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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I'm awesome. I can get lots of hot chicks. I'm awesome. I can get lots of hot chicks. I'm awesome. I can get lots of hot chicks. I'm awesome. I can get lots of hot chicks. I'm awesome. I can get lots of hot chicks.



    It's not working...


    There's a difference between self-confidence and arrogance. And it doesn't exactly work like that. :heh:

  2. I think I'm doomed to stay single for the rest of my life.


    I've been there. The sooner you realise how silly and untrue that is, the sooner you'll start feeling better about yourself and be able to score all the hot chicks. The quintessential element is self-confidence. :)

  3. Okay, while it may seem minor, this has been the worst thing in my life for the past few days or so: I have bitten myself in the cheek right where the upper and lower lip meets, and it has developed into a ... what the devil is it called in English? A small, infected area of some sort in the mouth. THAT. HURTS. LIKE. HELL. Almost no matter how I move my mouth, it hurts like absolute fuck, and don't even get me started on eating.


    Yeah, I know, I really shouldn't complain. :heh: But seriously, OW!




    Ah, lameness. I've been waiting for a delivery today. Fuckers lost my address even though they dropped off a missed collection notice yesterday and they have a parcel with my name and address on it that needs to be delivered. :indeed:


    Ooh, I hate that. And you have to wait till next day to collect it.

  5. Our oldest cat has dementia or something, we suspect. She occasionally gets "fits" of some sort where she gets extremely hyperactive, runs around the house and seems scared. Her pupils are very big, so we also suspect she might simply have problems adjusting them to the light, distorting her vision and thereby scaring her.


    In any case, it's a very unpleasant experience. :( Since she was originally a stray cat (who was used to humans and thus perfectly tame), we don't know how old she is, but her life has evidently worn her down, so we don't expect her to live very long anymore.


    Our previous cat we had to have put down because (and I'm not kidding) he had an infection in his gums, making him unable to eat. He had even survived a somewhat serious neural disease not long before, so it seemed like some kind of cruel irony of fate. A sister to one of our current cats was hit by a car (the only of our cats who has ever been hit by a car, surprisingly) and killed. This still makes me sad since she was so beautiful and elegant. Completely black, thin and long-legged with a shy, gracious nature. She may just have been my favourite of our cats. :(

  6. Yes! We open our presents Christmas Eve in Denmark as well. Christmas Eve if the culmination of Christmas here. Christmas Day is the day when everyone just walks around the house in their morning robes, enjoying the presents and the leftovers and the candy and the baked goods etc. etc. :heh:

  7. Ah yes, the holidays are also good, but they would still be there without Christmas.


    You don't need Christmas itself for any of those really. New Years would be just as good.


    It's a question of traditions and associations for me. So many happy and joyful feelings are ingrained in the rituals we perform every year at this time. :)

  8. I just conversed with Kristina from Abney Park about the order that never arrived. It turns out they had had issues with shipping, but now things should be in order again, so they're sending me the signed CD I ordered, and they're even throwing in another CD for free to make up for the trouble! Not only are they a great band, they're also really awesome people! :D

  9. I think what annoyed me most about it was - similarly to Cube's reasoning - at the time of it playing, the radio at work was stuck on '1' and it just seemed to be horribly overplayed like a lot of pop music tends to be.


    Radio stations ALWAYS overplay songs. That's why I don't listen to radio.


    As for "I Whip My Hair", the verses are pretty good in the classic catchy pop song style, BUT THE CHORUS OH MY GOD THE CHORUS IT'S TERRIBLE PLEASE KILL ME AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!

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