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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Everybody knows that the best sig/avatar awards should just be called "The Redshell Award", therefor I am ignoring his votes and claiming myself as the winner of best sig...


    Or something...




    Definitely isn't bitter...


    This really is true. I think you can safely do that, Edd. ;)

  2. I also planned to change my signature and avatar, so I have. Nostalgic, right?


    You've come full circle. You were banished from the lands as The Kids Who Are Not The Second, snuck back in as Scoop and redeemed yourself, and now you've evolved into:


    The Third Scoop! Or Scoop III, if you prefer.

  3. Seriously guys, get some Boxer Hockey in your lives. It's magical.


    I don't like this thread, only because it has given me too many things to read that are awesome :)


    I hear ya. Every time a webcomic thread appears, one or more webcomics are added to my already enormous list. :p

  4. Ah, yes, one I have forgotten to mention: Something*Positive


    It's a webcomic about some pretty regular people and their pretty regular lives ... for the most part. Contrary to the title, the main character, Davan, has the most pessimistic and cynical outlook on life, yet somehow he's very likable for this exact reason. He has a pink, gelatinous cat which has fathered a bunch of kittens that have ended up in other webcomics like Girls With Slingshots and Shortpacked, but this is more of a little side story. It's been going for nearly a decade, and I spent about a week reading through the entire archive. Very addictive, I found.

  5. Denmark and Norway are sleeping with each other. Confirm/deny?


    Denmark has sex with anyone and anything. He's everythingsexual. We're a pretty open and active country when it comes to sex! :p


    Apologies Danny for saying it was a guy and Jonnas for not realising it was you who posted it first :p


    Things should be in order, don't you think? ;)

  6. I am flabbergasted with honour! :o Thank you guys so much for these awards! :D They mean a lot to me! :)


    Coolness, I look forward to our joint rule! Together, we shall make the universe a better place! :D (Fittingly, the Star Wars theme is playing on the TV as I'm writing this!)

  7. Danny posted one about countries as people a little while ago, its okay though some were lame. The same guy did some strips about an interalien couple which was funny but weird as well.


    Scandinavia And The World is one of my absolute favourites, though I think you need to be Nordic to really appreciate all the in-jokes and references, since the whole comic is basically built around national stereotypes seen from the viewpoint of the Nordic countries.


    The artist hasn't updated Tentacles And Love in a long time, but she does regular updates on a third webcomic, Niels, which is about a bisexual, Danish assassin who lives in a polyamorous relationship with a black, American couple.


    I can't take credit for finding it, though. It was another user on here who showed it to me - Jonnas, I think.

  8. Penny Arcade is interesting, but I don't always actually get their jokes, even after reading the corresponding blog update. Still, they deliver pretty great humour when they do.


    VG Cats is usually pretty good, but when "always" occurs less than once a month, "usually" suddenly becomes a rare occurence - relatively speaking. It's annoying, but I stick by it for now.


    It's funny how I started off solely with gaming webcomics, but am now primarily reading non-gaming webcomics.

  9. .....one question Danny....WHERE'S HARRY POTTER??? lol. But yeah, I agree with all of this PLUS Harry Potter! lol.


    I did say they were honourable mentions. :heh: The Harry Potter films have never meant as much to me as the books. As it has become necessary for the filmmakers to cut more and more out to make them work as films, some of the charm has disappeared.


    I still love them, though, do not be mistaken about that! :D

  10. A great Danish singer-songwriter died last night from a heart attack, and it's actually upset me to the point where I cried a bit. It was just, like ... he couldn't die! I have a hard time actually getting it, much less getting over it. :(

  11. Alice in Wonderland.

    Meh, and in 3D too.


    Iron Man 2.

    Not bad.


    Prince of Persia.

    Not bad.


    Toy Story 3.

    Bullshit compared to the previous ones. Much darker but totally inappropriate.


    Shrek Forever After.

    Wank. Basically intelligence insulting saying “Forget what you saw in the previous movies, it didn’t happen. This isn't a sequel, it's a new film.â€


    Scott Pilgrim.

    Meh also. Nice to see a film with some decent video game references, but on the whole didn’t deliver. The girl was proper fit though.


    Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows.

    Boring as fuck. But based on the source material I can't say I'm surprised.



    Purposely over the top. Made good by its own intentional faults.


    Do you even like movies in general? :p

  12. Hey man, I think you'll find this fine gentleman did it best...




    shameless self plugging done, not often that picture is usable of near relevant to the conversation lol, make my most of of it! :p


    The irony of a black Hitler never ceases to amuse me! :laughing:

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