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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Excellent post Danny. I had an issue at work about this recently and was called an office bitch for saying someone pissed me off. I said what you said and they couldn't understand it. Glad to see someone is as realistic as I am. :-)


    I know I've bitched about my friends' faults to others before, and I bet they've bitched about my faults to each other as well. Why shouldn't they? It doesn't mean they don't like me, it means they're still my friends despite my faults. I don't like fake friendliness. On the contrary, I believe honesty strengthens friendships.


    Of course I don't mean going around and pointing out people's little flaws. That's just being a jerk. They're most likely already aware of them, and it's most often something insignificant that's rarely serious enough to matter much, anyway. If it's something serious, I'll have an honest talk with them about it, how I'm worried about this or that personality trait having a negative influence on their lives.

  2. I don't think it's that they don't like it (well, it is) but it was how it was done. I can understand why people have complained. I think they were saying that cot death is a major thing in itself so why wasn't it enough to have that storyline instead of cot death then baby swapping. But, as someone said on here, the way it was done was insensitive. Ronnie barely grieved for her child, she found out James was dead and then five minutes later, she swapped her baby for Tommy (Kat and Alfie's baby). I would have thought cot death was enough though...


    Well, that's pretty much my point. It doesn't matter how insensitively it's done, it's meant to provoke, and people need to accept that not all things will fit their morals tastes. Heck, I'd never watch the Saw films because they're in no way to my tastes, but I don't complain about them. I accept that some people like to watch those films.


    If the whole storyline is too great a deviation from the general tone of the series, I can certainly understand a lot of fans getting pissed, and I'd then think it's a stupid move by the writers, but I generally think getting offended morally is silly. Life's full of disturbing stuff, and if it's not for you, then don't watch, and please, please don't complain because your sensitivities have been stepped on. Stick to your own and let others have theirs. Live and let live.


    Sorry for the rant, but I really hate censorship and people who are morally oversensitive. :heh:

  3. So, how do you meet new people? I'm up for trying most things and hope to really build a new social circle this year.


    I don't. :heh: I suck at meeting new people out on the town unless we're introduced by fellow acquaintances. It's a field of expertise I intend to improve on as well.

  4. or bitch about me behind my back


    Haven't we all been bitched at behind our backs at some point, though? We all have our faults, and we're bound to annoy each other with them at some points. I think we've all needed to vent annoyance at some of our friends' faults from time to time, but being a good friend means ultimately accepting those faults and seeing past them.

  5. The reason I was attacking you so aggressively is because I'm Saul Tigh :p


    Yeah, it was risky, but you have to admit it was a pretty clever roleclaim otherwise. ;) Still, I'm pissed we didn't know about roles being switched up human/Cylon-wise at that point, otherwise I'd have had a greater chance of making it.

  6. Awww... Man :/ At least I got an honourable mention, and was right in trusting Herojan.


    Wait a sec, I see 4 cylons and 5 townies! What gives?


    EDIT: Wait, I was wrongly counting Dannyboy as a townie. Why did he win that half-point, again?


    Because I was on the winning team. This was mentioned in the rules. :)


    It was quite annoying that I was found out at the only one, and then later on the town almost ceases to do anything. And then it turns out we couldn't even trust who was Cylon and who wasn't! :p


    It was a pretty epic game in terms of proportions, and I think that might have scared people off. I think the write-ups suffered from J7 Disease: Too long and word-heavy.


    People have probably heard me ramble about them before as they are without a doubt my favourite band. They originally started off in the goth/industrial genre, but later discovered and embraced the steampunk subculture. They adopted fictional steampunk personas as airship pirates aboard the Ophelia, and their three latest albums (the latter of which the three tracks above originate from) have told stories from the steampunk universe they've created. "Captain" Robert Brown is in the process of writing a book that ties all their songs together, and I've also heard something about a role-playing game being developed.


  8. I've always believed in people being able to change, especially for the better, so I'm all for giving second chances. It all depends on the situation, though, and trust may need to be rebuilt. You'll also be able to feel if the other truly values your friendship or if he/she's just using you.


    At the moment I have a number of really good friends, but one in particular I have an extremely close bond with. It's amazing. I don't think I've ever had such a close friend before. Even though we live in opposite ends of the country now, we still maintain contact, and it doesn't seem like our friendship has decreased one bit. If anything, we're making sure it stays even tighter than before.

