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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. A couple of 'best' moments;


    Played 2 games of chess with mike1988somethingorotherheneedsanewshorternamelol:P on facebook, really glad to get going with chess again and both games were really interesting.


    I listened to Bill Bryson's At Home to and from a trip to a pub a few miles away, where I was given an official invite to a murder mystery my mates are organising. I was astounded by the level of quality they're going for. Initially when they said they wanted £15 for the evening I was a bit put off, but they've really gone all-out -- I received an in-depth bio of my character, of the era the mystery is set, etc, and a proper explanation of the evening.


    Not only will 11 of us be playing a murder mystery but we will be served a 3-course meal of fine food accompanied with a CRATE of wine (and then some). It's sounding like a fantastic night. And during all this I'm catching up with old college friends and it all feels like 6th form all over again. A very good day for 'seven.


    That sounds incredibly awesome, Jay! :D

  2. It opens a link in a new tab. If I didn't have the middle mouse button then I'd have to go through the colossal inconvenience of having to reach all the way to the Ctrl button.


    Psh, I do that all the time! I'm a touchpad pro! No mice for me!

  3. Most of what he said didn't really seem that ... groundbreaking to me. He's definitely right, but there weren't really any revelations in it.


    Coincidentally, I read something the other day about how the human brain is extremely unattentive to details and actually fills holes out itself. Like if you take a quick glance at a room, you might not have the faintest idea what's actually in there. But the brain will fill the room with stuff based on what it expects to find. Thus you're likely to completely miss something out of the ordinary because your brain can't be arsed noticing it, instead just painting a general picture of the room as it perceives it, be it messy, tidy, etc.


    I just think it would make an interesting sociological experiment to see how these people come to develop a sense of sexuality solely through the lens of, like, Sonic the Hedgehog or something.




    Yeah, but I'm not freaked out on the level of individual people, I'm slightly baffled by how they come to accrue and internalise these esoteric cultural phenomena and associate sexual gratification with them. I think it reflects something on society that people are, in fairly sizeable populations, fetishising the same things, that are in fact based on shows, like Digimon or Pokemon for example, which are aimed specifically at children. Are these shows deliberately sexualised in nature? What is it about them that causes this response?


    Then again, think of a fetish and I guarantee there is a website enshrining it somewhere on the internet.


    I have nothing against fetishes, I'm fairly weird about sex myself, but if there's no part of you that finds furries funny, then your funny bone is busted.


    I completely get what you're saying. :) And sure, furries are funny, but isn't sex itself a pretty funny thing, even not counting fetiches? :heh:

  5. 5 consoles (10 points)



    Gonna fly now (10 points)



    Hairy and scary (10 points)


    (Zombie cat!)


    Flashy (10 points)



    Magnetic (10 points)



    Sleepless (10 points)



    Earth (10 points)



    Shorty is awesome (10 points)



    Your (my) mum (10 points)



    3 editions of the same book (20 points)



    Drinking alcohol (20 points)


    (While it may not look like it, I am in fact drinking it - despite disliking it.)


    Treasured childhood toy (20 points)


    (My most beloved Pikachu plushie!)



    Points in total: 320

  6. Abney Park's newest album, The End Of Days, was released in the middle of October, yet I still haven't got hold of it. I managed to get an order in for one of the first 10 copies off the press, numbered and signed, yet the sheer amount of people online for the midnight release caused the site to crash. I managed to get my order in before, but had to send a reminder to them since the order hadn't gone completely through to them. I wrote to them, and they shipped my CD off.


    This was exactly a month ago yesterday. Still not having received anything, I've given up and acknowledged the fact that it's most likely been lost in the mail. I wrote to them, and they said they'd send me a new signed copy. But I'm still very bummed that I didn't get my numbered copy, seeing as I already have a signed CD by them.

  7. I agree with jayseven's sentiment. While I certainly haven't been here for nearly as long as other people, I've still been here for more than 3 years, now! I signed up because I had followed the main site for some time, having missed a proper source for European Nintendo news up until then. This was back when it was called Revo-Europe. When the site was relaunched as N-Europe, I think that was when I decided to join the forums. In the beginning it was strictly for the Nintendo discussions, and I didn't move outside the gaming boards. Yet somehow I started going into the general boards, and as I did, my relationship with the forums and its inhabitants started to change. It moved on from being a place to discuss Nintendo stuff to being a community, a social circle of people I genuinely cared about and thought of as friends. Today I rarely set foot in the gaming boards since I don't have that much of an urge to actively discuss Nintendo stuff anymore. I'm still a gamer at heart and a Nintendo fanboy (the term here being used with the most positive connotations), but to me N-Europe is much, much more than that. It's become a part of my life. If I'm offline for a few days, I start to get anxious because I'm not keeping in touch with the forums. If I someday disappear for good, especially if it's without any explanation, you can trust that something big and drastic has happened in my life.


    This place means a lot to me. And contrary to popular belief, it has not had any negative effects on my offline life (besides reducing the amount of time I spend there). If anything, it has improved my offline life, and the people I've got to know from here over the past years have helped me evolve and improve as a human being, simply by being different than the people I know in real life and offering me something new. They ... you have played no less part in shaping who I am today than people in my offline life, and only for the better. For that I thank you.


    To N-Europe! May it continue to prosper for many years to come!



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