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Everything posted by Falcon_BlizZACK

  1. Well... 25 Days Till Switch!
  2. 26 Days Till Switch! goddammit
  3. Hope they bring back the legendary wii shop music too!!
  4. Holiday 2018 has the potential to be a glorious time to own a Switch.
  5. I remember like yesterday coming home from my night shift as a working student, and giving Paper Mario N64 a try for the first time on the Wii VC - every night of that week was like gaming heaven. Nintendo really should not undermine the importance of the VC, its such an easy way of capturing new audiences for their franchises who've never played their older games.
  6. The Zelda part makes sense. And for balance...
  7. I never even got to play that, it felt hard to find at the time. ALSO haven't played Paper Mario Thousand Doors... Back in the day I remember retailers kept them at a crazy high price, even as preowned.
  8. Speaking of the Gamecube, just thinking of all those classic GC games we could get on VC... Playing them as a handheld will be so... unworldy. A proper new experience. Games like: The Capcom 5 (PN03 my personal fav), REmake (I-fucking-magine playing under the covers at night!!), Pokemon Colisseum & XD (weakish sauce but still a new experience), Twin Snakes, even obscure games like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles could feel more inviting, especially if they gave it an online mode.
  9. Fairs dos. Why not just wait with the purchase until Mario?
  10. Surely theres something about the Switch that has you excited for you to cave...? If you dont mind me asking, what has you excited about the Switch? Just asking as its a bit hard to see why you'll actually trade all your stuff to get one. [Refering to your response to my countdown].
  11. I feel that HD Rumble is going give us some amazing experiences. Would be great if Indies continue to pioneer the use of the tech leading by example in terms of creativity, hopefully inspiring the bigger boys. Retro VC games could gain a good sense of revitalisation from the use of it. I was a bit ignorantly anti-indie games due to the assumption most were short-lived and experimental - but with the Switch's handheld mode, I feel more inclined to try them out especially inbetween the bigger games.
  12. Anyone up for doing a 30-day countdown to Switch?
  13. Yeah, I personally (sadly) haven't bought any Indie games on the Wii U but feel more willing to do so on the Switch as it feels like a traditional handheld experience. However, it can now do with the meatier, traditional games.
  14. I can't help but feel the Switch is getting an overwhelming amount of Indie-like games... Is it an Indie?
  15. Felt that whole mechanic in Gen 3 was a complete waste.
  16. Hmm nice, reminds me of Endless Ocean.
  17. I strongly concur. In the packed tubes here in London, when people play videos and games its eye-catching enough - the clamshell design of the DS and 3DS hid the screen - but the Switch, with its sexy design complimented with colourful joycons... They will be extremely pleasing to the non-gamer or Nintendo curious/'burned' eye.
  18. Ah, sounds like relationship with Command and Conquer 3 and Pro Evo 17. Good in my books.
  19. Sounds like a good deal - I say do it for the fact you won't be shelling £300+ and the value of your items may quickly decline upon the Switch's release.
  20. The Switch does seem like a natural 'Wii 2' successor. Its almost like the entire Wii U gen was a prototypical cocoon phase for Nintendo, especially when you consider their own first party support. (no 'real' Mario, Metroid, Zelda et al and platformers galore).
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