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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I know I've been terribly inactive in this game. Today I've become sick and have thus not really had the drive or the mental capacity to participate. Besides, we haven't really had any good leads, and this reduces my incentive to play, I'm afraid.


    Regarding the questions posted about my role, I am pretty in the dark about it. I simply choose a target each night. What power is used appears to be random, and I'm not told what power has been used (unless it's part of the power, like an investigation). I'm not even sure if I appear in the write-ups. As to your point about the three victims, Sméagol, it can't be me, as I can only target one at a time. My heads "take turns", so to speak.

  2. I went to the local cattery today! I'm getting a little tabby, it's 10 weeks old. :D


    I don't think I could work in a place like that, my heart would break every day. There was a little kitten around the same age, which had really poorly eyes :(


    Yay! Kitteh get! :D


    But yeah, I could never ever work a place like that, either. :(

  3. It's not just that it's all based around a game, but the whole videoing and youtubing of it all. Sure, go ahead, do a silly geeky proposal all you like, but by putting it out there like that, just why? It's an open invitation for the world to judge and be honest, the majority aren't going to judge it favourably, are they?


    Maybe, maybe not. In any case, that's the world's problem, not theirs. :)

  4. Not all girls are like your girlfriend, though (if that is what you were getting at). I bet there are plenty of girls out there who'd prefer something small and personal rather than something expensive and potentially clichéd.


    And even if video games play a large part of their lives, how is it sad? If they're happy with their way of life and still well-functioning human beings, I really don't see any problem at all. Just because their life style is not to your tastes doesn't mean it's necessarily bad. :)

  5. I still reckon the girl will be bitching to her girlfriends for years about what a cheap ass proposal it was though.


    Well, I can only say I think you have a rather generalised/prejudiced view of women, one which I do not agree with.


    Maybe, but doesn't that make it even sadder?


    Why would it be sad?

  6. What's the hurry?


    There is none, really.


    None at all, actually.


    The train of thoughts set off by that simple remark helped me see things a bit clearer. Thanks, jayseven! :)


    Oh, and a proper congratulation is in order, Diageo! :D

  7. Danny; don't you dare just say "hey listen, I really want to tell you something. I like you." If you're going to be 'honest' about it then just don't be blunt. Just take your time, try and do more stuff with her more frequently.


    The thing is I don't live close to her, so we don't get to see each other that often. It'll be better when I move closer to her in about half a year, but who knows how things are looking then? I know being blunt and rushing things is hardly the best way to do it, but I'm not exactly a master tactician at this game. Basically, any advice will be welcomed with open arms. :heh:


    Also, I have no idea if she knows, thinks about it, feels the same, is unsure or just plain in the dark about it. All I know is I like her and have been building a fairly good friendship with her for a while with attempted hints at more than friendship that may or may not have been obvious to her. Some of my close friends have detected it, but has she?

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