  9. The worst part about all this is that it brings all the real life trolls out; people who get their knickers in a twist over "appropriateness" and "moral values" and stuff like that. How long will it take before people learn to accept things that they don't necessarily like themselves?

  10. I still just don't understand how anybody is seeing it, I mean what about the other bit of n and 2 thirds of the three that you're conveniently ignoring, why do you think they're there?


    Maybe if it was completely out of context I would be more understanding but given that it's gone up on NE's 13th birthday, which you all know, surely it's fairly obvious!!!??


    You're looking at it wrong (and here I mean the interpretation of the logo, not the logo itself). You still seem to think it's a conscious effort. Of course it's not. I think everyone is perfectly able to see that it says 13. We obviously know it's not supposed to say ReZ, but that is still how some of our brains see it initially. Others, again, do not.


    Don't take it personally, man. :) As I said, it's not a criticism of your skills. The logo's awesome, there's no doubt about it! :D But you can't expect people not to have different interpretations, nor should you view those interpretations as attacks or criticisms against your creation. It's natural for the human brain to interpret, and it does so in funny ways sometimes.

  11. I just got the game about a week ago, and I've been playing single player on and off since then. I'm curious though as to what exactly causes those creepy sounding ambient noises (not the mob sounds). A combination of those, and the creepypasta about Herobrine are starting to make minecraft feel almost like a horror game at night.


    Yeah, that alone feeling is really unnerving! I'm unsure what creepy noises you're ferring to, though.

  12. Seriously what is wrong with you people, you can't just ignore half the logo to make it seem like something else. Even after you mention it still looks nothing like rez... well actually I'll give some credit the e looks like an e, you know, because it is a fucking e


    I'll break it down for all the tards...




    Christ you lot are irritating...


    and dumb...


    You can't really decide how anyone views the logo. That's not a conscious thing. We're not actively ignoring anything or making it seem like something else.


    You have to admit that especially the three is very stylish. I'm not criticising it in any way, I've always loved the stylish N-E font, but not all the characters are equally easily recognised.


    EDIT: Looking at it again, I think perhaps it'd help if there was a bit of space between the 3 and the 1.

  13. You specifically said that if a post contained nothing but the makeshift thanks, it would be deleted. I used it once, and it was deleted. Since you're not doing it now, doing it then just seemed a bit like flexing your muscles to show off. ;)


    But I'm really not bothered. I just like to tease you. I love you all, really. ;)

  14. I only did makeshift thanks for shits and giggles at the time because I was kinda bored. Also for partly the same reason I made the thread about rep points way back in the day, I just wanted to see what you guys would do.


    I'm flattered it is actually being used. In honesty, like most of the random stuff I do, I'd forgotten all about it until now and moved on to some other pointless crusade. Stay tuned.


    Oh, I know. I was having a slight go at the Coloured Ones since they're obviously not as harsh on the use of your makeshift thanks as they were when it was created.

  15. Back on topic: You guys are still using individual sheets? I rig a roll up to this bad boy and I'm all set:




    Obviously I use a film reel style configuration though, wouldn't want to be re-using the same stuff.


    I hope to god you're using toilet paper - otherwise you're gonna have the smoothest bum in Europe.

  16. They could probably do a massive one on Ocarina of Time. From the top of my head


    - Running Man

    - Triforce/Entering Sacred Realm

    - Loads of other Ura Zelda myths (that apparently slightly existed in OoT)

    - The bugs bugs. There was one where you could use any item as the Ocarina. I think this also let you escape Ganon (but that part may be a myth).

    - This also extends to the different versions of the game, plus the things regarding the Fire Temple Music and Mirror Shield logo.

    - I also remember hearing about (but not seeing) a glitch that let you use all your items while riding Epona.

    - Turning any item into a bottle.


    I'm probably missing loads of others, too.


    Well, some of these I've read about. The Running Man is definitely unbeatable. I believe this has been confirmed by developers. Regarding the Triforce and the Sacred Realm, all claims made about them existing in the game have been debunked. Besides, the Triforce is already in the game - Link has a piece, Zelda has a piece, and Ganondorf has a piece. Being able to find the whole Triforce somewhere makes no sense.


    Regarding the Fire Temple music and the Mirror Shield symbol, both were changed due to religious and cultural sensitivity. The Mirror Shield's original logo resembled the flag of Turkey too much, and the original Fire Temple music resembled certain prayers too much, hence these two elements were changed.

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