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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I really can't redo the toothpaste one though. I used j7 everywhere else :(


    This is all I have to say on the matter (from the fourth BISH): ;)


    Judge fussing!


    goaferboy; your bish with the retro consoles is non acceptable. You need to be in the picture. The picture of you as Frank isn't clearly you, so I'm sorry to say I can't accept it right now...


    Dannyboy; the dan-likes-trees thing is precisely what I was saying to shorty in the car, so that's fine, but I'm afraid you will have to do your full username in fruit/veg, so I cannot accept that.


    The mousetache is something I'll have to ask the original BISHer whether it's acceptable or not. And while I can accept the frying pan, I do hope that people do more crazy things :P


    But seriously, though, I'm not really that fussed. Still, you're far enough ahead for me to be a bit nitpicky, methinks! ;)

  2. I can't see the Twilight photo anywhere, have I missed it? :hmm:


    Never mind, I found it. If you say it's Twilight, I believe you.


    I don't think any of us would cheat, but it's all about the challenge in getting the photo right. ;)

  3. I can't see a name on the "inapprorpriate greeting", and your name in toothpaste really should be your whole first name or username, shouldn't it?


    Just nitpicking because you're being too awesome at BISHing! :p

  4. Just to clarify, evolution doesn't spring from a need. It's a common misconception. All genetic evolutions are entirely random. We just get the impression that they're deterministic because we only see the direct line. Tonnes of mutations were disadvantages, and even some animals with genetic advantages just got unlucky.

  5. If anyone tried to kill you, you said you would bite the apple.


    And it doesn't prove anything, just because you don't know.


    Read things properly. Biting the apple would remove me from the game. I'd still win if the town wins, but where's the fun in that? I could choose to use it any time I wanted, but not after I'd already died. Otherwise it would only come into effect when my sidekicks were active, i.e. when I had voted for a successful lynch.

  6. What I'm saying is.....and you know I'm the first one to cry foul play when Paj/OW/etc say "oh this is good....good isn't subjective" or whatever, I understand the love for Smallville....I completely understand it, I'm not getting at you for that. I am saying that the acting isn't good....acting is the immitation of life....its not really something that is disputable over quality. Certain people for example Nicolas Cage are highly debatable (I personally love him, think his acting works in certain films and is shit in others) but thats all context.



    But yes, I've only seen 10 hours or whatever of Smallville so you are partially right in that I don't know what happens in the whole course.


    But different people can still have different interpretations of and opinions on how well a character is believably acted, can they not? It's all in our minds, I'd say.

  7. How does being a frog protect you from being killed?

    And if you had the power to not die anyway, why take this one?


    1) No idea. ::shrug: Which proves it's not something I'm making up. I'd make something up that actually made sense.

    2) I didn't have the power not to die before? Where are you getting that from?

  8. That proves it, if you became the frog on night 2, and are shown up higher in the write-up, you couldn't have targeted Sméagol.


    So you must be lying.


    Also it could be Jafar, but it wouldn't make sense for him to turn people into Frogs. He's the only bearded magician. Except maybe from that Swan princess film, but then frog wouldn't make sense again.


    I targetted Sméagol and was then turned into a frog later on I assume.


    Or Cube's reverse tracking reveals only intended targetters, not actual targetters.

  9. When did you become a frog Dannyboy?


    You seem to forget the fact that Cube won't die if you don't give him love.


    Do you see how Dannyboy made it that if EddieColeslaw is townie, you're the one getting the blame Nintendohnut? Even though it's probably just him lying.


    I became a frog the second night. And I'd rather give my love to someone I fully trust rather than someone I don't fully trust.


    And I wouldn't be surprised if I'm the one who get lynched if Eddie turns out good. I accept that. I'm not trying to pen it on Nintendohnut since I actually trust him by now. I'll kill him if he's actually lying, though. :heh:


    I told you Dannyboy the Shadow Man.


    He only has a moustache, yet is described as bearded, and he doesn't exactly look old to me.

  10. The fair woman looks upon the bearded man. She senses something awry, but she can't put her finger on what. He seems slightly too forceful, for such an aged man. But what does she know of magicians?


    Not wanting to miss out on such an enchanting offer, she nods her head, and places her delicate hand upon the table.


    This is from the write-up of night 2. I believe this is me accepting the deal. Any idea who this magician could be?

  11. I'm not sure it was Diageo's was with Hades, the tone of the write up was totally different to that of the resurrection of Dazz (I am the girl who was offered to bring him back by Hades). His seemed more mystical if you read the write up.


    Oh. But him having to get a townie lynched is so Hades-like. Now I'm definitely confused and trust neither Diageo nor Dazz.

  12. I'm not mafia, you've killed me once before, isn't that enough. All I want is love.


    You want a townie to die because you want Tarzan to have another word. I'm a little boy, with Winnie the Pooh as a friend. How could I be evil?


    Yet you've been ressurrected through a deal with Hades. Not trustworthy at all. Besides, we don't know if loving you will actually save you from your fate.


    I will roll with Lynch: EddieColeslaw, in the hope he is mafia don. If he isn't Dannyboy is highest on my suspect list.


    Are there any disney films that have frogs in apart from the recent "Princess and the Frog"?


    I was actually thinking it just was a generic fairytale element, but it would make more sense if it had a Disney connection. But the one transforming people into frogs in Princess And The Frog is evil, right? Yet me being a frog is more an advantage to the town. I dunno, maybe these offers are not character related? I have no idea.

  13. So either you're some kind of genius, or that's all true.


    I so wish I was actually lying now! :p


    I'm willing to trust it for now and go


    LYNCH: EddieColeslaw


    If he's town, you have some explaining to do :P If he's mafia, well then I don't know what my power does :)


    If he's town, I am as clueless as you about it all. :heh:


    Well, sure ok. As long as someone dies today. vote:eddiecoleslaw


    I reread my PM. And it said Winnie tells me which character is more influential. So which character did most of the work. So I don't know if any of them are bad at investigating, but I wouldn't assume so since we already have a bad one.


    Since we're lynching a mafia, can I please have love? Maybe it could break this curse and so I don't have to die tonight. It's worth a shot right? over Cube getting one more word?


    I'd rather go with Cube. While your story is entirely plausible, I can't help but worry that there's more to the deal than we know. Maybe you're actually mafia now, but still need to lynch a townie in order to complete the deal with Hades.

  14. I was away all night yesterday and have only just finished reading through the thread now! I will follow up with my opinions in a second ...


    Right, I'm now officially CAF (Confused As Fuck). At the moment I think I believe both Dohnut and Diageo, actually. If Dohnut has been lying all along, I'm never trusting him again! :p


    Anyway, I have already told my side of the story several times. Yes, I targetted Sméagol the night he died. I was then a protector against silencing, roleblocking and misdirection, basically against all negative effects except killing. Since then I accepted an offer to be immune from night kills, but in doing so I was turned into a frog and thus lost my powers as a sacrifice.


    As it is, I think it's safer to go for Eddie since he's practically a confirmed mafia and has been extremely reluctant to come forward with anything.


    CHANGE LYNCH: Eddie Coleslaw


    I also figure I might as well come forward with my role since I am only in danger of being lynched and have no powers that can be roleblocked. I am Snow White. Besides my protecting powers, I could at any time choose to bite an apple and fall asleep, removing me from the game and tying my fate to the town (if they win, I win; if not, I lose). My sidekicks were The Seven Dwarves. Whenever they came into play, I would not die from a killer's attack, but bite the apple instead. But all these powers have been removed by my frog-ification.

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