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Everything posted by Falcon_BlizZACK

  1. 3/4 of the games you mention have no release date, you are quiet dissatisfied with the current online situation with the Switch yet you e sacrificed a lot to get one... All I'm saying is it would be good to see a balanced perspective because there is obviously something that's attracting to go all out for the Switch. The frustration comes from the daily Debbie-downerish comments, sure we can just ignore but it's this repetitive type of discussion that leads people to, for example, create an 'other' Switch Thread - it's just the opposite end of the spectrum to what caused the latter. A new Nintendo console, a new Zelda in just 2 weeks - let's celebrate this rare occasion.
  2. You could always just get BOTW on the Wii U - why get a Switch for launch (assuming you are) if you have zero excitement for it..!? I don't mind the negativity, it's just this illogical train of thought I can't understand. People are clearly already upset with the Switch and it's apparent lack of features, and make it apparent on this board everyday... yet some have traded in stuff for half the price they bought it just to get the Switch for launch. This is what frustrates me - having the attitude of having zero excitement for the Switch when there is clearly something that appeals to you.
  3. @Grazza @nekunando Awww gents, you're bringing back the old glory days... So many gems on the GC, I don't think we (well myself at least) truly appreciated it in its time. Gamecube VC would seal the Switch for me as an all-time classic regardless of third party support. Eternal Darkness and Killer 7 are also games I missed. Want to also get into the weirder stuff like Doshin the Giant... Back in the GC days I was in my 20s and broke, so it would be amazing to relive that generation fully.
  4. @Jonnas Yes, yes! Reminding me of the gems I didn't play too - Baten Kaitos and TTYD being two and I have yet to complete Skies of Arcadia! : peace:
  5. Definitely would not be my number one concern!
  6. Im guessing they wanted us to fill in the blanks. Whats your top 10? In no particular order I want to see: 1) Luigi's Mansion 2) Pikmin 1 & 2 3) P.N.03 4) Resident Evil 0 & 1 5) Mario Sunshine 6) Ocarina of Time: Master Quest 7) MGS:Twin Snakes 8) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicaes 9) Zelda Four Swords (online mode) 10) Metroid Prime 1&2 (Couldn't get into the 1st and havent played the 2nd)
  7. 19 Days To Switch! Mudabitches! I think this is where a port to the Switch at launch would have helped both Capcom and Nintendo.
  8. Close and personal - apparently HD Rumble in MK8 Deluxe
  9. Hmm, I can understand that. I guess from a level design perspective those sections do require you to master the location... I just hated the feeling of my progression being held back by a collection game... Three times. Those parts felt monotonous in TP too.
  10. Yeah, I think another game is the solution. N64 - Pilotwings, Mario 64, (Turok, Fifa 64) GC - Luigi's Mansion, Wave Race, Rogue Squadron (Sonic Adventure 2, Fifa 02, Extreme G) Wii - TP, Red Steel, (Wii Sports, Rayman, Need for Speed) Wii U - NSMB, Nintendoland, Zombie U (Assasins Creed, Sonic Racing, Batman, Tekken Tag) Not sure if the launch quantity correlates with overall system success but there is an astounding difference in launch software options versus the Switch. (Damn we were spoiled with the GC launch, launch window and first year... )
  11. That still won't inspire me to play it again lol - they would have to do a WW HD style triforce hunt reduction to the imprisoned battles and cut those sacred realm tear hunts altogether.
  12. I tend to agree - but in the case of BOTW, people have the choice to buy the Wii U version. 1-2 Switch, Just Dance and the slew of Indie games isn't whats gravitating people to buy the console. I think Nintendo could do with a strong launch coming off the back of the Wii Us failings.
  13. In hindsight, do you guys feel the Switch would have fared better releasing in time for Christmas 2016 (or even Christmas 2017)? I remember the argument that releasing a console 'mid-gen' will be no good because gamers of other consoles are already fully invested within their own consoles ecosystems... I still don't believe that to be an issue, if anything, the biggest barrier I see at the moment with shifting Switches is the lack of a killer title outside of BOTW.
  14. @Jonnas - You've just convinced me to download it. : peace:
  15. 20 Days To Switch! Thats just 2 sets of 10 days!
  16. Makes sense from a business perspective - I just hope at the moment it hasn't halted third parties from porting their racers from launch until the GC joycons.
  17. Come to think of it, with so many GC games using it, its crazy Nintendo didn't put this in the joy-cons, I mean, why not? Slightly concerned GC VC games might not be a thing - but the nature of the joy-cons mean they can easily create a variant with the analogue buttons.
  18. Thats exactly where I stopped, when the thing sprouted wings and the process to defeat it just got even more annoying.
  19. As well as the towns they have shown already in BOTW which currently surpasses WW iirc and looks to be in-line with OOT. I think the flora and fauna present in BOTW was an ingenious addition to make the traditionally barren overworld more open to adventure. A massive step up from collecting skulltulas and bugs/poes etc. In fact one of the first things I'll be wasting my time doing is hunting for new foods and discovering their effects as well as observing the natural weather cycle and scenery... I did like the setting in Skyloft and sailing the sand-sea was pure magic! With that soothing oboe music. Definitely brought a tear to the eye. The time-shift elements were also genious. Speaking of LttP, that game as well as the Oracle ones and Minish Cap I would love to play on Switch (haven't really played them properly) Done mine on Shopto with Switch and 1 2 Switch... Have never let me down of my games.
  20. Which console was that and how many days early did you get it? My money is on getting a Direct a week before launch.
  21. Ok, what do you like about SS? Key issues I had were: Too much repetition - Battles with the Imprisoned, tears hunt, Ghirahim battles, back-tracking. Disconnected and barren world. Motion controls. Fi and the hand-holding. ...Oh and DOWSING!
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