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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. "Dies"? You mean if I target her? I hardly think that would be the case, seeing as I'm supposed to protect her. Though I do admit I'm not entirely sure what will actually happen. I assume something like me setting up traps around her room, protecting her when she stays in, or something to that effect. Maybe she'll be protected for good, I dunno.

  2. I lend my sword to your endevor. I dont think there can be too many mafia left and with a potential mafia roleblocker dead in Tales I should be able to protect the princess for atleast one night before I die.


    Should the princess come forward I vow to protect her with my life.remove Vote


    I thank thee. :) Though as soon as the princess comes forward, I'll be able to protect her myself, so you're better off protecting someone else. Besides, if someone else protects her, it may prevent me from getting to her.


    My role is to protect my target - but not just from kills. Anyone targetting my target will be roleblocked.


    My point exactly.

  3. Danny: Why don't we just wait a few more days/nights before we get round to that? You have to understand that ultimately it's your word we have. I am inclined to agree with you based on how you and the princess are described in the first post, but I think we're better focusing on other areas right now.


    It's all fine by me. I completely understand people having doubts about me, and my only reason for bringing it up is that in a few days, the town may already have won. I'm just worried I won't find the princess in time/she'll be dead before I can get to her.

  4. I'm not even accusing you, I'm giving out some ideas. The fact your getting defensive makes me worry about you.


    Being vocal if you're in the mafia can be good for you to blend in with the other vocal townies. No one can investigate you because of your traps. Make up that princess stuff to explain your killing powers early before someone finds out and your golden, no?


    Who wouldn't become defensive in my place? From the get-go I knew it was risky coming forward with my role, so that's why I'm a bit worried about getting accused.

  5. While the presents and cards are cool the best part is Birthday wishes via Facebook, it's nice to know Friends are thinking of you.




    Quoted for truth. It's amazing how loved one feels. You wouldn't think it'd mean that much.

  6. Exactly, she may not even be a player, and you're just using it as some sort of cover for your killing powers.


    Sure, and the British royal family may actually be lizards in disguise. You're drawing som farfetched conclusions without anything backing it up. Why would I attract so much attention to myself and even revealing my killing powers if I was mafia? It's a very weak theory.

  7. Sha-zam!



    It's teaching English to very young children as a second language, if you're wondering.


    Very entertaining to watch. :D You have great pedagogical skills. :)


    I'm wondering, though: How much English do they know? Because the way you focused on words like "red" and "trousers" seemed inconsistent with your English in general in terms of level of difficulty.


    (Fun fact: I was unable to properly type out "difficulty", instead typing "fiddiculty", which is just a plain awesome word.)

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