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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I think its interesting you say escapism is about going to a happier place. I quite merrily escape to Neptune, California but lord knows I wouldn't actually want to live there.


    I escape into my own little made up worlds too. It has its uses as its easier to fall asleep thinking about that than the real world.


    This is indeed interesting. What are your reasons for dreaming yourself away to California, then?

  2. I don't like Santa Claus, in my opinion, lying to children about Santa Claus is detrimental towards critical thinking, promotes materialism and conditional love, undermines parental authority and promotes escapism for happiness instead of finding real sources of happiness, like family and interesting hobbies.


    I personally don't have anything to add to the Santa discussion at the moment, but there was an aspect of it that intrigued me and which I thought called for a thread of its own.


    Escapism. Reading a book or watching a film set in a "perfect" world where the bad guys are dealt with in the end and everyone lives happily ever after. Dreaming yourself away to a place where the bills are paid, your job is fun and you have your loved ones around you. Imagining yourself as a superhero or a successful [insert dream profession here].


    What are people's thought on the concept and its varying degrees? A healthy break from the real world? A harmless part of the human psyche? A detrimental attachment to delusions?




    You presume that "quality" is an attribute independant of human interpretation. As if quality is some sort of Platonic abstraction to which worldly things conform to in varying extents. I think this is kind of ridiculous, since a work of art is made entirely to be interpreted. Therefore, any qualification of worth of a work of art that situates its "quality" outside the interpretation of an individual must necessarily be socially arbitrated; ie. a things worth is quantified by its overall value to society. Of course, my use of the word "arbitrated" was not coincidential, since social worth is entirely arbitrary, and subject to the discursive shifts in the zeitgeist through time; what is valuable to a society is contingent on the attributes of that society in any one moment in time, which is something that you can never ever holistically determine. And regardless of all this, society at large is not a sentient mass, its value is placed in the individual, who begins to differentiate from the moment he is born, and is thus evidently going to have a different nuance in perception from everyone else. To impose objectivity is to homogenise the individual, and take away the qualities that give them worth in the first place.


    Quality, or worth, cannot be situated outside the individual. Of course what you can do is get an idea of that persons socio-ideological position by virtue of the things that he comes to associate himself with, including works of art. I can get an inkling of a persons attitude towards the idea of love (as well as a whole host of other things) from whether they prefer the film Lost In Translation or Twilight for example. Of course, this assumes that we shared correlating interpretations of the two films, and didn't come to entirely different conclusions. The whole system operates on assumptions and analogies. And we all analogise differently because we've all had different experiences. About now, I assume you can see the lack of surety and finality there is in any work of art.


    Sorry dude, I really used to agree with you. Unfortunately, nothing that pertains to interpretation can ever be anything other than subjective. I think your ideas of quality are dependant on the verdicts of conoisseurs and critics of the specific mediums that you're talking about, which is fine and good, but a far cry from objectivity.


    Why do you think Ulysses is often classed as the best book ever written by literature scholars? It because the vast array of research that can be done into it eclipses that of practically any other text, and this is really the only (although not entirely) quantifiable measure of its worth (and even then, only to a very specific group of people). Everything else is emotional interaction. I guess if you situate worth in the amount of people that have an emotional response to something, then you're taking a populist stance, which we both know the shortcomings of.


    Inevitably, with art, there is no black and white, only infinitely expanding grey area, which is what makes it so great. Because the possibilities for exploration, interpretation and debate are almost endless. Hell, I just came up for an analogy between Call of Duty's multiplayer and the American middle class, but that doesn't tell me anything about some inherent quality the game has. Only that my brain is odd.


    Sorry for the long post, and also for the retarded language. Was writing an essay and this comment is just sort of a mental overflow from that.


    It's amazing. The day has come. I have never agreed this much with you before, and I never thought I would. You have expressed exactly my thoughts on the matter - except, you know, in a much more advanced way than I could've ever hoped to. :D

  4. Having read up on Saul Tigh, I don't believe your power is correct. I don't understand how he would identify people as cylons since he didn't even know he himself was a cylon at the start, and apparently it is almost impossible to tell the difference between a cylon and a human.


    Vote: Dannyboy


    ::shrug: I dunno, it's what my power is. Maybe he has learned to identify Cylons after he found out himself or something?

