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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. It's Christmas here in England and I doubt that will ever change. Even if people here aren't Christian they will still likely give and receive presents on Christmas Day.


    I don't personally believe in Christianity or any religion but Christmas is just a day where you give and receive presents. People associate it more with Santa than Jesus nowadays. It might be quite different within Christian families but I think we generally keep to the idea of peace and good will fed to us by countless Christmas films and tv specials.


    For me, Christmas really is just an excuse for presents.


    Yeah, I don't think people care about the etymology. Christmas is Christmas. Besides, it wouldn't be the first time the meaning of a word has deviated from its original meaning. Heck, I don't care about the etymology of Christmas. Calling it "Yule" in English seems strange to me. :heh:


    The modern way of celebrating Christmas/Yule is a lovely mishmash of Christian and non-Christian traditions, anyway.

  2. a new thread making this point would be a ridiculous idea.


    See, I just fear this is the general mindset of people. I fear that people simply won't make a new thread about whatever they have on their mind, meaning it'll stay in there. Several people have mentioned before (even after The Big Thread Lock) that they didn't think something deserved a thread and thus didn't make one. I know this is what you've been trying to change, but changing how the forum works and changing people's mentality are two different things.


    What I'm trying to say is that I don't think locking this thread will change all that much. I just think it'll mean less insight into people's lives. Not everything we do is thread-worthy, yet that doesn't mean we don't want to share it.

  3. Is it not the postal/delivery peoples fault as opposed to Amazon?


    Here's an amusing story....I went on the LEGO website, and it said to guarantee Christmas delivery you have to order before midnight on the 16th December.


    Change region to US, and it says to guarantee Christmas delivery, you have to order by noon on the 23rd December. Its funny how such a small region is so shit in comparison to such a large one!


    It would indeed seem like the respective postal services are to blame.

  4. I'm pretty sure that it's a one-off. Royal Mail got loads of new staff working at the Scottish Distribution Centre yesterday, so it seems they got the massive backlog sorted pretty quickly.


    I agree, I've never had problems with Amazon before, and I've ordered from them lots of times. It does intrigue me, though, why most of you are simply getting your orders late while my order is not even estimated to arrive before January 3rd! :(

  5. Well if Brawl came before Melee, it would have been Melee features with Brawl physics. A recent Melee would have had Brawl features with melee gameplay. Brawl's unpopularity is largely due to them taking out the ability the combo and turning it more into a party game. At least with Melee you had hidden depth which gave fighting fans a chance to learn how to play competitively. People play Brawl at tournies but it's just so samey, it doesn't reward different playstyles.


    You're missing my point entirely. I'm saying that I believe a lot of people prefer Melee over Brawl simply because it came first, regardless of differences. If we assume Brawl came first, ignoring any changes this would have had on the games themselves, I believe some of those who prefer Melee would be saying the same about Brawl.


    I'm not denying that your points are valid, just that you're missing mine.

  6. Funny you should say that because Sukarai posed that question in a recent interview in Japan.


    If Melee had come after it would be in MLG straight away without a question and I think it would have been by far the most comprehensive game that team could ever make. He said he considered Melee the 'definitive' smash game whereas Brawl was more about levelling the playing field (It's on the Wii so it makes sense). He even somewhat apologised that we won't get another smash game like Melee which was much more focuses on being a fighter because it was 'too hard' for most people.


    Well, I did mean the Melee as we know it now - not taking into account how it would have been different.


    Anyway, as with mostly anything, the creator's thoughts on the matter are by no means definitive.

  7. Indeed. Surely there's repetition and recycling of characters, stages etc, but that's the part that surprised me the most: despite all of this, somehow the devs managed to cram in so much new stuff, that at least I had no trouble in enjoying the game. Also, I have hard time remembering what Melee was even like anymore, apart from the image of it being just Brawl Lite...


    This kind of thing is always down to opinion, anyway. :) (Not that I wish to reignite the discussion about the subjectivity of quality. :heh:)

  8. Well, I think you're not realising that players who fulfill their win condition and survive, get an half point extra over dead "winners". I'd like to think they contributed to winning too, that's all, this is how I like to show that. If you did realise this, and really object, and others do as well, I can reconsider that.


    I personally really like this part of the gameplay. :) I never really cared for the "dead people get no points" thing, but it was the easiest to go with. ::shrug: I applaud the fact that you incorporated it into your advanced game template. :)

  9. Yep!


    The levels did nothing to improve on Melee's, they were either bad clones, or just poor in general... literally the only level I liked was the Wind Waker one, the only one.


    And I thought the new characters were aweful, plus they wrecked a few Melee ones!


    Most of this is mere opinion, though. I thought a lot of the levels were brilliant and offered metagames previously unseen, like the Mario Bros. and WarioWare stages.


    In any case, I think it really comes down to opinion what game is best.

  10. I think Brawl is better. It's just the more comprehensive game. I think people prefer Melee because, well, when Brawl came, no matter how harder, better, faster, stronger it was, we felt we'd seen it before.


    Imagine this: What if Brawl had come before Melee? Even ignoring the obvious gap in content, I doubt many people would choose Melee, then.

  11. Ignoring the raw perspectives of human selfishness/selflessness for now. I hate that kind of discussion.


    I think this "hero upbringing" project could be something good. I've always defended that anything wrong with any sort of society can be traced to its education/values system (by which I don't mean schools or anything like that. Just culture and moral values), so an effort made to improve society from the root is welcome.


    The central point nicely summed up and wrapped in pretty paper. :)

  12. If I see something I want online cheap (such as the recent new vegas bargain) I tell my mum where to get it.


    I suppose that's a step up from Ashley's "this is what you got me for christmas".


    You're missing my point. My parents don't know how to/don't feel like shopping online. Despite not being strangers to modern techonology, they're not exactly up to speed with a lot of it and probably never will be. Thus it's easier for me to get those things myself and make a wish list of things they can get me through their preferred channels at the same prices I could get them myself. It's the smartest tactic any way you look at it.

  13. Haha yeah, the Harry Potter shit was a bit eye roll worthy, but I donno, I think the purpose of the thing was to just create a register of people, fictional and real that have a tendancy to act "selflessly." Of course, I don't believe that there is any real thing such as selflessness, since everything you do and believe is moderated through the self. If you act a certain way, it is first and foremost because you have been trained to associate pleasurable or positive feelings with that action.


    And yeah, Achilles was a bit of a shit head most of the time.


    But I think this is exactly the points of this project: To associate positive feelings with "heroic" actions. Whether this is "true selfishness" or not is not actually not that relevant. It's about changing inherent negative traits in human beings.

  14. Genuine surprise at the number of people buying themselves DVDs/CDs/games/gadgets in mid-December.


    It's quite logical in my case, really. Most of the stuff I am interested in getting I can get online cheaper than in stores, and since my parents don't shop online, it's silly for them to get those things for me. Besides, I have two well-paying jobs, so money isn't an issue for me.


    Anyway. It kind of loses all respectability by lumping in Harry Potter with people who actually made a difference and aren't a fictional little twat. Or at least in my eyes.


    He's better than Achilles, I reckon. Most Greek "heroes" were actually arrogant, selfish twats who were just skilled on the battlefield.

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