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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Diageo... if cube only knew 151 pokemon it would make his claim even MORE risky as to his knowledge there is only one choice.


    btw... there is a yellow winged bug pokemon Mothim. Would fit with a "spore" thing but "folded" his wings sounds more like a bird.


    We've already solved the mystery of the spores. They didn't come from Zapdos.

  2. Whoa, missed a lot there. I'm also pretty confused, but Cube definitely seems the most suspicious to me. Having two Zapdos doesn't seem like something ReZ would do since he's pretty into the Pokémon universe. He has of course completely fucked us over before, though ... Still, Cube just irks me the wrong way. He's so adamant about gmac lying despite all the info seemingly backing up the gee-macster. Also, his power "messing things up" just seems like an awfully convenient way out of being revealed.


    Vote: Cube

  3. Ninjas use everything, since there is no such thing as (nor has there ever been) a ninja style of fighting. A ninja was pretty much a stealthy mercenary, who could use whatever the hell he wanted, they had no code. Although most ninjas probably used smaller weapons, yeah (to keep it stealthy, yo). :santa:


    Right. I was referring to the pop culture ninja in particular, though. :heh:

  4. Wind (10 points)



    Something daily I like and dislike (10 + 10 points)


    (I hate going to sleep in the evening and have trouble falling asleep, but I also love staying in bed in the morning and just snoozing, so I thought this was a creative way to combine the two BISHes.)


    MySpace picture (10 points)




    The fifth element (20 points)


    (The fifth of the classical elements, aether or αἰθήρ, meaning "clear sky".)


    Dragon (20 points)


    (From a comic book version of The Hobbit that I have.)


    Something I have been avoiding (20 points)


    (Writing the study plan for my English class.)



    Points in total: 600

  5. I can't help but love Arnold, especially when he tries to play a normal human being and not an action hero. There's something ... endearing about him. :heh:


    Also, for inexplicable reasons, I really like the Ghost Rider film despite thinking it's not that great a movie.

  6. It's been snowing pretty much nonstop all night and all morning, I think. The world's been turned into a winter wonderland. I took some pretty pictures early this morning that I'll probably get up at some point today.

  7. You can always redo them, together with the sellotape one. :wink:

    I'll do the sellotape one again if it is ruled not valid, but the snow one were simply too much of a hassle to do again right away. ;)

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