  5. Why did Princess Diana cross the road?






    My job is so fucking unbelievable. I'll try to sum it up by first telling you about the folks I work with:


    First, there is this supermodel wanna-be chick. Yeah, okay, she is pretty hot, but damn is she completely useless. The girl is constantly fixing her hair or putting on make-up.

    She is extremely self-centred and has never once considered the needs or wants of anyone but herself. She is as dumb as a box of rocks, and I still find it surprising that she has enough brain power to continue to breathe.


    The next chick is completely the opposite. She might even be one of the smartest people on the planet. Her career opportunities are endless, and yet she is here with us. She is a zero on a scale of 1 to 10.

    I'm not sure she even showers, much less shaves her "womanly" parts.

    I think she might be a lesbian, because every time we drive by the hardware store she moans like a cat in heat.


    But the jewel of the crowd has got to be the fucking stoner. And this guy is more than just your average pothead. In fact, he is baked before he comes to work, during work, and I'm sure after work.

    He probably hasn't been sober any time in the last ten years, and he's only 22. He dresses like a beatnik throwback from the 1960's, and to make things worse, he brings his big fucking dog to work.


    Every fucking day I have to look at this huge Great Dane walk around half-stoned from the second-hand smoke. Hell, sometimes I even think it's trying to talk with its constant bellowing.

    Also, both of them are constantly hungry, requiring multiple stops to McDonald's and Burger King, every single fucking day.


    Anyway, I drive these fucktards around in my van and we solve mysteries and shit.


    Brilliant! :D Though calling her a 0 our of 10 is ridiculous!





  6. hey drungken thrad how are you

    ! U;n not allowed to use the backspae so I can't ocrrect the obvious mistakes.


    M... Let me tell you about my day. I want... I WENT shopping! It was good. I buo...bl... bought a bunch of shit and i have no idea hw ... who will get what presnt ub... but I figure that someone will appreciate wjhatever it is i get. I'm on the dole so i anticipate that most people will think iw on't be able to afford decet ... decent gifts for them HOWEVER my philosophy is one of self detriment. S o I've spent loads on everyone because i fee the... FEEL the gifts i get them will be wanted. However because they expet me to be all opoor and su... stuff they'll get me more lmited stuff even though they can afford more"! so when it comes to the exchange theny... then they will fieeel bad for onot spendig enough and i will feel bad that they clearly dont know me well enough to get me decent shit.


    I hate christmas. I am going into de t... devt b... debt because I'd rather buypeople stuff they'd like then be reserved with my money, and that was meant to be a full stop.


    I remember the christmas when I spent more on po..one rpresent for a family member than clearly eevery one put toghetehr had spet... spent on me. It shouldn't be a big deal but it was a feeling noticable in the air. And I'm going to do it again this year. This christmas is going to be shit. Except for my dad's presents. He was supposed to go on hik... hok... hok... hOLIDAY so entrusted me with his bag o' gifts for the family. That bad... bag has two presents in it. As he left for the airport (without knowig he'd be back in a few hours) he told me htat THIS bag was my presents... My bag has lik e 6 presnts in it all for me. So on o.. top of all the guilt my family will jhave when they see their dole son spending so much on them they'll then see that the father they all hated hsa chosem CHOSEN ME as a favourite, of sorts. All the niceities in the world will make for a pleasant aura, but the truth in the eyes of all around m,e will make it clear. I fucking hat ebeing so aware of the eyes.


    Fuck that shit. End of post.


    The way you correct your mistakes makes for a very vivid image of a drunk guy telling this story. Highly entertaining.


    It is rather sad, though. :( Cheer up, Jay! :)

  7. Ooh, just remembered a story which I always tell people, but forgot it was relevant to this thread.


    My mum once announced that she was pressured into having a kid (IE Me). Great announcement to make on Christmas day.


    I wish I was lying about that.


    Well, then you're living proof that people produce better results when they're under pressure. :D

  8. Are you even going to try to defend yourself?


    Sure, if there's a need for it. But the posts made by Nintendohnut confuses me. It seems he's confusing the games. I wasn't evil in the Pirate Mafia, I'm not evil here, but I guess there are elements of my roles in each game that might make me appear evil. I want to know what I'm actually defending myself against here.

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