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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Dannyboy: Firstly, Cube isn't actually a dragon type pokemon, he's Gyarados which is a water/flying type which can learn dragon attacks.


    Hence the type/species. Besides, Lance had dragon Pokémon that weren't actually dragons, so it's not out of the question. And he's still acting suspiciously if you ask me.

  2. I have a number of suspicious people. Cube is a dragon now, which, if ReZ is still sticking to his one type/species mafia concept, makes him a potential suspect. Plus he keeps behaving suspiciously. Diageo is also acting pretty suspiciously and have apparently lied about not being mafia, and Sméagol claims to be the storm cloud that's killing people - but why would he willingly reveal that?


    At the moment I think Diageo is the best suspect.


    Vote: Diageo

  3. The best thing that happened to me today was that, through channels I have yet to fully figure out, the classes I normally substitute had found my YouTube channel and seen my less than stellar contributions to the N-E Band Aid. Embarrassing? A bit, perhaps. :heh: Entertaining as fuck? Most definitely! :D

  4. I looove chess! :D


    ... But I'm not very good at it. :heh:


    I learned the game by playing Lego Chess. Fantastic game, that was. :) Later I got a great beginner's book by Daniel King.

  5. Nope, because you need to take a photo of a camera taking a photo of a picture of a mirror, not just a mirror.


    Unless you choose to interpret "a picture of a mirror" as a mirror image as a mirror. Which is up to the creator of the BISH to decide, I guess. Or jayseven, perhaps.

  6. Yeah I think we mentioned that when we first started the new map, not sure if its an actual design choice or we just got really lucky with our original city location.


    It happens generally with the new design. I'm not too pleased about it. I preferred exploring natural caves. :(

  7. And I'm 200 miles away in a snowless Aber doing (should be anyway) shitty essays when I'd love to be back home in the snow. And Dan has the audacity to complain.


    To be fair, he did miss out on boobies. Not even cyber boobies, but real life boobies.

  8. ^ How is Winnie The Pooh not a Disney Classic? Plus the game is set in the land of Destino, a (relatively) obscure short made by Disney in collaboration with Salvador Dali.


    So not just the classics.


    Sorry, my bad. I just double-checked it. Winnie the Pooh IS a Disney Classic.

  9. RIGHT!


    Sorry I'm late to the party. I know understand what's been going on. It's indeed correct that I targetted Sméagol last night since I had figured he was Pocahontas. I am - or rather was - a protector from silencing, roleblocking and misdirection. Too bad I wasn't a protector from killing as well. :(


    Anyway, I trust Cube and Nintendohnut the most at the moment, which is why I'll say


    LOVE: Cube

    LYNCH: Diageo


    (Though I do enjoy these games of charades. :heh:)


    At the moment I believe EddieColeslaw is the killer of Sméagol, so that's hopefully two mafia scumnags down.

  10. I do it on principle of judging music as shit, which almost always comes in the shape of Justin Bieber. It could easily be Cheyl Cole or Lady Gaga or whoever. I will defend the subjectivity of music forever.


    So will I, but I often can't be bothered when I've had the same discussion before with the same people with only frustration for both parties as a result. :heh:

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