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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Why does it need to be magical? Why do children have to believe in magic. Why can't we entertain them with the amazing and beautiful things that actually exist in this world instead of preoccupying them with things that don't?


    I love thinking about superpowers, and played sword fights and things like that for a long time. Even now me and my friends play games like Zombies, where we run around chasing each other pretending to be zombies. I am in no way against imagination. I just don't think Santa is the way to go.


    Objection! You contradict yourself here. Superpowers and zombies don't exist, yet you say you enjoy imagining those as well. I don't see how Santa is any different. You seem to think people will be stuck in their own imaginary world if they believed in Santa as kids. You make it sound like kids are being brainwashed into believing made-up stuff is real. It's just for fun. Childhood is the only time when you're not looked down upon for believing in magic and fairies and everything that's fun about imagination. Why the rush into the real world? I'd say that'd be robbing them of the key perk of naïve childhood innocence. They'll learn to appreciate the wonders of the real world soon enough. Heck, most children have no problems appreciating the wonders of both the imaginary world and the real world at the same time, making your argument pretty invalid in my eyes.

  2. And for those who want kids, i can't believe we've been moulded into such an arrogant mindset of "the world needs more of my own DNA", when there are so many children awaiting adoption, we could give homes to instead...but that's getting off topic.


    While the point you make is true, it's not a mindset we've been moulded into. It's a biological imperative that has obviously been the most logical thing to do for millennia. Only recently (in the large timeframe) has this changed.

  3. Just got back from the Doc's and apparently 'I has Norovirus' which is apprently pretty contageous :/ I didn't know I had it obv otherwise I probably wouldn't have gone in there because I'm supposed to stay away from people to prevent it from spreading further.


    So basically I'm not going into work until after Christmas but then again, it's not as if I felt capable enough to go in anyway - even without the spreading problem - so I'm not gonna be doing a lot other than staying at home, getting better and most likely reviewing, afterall at least I can still type. :)


    The rest of my family have a rather nasty chest infection, though I'm the more contageous apparently :( but it seems like we'll be avoiding each other - eithin reason - until we start to feel batter.


    How is it going with the stomach?

  4. Yeah, Diageo, you're depressing to listen to. :p Your views on it are way too cynical. Do you hate imagination and the happiness of children as well? :heh:


    You seem to believe it's a whole belief and value system that parents are forcing on their children. What you forget is that children don't read all this stuff into it. To them it's a game. When they find out Old Nick isn't real, they'll appreciate that their parents kept their childhood magical. You don't seriously believe that having believed in Father Christmas as a kid will have any negative impact on somebody's grasp of reality when they grow up? If anything, I think it will help those people keep at least part of their childlike spirit into adulthood, something which a lot of people in my opinion are missing!

  5. You may think it's just a bit of fun. But I think it's teaching children bad habits. Like believing in magic, and deception for the sake of doing something they believe is good.


    Like when parent's say "The police" will get them if they don't behave, or the bogey man. There are too many made up characters that are there to deceive children. If a parent is poor, how are they going to explain to their children that santa couldn't give them anything. There are many other reasons, but I find them hard to put on paper.


    Surely this all depends on how you otherwise raise them? Deception is the wrong word, I think. It seems to me your idea of the Santa Claus/Father Christmas mythos is the worst case scenario.


    Yeah, it's quite interesting actually...I don't think I've ever seen a Finnish house which didn't have a sauna somewhere near. Either it's integrated into the house itself, a separate structure outside or a communal sauna like in blocks of flats. In any case, there's always a sauna near :D


    You do realise you're pretty much confirming every single Finnish stereotype? :p

  6. For anyone that wonders, the "X" in "Xmas" does mean Christ. It's Greek or something. I read something about it anyway, and it's not trying to take the Christ out of Christmas.


    Yup, it's actually the Greek letter chi (χ), which stands for χριστός, meaning "anointed". It's often fused with the letter rho (ρ), in which case it represents Jesus Christ:



  7. Oh come on, the Mafia were being cocky. They could've pretended to have been away, or inactive but they all came out quoting each other and joking around once they thought it was 100% in the bag for them. It paid off for the town who really stuck it to 'em and claimed a well deserved victory :D


    You played well in the end, yes, but if you only caught us because we got cocky, how well did you play up until then? ;)

  8. I think the old adage of "you'll want them when you're older" holds a lot of truth. Having children is a biological imperative, and for the most part women will find their views on motherhood soften as they get older for biochemical reasons if nothing else. That's not to say women should feel obligated to have children, more that your body might ultimately betray your younger ideals.


