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Everything posted by Falcon_BlizZACK

  1. Wow, that comparison... The sleekest Nintendo console design yet. Wonder if they brought in a new product design team.
  2. At this point its looking pretty futile lest you get suckered into paying more than RRP.
  3. Some of the best memories of my childhood was with that game... Some glorious track design. On other news: Its ONLY 5 weeks till Switch!
  4. They can bring it out... But just call it Micro Machines.
  5. Welcome to the family, son. Takk skull du har.
  6. A blessing in disguise I guess. The last solid Wii U game I played was Pikmin 3 - and I missed out on Smash because I bought the 3DS version (but in hindsight was the worst console to experience it on).
  7. Same. But I suspect it will be pretty futile, especially with the speed and damage of those guardians.
  8. I'm getting it because I didn't get the Wii U version, as well as Smash and Splatoon (Toads Adventure and Paper Mario) - so for me it's a pleasant addition to BOTW. I assume many non-Wii U owners are in the same boat.
  9. Certainly happy to agree to disagree, however with your last statement I'm playing Project Cars right now. :p
  10. Then the solution can be tabletop mode with the use of joycon grips or pro controller. Just as it is for Zelda. My point ultimately is if the Switch becomes a platform where developers can make money on they will make it [the game] work regardless.
  11. Great - look forward to doing battle with you guys!
  12. Then it can just omit kickstand mode if it really was troublesome I would imagine. I think kickstand mode will likely be the least used playing style for more complex games.
  13. Was the online addictive for you? As in time flies while playing it?
  14. A new stage - as someone who missed this franchise on Wii U Im extremely excited to get into this!
  15. I may be missing something from your post... But in handheld mode (ie with the joycons attached), you still have the two joycons to use - Just like BOTW and Splatoon 2.
  16. For people who aren't clued up, do you really think they would absorb every detail about a game from a -30 sec advert? Kids, casuals, parents etc, IMO, are looking at the action and if its suitable for them first. Thats why I assume these types of people will check out the box in store or ask a sales advisor for further information. Besides the online is free at the time of MK8's launch until the online service is detailed. Sounds fair to me.
  17. Surely its safe to assume that games that were previously online on both the Wii U and 3DS will be online on the Switch?
  18. How is that an issue really? Before you buy the game, you check out the box and see the online logo on the back. Personally, I don't need every bit of info on a game communicated to me in a limited ad.
  19. Thats fine - BUT the best disclaimer is to not actually type out something you don't actually believe in, especially in the midst of a debate. Saves the trouble of having to go back and edit what you say.
  20. Frank discussion is good, I also supported the creation of this thread - for the purpose of a frank discussion (not the understandably annoying circular arguments of "but the PS4 does this...."). But for you to say you don't feel 'safe' posting here supposedly because of my opposing opinion with regards to the video you posted and its rebuttal - and Rummy's apparent train of thought that anyone with a slightly positive opinion with regards to Nintendo's choices are "blindly following" them, tells me that this thread is turning into more of a shelter for one-sided opinions. Its healthy to have certain points of view challanged, especially from someone who isn't a fanboy. But again I digress, I'll leave this thread and just post in the main.
  21. To avoid other peoples opinion? In that case, this thread should be renamed to clarify this. The reasoning behind this thread is actually quite hilarious.
  22. Yeah, in all honesty, I don't believe you are the right person to be having such discussions with, since you seemed so embroiled with a certain agenda.
  23. @Rummy ...My point is BOTH sentences is what forms a realistic and balanced opinion/discussion, but I digress.
  24. @Rummy it followed that same sentence you quoted... But look man, this is what I mean about emotion... It leads to this. Im not indirectly accusing you of anything - why do you take such an open comment in such a personal way? If I was talking about you I would make it very clear... But just in case it wasn't clear, my rebuttal to "why the online app is only a bad thing", is that it would be a BENEFIT TO SAVING BATTERY LIFE FOR PORTABLE ONLINE GAMING.
  25. How so? If I understand correctly, his [Codemaster guy] argument is that playing with individual joycons are the problem. But the point raised is that that style of play is not mandatory, ala BOTW. To me just sounds like an excuse - an excuse that is highly liable to do a 180 if the Switch were to sell well.
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