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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I try to do them all on my own as a challenge. ;) Plus I don't know who I'd dare reel into the madness that is the world of N-Europe. :heh:


    But yeah, I sort of agree that "the past" should be something else that's creative. I don't mind particularly, I just want to see what original ideas people can come up with. :)


    No, I think the opposite. Yes I do. And not just any sexual fetish, the one where these freaks have somehow managed to cultivate part of their brain to make it sexually responsive to images of furry cartoon characters. Yes Danny, it is weird, it is the definition of weird. Don't come on here and try and tell me it doesn't hurt anyone, because I do often think about what goes on behind all the closed doors in my neighbourhood, and the fact that it could be this shit really freaks me out. The fact that it doesn't hurt anyone is besides the point, cause it sure as hell doesn't mean I can't poke fun at it.


    You always seem fairly defensive of fetishism. Why is this? Care to share?


    Since I'm autistic, I've always been "different". I was luckily never teased for it, but it's made me quite defensive of people who fall outside the norm. To be a bit blunt, why the heck do you care about what other people do in their bedroom? Maybe you are just poking fun at it, and you know I'm totally for that. But it sounds like it's something that's bothering you, and that I'll never be able to understand.

  3. I wanted to act on it, but people seemed to think that it meant that the person who stole it wanted to use it for evil.


    This was one of the things I never understood why people misunderstood. It was clear from what was said that it was the original owner of the map that wanted to use it for evil. But I didn't really care all too much about that. :heh:

  4. Anger (10 points)



    HIYARGH (10 points)



    SD card on forehead (10 points)



    Don't even think about it (10 points)



    Foreign money (10 points)



    Innuendo food (10 points)



    Backwards coat outside (10 points)



    Face down on grass (10 points)



    Ice (10 points)



    10 books by same author (10 points)


    (I hope mangas count.)


    Recipe for disaster (10 points)



    Before and after watching Comedy Rainbow (20 points)




    Autograph (20 points)



    (Couldn't fit both the autograph and the cover of the book in the same shot. I hope this is all right.)


    N-E emoticon ::shrug: (20 points)




    Points in total: 170

  5. As I said earlier, I have no idea when I'll get around to do the Harry Potter one. I haven't been in a mafia making mood since the Colour Mafia, and I'll even let someone snag the Harry Potter theme if they really want to do that particular one. So you have my permission to skip me, ReZ. :) Everybody has that permission for the time being.

  6. No to your dead twin brother.




    When you appeared as talking in the "we" form in the last night's write-up, I figured it was someone who must be a bit mental, so I thought maybe you just wanted revenge on the princess as your twin's death was her fault or something.


    That or I thought it was ReZ talking about him and his cat. =P


    I really had no idea what the "we" referred to. I think Jonnas just meant that I wanted to "have fun" with you guys as the sociopathic Scotsman that I was. :heh:


    Oh, and Allen Quatermain FTW! :D

  7. Indeed, jay, the music made this even epicer! :D (That is now a word, yes.)


    BTW, Danny, what was your character's reason for wanting to kill the princess?


    She would make a fine trophy in my hunter's collection. ;) Basically I was a borderline psychotic hunter. :p Oh, and remember my twin brother? Yeah, the Blacks Masks didn't kill him. I did. :heh: In order to get close to the princess. ;)

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