    Older people's comments appear to annoy you because you think they're being condescending or judgemental, but you have to remember that they were your age once. Maybe at the time they hated the idea of having children too, so they're just trying to pass on the benefit of their own hindsight. Which you'll ignore, just like every younger generation has done before you.


    All of that said there's certainly nothing wrong with not wanting children. Could be that on your deathbed you'll still have no regrets, you aren't doomed to turn into a baby making zombie as soon as you hit 30. It is still something of a social expectation, but acceptance isn't something you flip on, it takes time to trickle throughout society; 90 years ago women in the UK couldn't even vote, and most of the older generation alive today will have grown up in the baby boom years following World War II, a time when re-population was simply the done thing.


    Whilst they aren't by any means like-for-like scenarios — I don't have a uterus, apples to oranges was inevitable — over the years I've had loads of comments levelled at me for not drinking alcohol. Several years ago they used to really annoy me, I hated the ostensible expectation that it was just a phase or that I was otherwise being silly. It became a bit of a touchy subject by virtue of the repetitive comments and raised eyebrows, but once I started thinking about why people were saying the things they did — as opposed to jumping to the defensive — I found them much less aggravating. In other words don't interpret what other people say as an attack until you've briefly stepped into their shoes, you'll have a much easier time of things in the long run.


    I think it's bizarre that you think people view women in this way. You shouldn't take offense or feel wrong because someone may assume you want to have kids. That is the default assumption. Live with it. If they say "you might change your mind when you're older" they're simply stating a rational and possible eventuality. If you're reacting so heatedly about it then it's you that isn't comfortable about the idea.


    I want kids one day, but one day I may not want kids. *shrug*


    Above posts quoted for truth, the bolded bits in particular.

  9. No, perhaps a poor choice in wording there, it was more congratulation Mokong for doing something they wanted to/made them happy! Just because I don't believe having a child/marriage a good thing doesn't mean other people shouldn't be happy to do so and want to do so. I apologise for my poor sentence there! edit: Besides I have no clue about Mokong's life! So that'd be very silly indeed to insult them so.


    Besides success is and always has been subjective, my life is grittled at because I do not want children or a husband, others get the same for the opposite. It is the way of the world, not everyone is going to have the same view.


    ..and also success is the wrong word, success is to me like winning a trophy and Mokong isn't a competitor! He is a husband and father. :bowdown: and for that it should be deemed as only the best of things, just like not having a child and a husband/wife with a good life should be, neither are the same, but they seem very different right now and for that I am happy, because it means I can be just as happy not having a child or being a wife. Because yes it is something I wish I could think about having, but for various reasons I don't ever want to mention I don't see that happening!


    I felt I had to come here and justify myself to you when I quite frankly only joined in the debate about whether one ''should or should not have children'' as it is and always will be a something that irks me, I never see myself having a child, a family, for that I do get questions, people doubting my life. So I joined in the debate.


    I hope dannyboy - that answers your questions. :bowdown:


    Reading your reply made me look back at my own post and realise that it, too, was worded badly and didn't convey what I intended.


    I never thought you were questioning Mokong's life, nor do I in any way question yours. I admire the life ideals of you both. :)


    I simply meant that it sounded like you measured success by how likely you thought it was for you to achieve - as if you were calling yourself chronically unsuccessful! I didn't really believe this was the case, but I wanted to check nonetheless. :) And then I came off as questioning your life ideals and/or accusing you of looking down on Mokong's! :(

  10. in my opinion should be legal because of the fact if you want to do them you will anyway regardless of them being illegal or not.


    "People are going to do it anyway, so we might just as well legalise it."


    That is silly and makes no sense from a legal point of view.


    However, it would seem to make a lot of sense to legalise at least some drugs.

  11. my wee kitteh is really sick :( He's got a bad eye infection and cant even open his little eye... my heart is broken :(:(


    Make some Chamomile tea, let it cool off and then carefully clean its eye with it. That should help somewhat.

  12. Well, my opinion on drugs is the same as my opinion on alcohol and other substances - and pretty much everything else in life: Please try to avoid fucking your own and other people's lives up with it, okay? If that's possible, then be my guest.

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