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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Not really read thread, but I'd like as much of my organs to go to good use if they could(maybe not my liver, lawlz) and then the rest of me cremated and my ashes spread somewhere awesome though I'll be honest I'm not sure where that is yet.


    This is pretty much my opinion on the matter as well.

  2. After not having had much snow for a while now, we suddenly had almost a snow storm in my part of Denmark this evening. I've just been looking out at a thick layer of pure, undisturbed snow which is lit by bright moonshine. Simply beautiful. I tried taking pictures, but it proved impossible to catch the beauty of the moonlight.

  3. Scroll scroll scroll yawn scroooooll.


    You're an idiot. I will lie to my child at every opportunity possible. I will enjoy their naive stupidness. I WILL TEACH THEM THAT THE WORLD LIES. And I will enjoy doing it. They will be awesome because of it. Fuck santa clause, I'm gonna have A SUN GOD that my kid prays to each night. If he forgets then I'm gonna change his clocks and freak him the fuck out.


    I can't decide who of us (if either) you agree with. :heh:

  4. I'm not making a fuss. People are directing their opinions towards me.


    That's open for debate, though. "Fuss" doesn't mean the active debate about it, "fuss" means that we believe you're making believing in Santa out to be something bad and undesirable when really, I don't think it's much of a problem either way if you believe in Santa or not.


    Honestly, I couldn't care less if people play along with the Santa mythos or not. I believe they're perfectly able to raise their kids well either way. I'm just debating the arguments you make, which I don't agree with or believe to be true.


    But I think we've exhausted this discussion. I think we've both said what we wanted to say.

  5. It could hurt, it could undermine the parent's authority. If Santa is a higher authority than the parents, and the kid believes he is being good, even when he isn't, that undermines the authority of the parents. Santa itself only gives presents to good children, so the children only want to do good because of presents, and when they do something bad, they feel scared to tell anyone, they don't want to lose the presents, they feel guilty but don't tell anyone. That's conditional love. Parents should give unconditional love, not conditional love.


    Delusional thinking that makes people happy, you think that is all right. If you were going to lose your foot because of diabetes, would you like people to tell you? Or would you want to live in oblivious bliss?


    The point I'm trying to make here is that Santa is a active deception. You are lying, you are making them believe in something that isn't real, instead of letting them imagine their own things. That's forcing an idea. You give false evidence for his existence, and the children believe you. I would rather not do that.


    So you equate keeping the Santa Claus mythos alive to bad parenting? Come on, any parent can be a bad parent - that has nothing to do with Santa Claus. It's all about how you use the Santa story. And your previously used media argument is invalid since a lot of the stuff we get from the media is bad. There's where the parents have to properly raise their kids.


    I don't see anything wrong, but a lot of good things about a little escapism. But the example with diabetes is over the top and irrelevant. This discussion was never about that. This is about letting children keep their innocent and imaginary outlook on the world. "Deception" carries connotations of bad intentions, but it's the complete opposite: Parents are playing along with the children's imaginations and thereby strengthening the childlike naïvety and innocent outlook on the world that a lot of adult could use some more of. Why do you reckon Forrest Gump is so popular? Because it provides us with this innocent naïvety that a lot of people have forgotten, but miss.


    Also, most children's imaginations will be based around stuff they've seen or heard, anyway. I don't see a problem with them not having developed that idea themselves. The kids who have an imagination active enough to come up with original ideas will do so anyway. I don't see them becoming better at that with parents constantly reminding them to live in the real world instead of playing along with a classic and successful mythos.

  6. And they don't need Santa as an authority figure, they have the parents. The parents should be the most important authority figure.


    My biggest gripe with your arguments is that children don't need to believe in magic and that they'd somehow be better off if we didn't "deceive" them.


    Sure, they don't need to believe in magic, but why would you take that pleasure away from them? Hell, most of what we as adults enjoy, we don't actually need. What's wrong with a little escapism, especially when you're a kid?


    Sure, the parents are the most important authority figures, but it doesn't hurt to learn authority from an imaginary character, especially when that character is the perfect authority figure. Imagination is a great way to teach children about life exactly because it's more "perfect" than the real world and thus more suited for teaching principles.

  7. First of all it was one of several reasons.


    And second, you wouldn't see it because everyone believes in Santa, it's not like you have compared.


    I wasn't angered or annoyed when I found out Santa wasn't real. It's not about finding out, I don't like the deception. You go out of your way to deceive the kids, you make it seem like he's real. You're tricking them, you may think it makes them happier, and it might, I just don't like it.


    I wasn't traumatised by santa, I only started thinking about it recently. And found a theme, that parents use mythical beings to discipline, cheer up, etc. to their children. And I think it's pointless.




    Isn't that Dialga? :yay:


    Well, that's your opinion, then, and you're entitled to it. But claiming that it has any negative effects is a pretty bold statement, especially when you don't have anything to support it with.


    Also, I don't see why it's pointless. Nothing that can cheer people up and make them happy will ever be pointless in my eyes. Besides, do you expect children to be able to understand why something is right and something is wrong? Children need to learn about authority before they are mature enough to reason for themselves. Otherwise they become little brats with no respect for other people and an unhealthily high opinion of themselves. And Santa is a great authority figure because he is the embodiment of love and kindness, something which kids like and will want to respect.

  8. More settled now but i've been told to keep off dairy products and to increase water intake but hopefully *touch wood* things are sorting themselves out in that department; now all I have to worry about is the constant aching throughout my body and making sure I take in a little bit of caffeine so that this oncoming headache will subside as I'm starting to suffer from slight withdrawal symptoms.


    Withdrawal symptoms? From what?

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