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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Not for me anyway.


    And killing people for reason's outside this game is just as spiteful, in my opinion.


    Agreed. First of all, it's a bit tricky to admit that now; whether it's right or wrong, it makes you untrustworthy. Second of all, killing someone for a personal reason, i.e. to show someone that killing someone for a personal reason is bad style, is ... well, bad style.

  2. I admire your life goals, Oxi. Sounds truly awesome! :) But you have to realise this is not the dream for everyone. What makes life good/successful can't be determined by how hard it is to acheive. For some, raising a family is their true goal in life. For others, it's developing the definitive cure against cancer. None of these goals are "better" than the others. It's all about what YOU want from life.


    So yeah, I think this award should be measured by who seems to have achieved most of their own life dream. In which case Mokong seems to be the best candidate for this year's winner in my eyes.

  3. Thank you. I enjoyed it too. I think adding more of a storyline was a good idea, not that it had a huge effect, rather the varied roles and overall outcome of the game made it great for everyone, for the most part.


    Its a shame Diageo died so early though. He really does supercharge the thread with activity.


    I did enjoy it, but I was attempting to make a joke ... look at the first post. ;)

  4. Above posts quoted for truth. If she is indeed as intelligent and awesome a person as you make her out to be, she'll make the right decision in the end (i.e. come to you, if that was not clear). You are an awesome person, and it sounds like she would have been quite unable to miss this obvious fact. :)

  5. And from my favourite Christmas film, the Muppets Christmas Carol, filled with many great tunes but the one by The Ghost of Christmas Present always gets to me, probably something to do with the Tiny Tim bit that follows it too as that part (no matter which version of A Christmas Carol I watch) always chokes me up a little :cry:



    Quoted for effin' truth! :):weep:

  6. We only have a thin layer of snow here, but we have some friends in the other end of Denmark on the small island Bornholm (which is almost behind Sweden) who are literally covered in snow. Their whole infrastructure has pretty much been down for the past two weeks!

  7. Is that all you have to say for yourself? If so I'm afraid I'll have to vote for you again.


    Almost word for word what I intended to post. Well, except for the "again" part. :heh:


    Vote: MadDog


    (Oh, and just to get it over with. Yes, I have a double vote. No, I am not mafia.)

  8. Just to get this straight - the Colonial sympathisers are good and the Cylons evil?


    And what the heck is a Centurion? Some sort of robot?


    Anyway, I don't think I trust ReZ. His story is possible, but a townie having to order a kill every night? That just doesn't sound right to me. Jayseven being a defecter from the apparently evil Cylons who was ordered to kill sounds a lot more plausible to me.




    Lynch Vote: ReZourceman

    President Vote: jayseven

  9. Well, there were many dragons, both good and evil, so there's no saying you would've worked out the dual dragon types earlier. We were definitely lucky at some points, but in the end, pretty much everything went wrong for us.


    Also, I'm glad ReZ is finally mixing things up with the types. It was just a wee bit too easy to identify mafia before when their type had been revealed.

  10. Not poor, no. She's a very compelling writer, actually. But she does do that.

    Also, she writes good, but ain't even one of the top 200 writers if we're being honest.


    Also, I only used "" around career to upset you. :p


    I know, I know. And I'm a fool for taking the bait. :p

  11. Its the JK Rowling school of story telling! Get your characters into the place in the story that you need them any way or any how, don't worry about if the how makes any sense.





    On what do you base this?

  12. Something strange is afoot. See, I may actually be one-legged. My role description does not state that I am, but upon looking up my character, it appears that I am actually one-legged.


    However, I can assure you that I did not target Diageo, nor do I have any sort of killing powers. I am one the side of the town, i.e. the main crew of this ship.


    At the moment MadDog appears to be our best lead, but I wish to hear more from him before casting my vote.

  13. still, it really isn't a religious holiday for most Finns at all.


    Neither is it for most Danes. We do have one crazy priest, though, who is infamous for preaching the idea that "nisser" (elves) are actually domestic demons (which they are if you're a hardcore Christian), an idea that clashes very much with the modern idea of elves. He even hanged an elf in front of his church! But some modern day vigilante stole it and hid it. :heh:


    Unless they are aspiring linguists, language teachers, or just plain interested in psychology or personal development ;D


    Like us! ;)

  14. I suppose there is still a constant presence of Jesus throughout the month though. A lot of traditional cards will show the nativity scene, shepherds following a star or an angel or something. Also most primary schools (at least when I was at school) will have the kids re-enacting the nativity.


    I think it kind of washes over the majority of us. We know originally Christmas is supposed to be about the birth of Jesus and that's probably why we are very against any proposed name change. My Dad (not particularly religious himself) gets annoyed if they use Xmas instead of Christmas on TV or in newspapers. The problem is that Christmas is so widely celebrated even by non-christians that some people are worried about offending other religions.


    The reason Christmas even exists is because however many years ago the church decided the 25th of December should be a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus. So even if it's just an excuse to give and receive presents we accept that the actual day is supposed to be about Jesus.


    Here's a difference between Christmas in Denmark and Christmas in GB/US: Jesus, the Nativity Scene etc. are not even on Christmas cards over here. We don't make plays about it, either. There really isn't much CHRISTmas left in Christmas over here, except for a bunch of the traditional Christmas songs/hymns and the tradition of going to church at Christmas.

  15. I've tried to lead by example. I don't mind just thread ripping but too often people talk about two thread-worthy things. I'll just start to copy/move posts. I was just a bit annoyed last night because we had a page of really diverse things to talk about, but the OP hadn't expanded very much. I saw potential threads in them.


    Nolan - M11x shipped (no idea what that is) - angry shipping thread

    ipaul - Slept in for lectures, found out they were cancelled anyway. - 101 reasons why sleep is better than everything else.

    -Plane tickets arrived for me to go home this evening. - Where have you been in the world? We've not had a travel thread.

    nightwolf - uni over - Uni flies, huh? A brief essay on how uni has changed her so far, and a question posited to other uni students to reflect on their years at uni.

    Fish - job offers abroad - What's it like working in these countries? or just generally asking what the countries are like

    will' - Food/mates night - What do you and your mates do? - summarise any routines you have with your bestest mates, or how often do you see your mates.

    Paj Meen Ah - ... - drunk/whipping already exist :P

    Cube - last day of work this year - How do you plan to finish 2010?


    and so on, and so on. Anything can be a thread, but the best threads are the ones that give info to begin with, then ask an interesting question that is worth answering. People should see a new thread as a chance to really talk about themselves, in the OP especially.


    If a new thread is a bit hmmmm it'll still get a few replies and the OP would learn from it. If it gets locked or gets no replies at all then that's another matter - but if I thought it wouldn't generate any discussion (e.g. it was just "I just woke up." in the OP then there's no element of discussion, merely a statement) then I could just move it to this thread.


    I just think that people are missing out a little.


    I'm certainly not disputing any of this. I'm saying that you can't expect a locked thread to mean a whole bunch of new threads. It's all fine and dandy locking threads that seem to be sucking up potential discussions, but I fear that that simply means those discussions are lost entirely since people are still reluctant to make threads they themselves deem unthreadworthy. Some of the comments people have made about considering making a thread, but then deciding against it, certainly seem to support this theory at least to some degree.


    All in all, what is needed is a change of understanding of and attitude towards threadmaking. We have improved since The Great Thread Lock, but there's still some way to go.

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