when he cant fall asleep, and of course twice before brushing his teeth...
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