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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Speaking of roads, when on a motorway did anyone used to picture a person running alongside the car? I used to do that all the time but I can't remember who the person was, could have been me. My brother did it too so now I'm curious.


    I always imagined a small guy, maybe Sonic (I think he's the only one able to keep up :heh:), running along the car on the fence, jumping and running over trees, poles and other obstacles.


    I still do occasionally. :heh: I think platform games have done this to me! :p

  2. My friend had to put one of her rats down a few years ago. I went with her, and on the way we took the rat out at a park and just let him run around for a bit. Was an odd day.


    That just played a note on one of my heartstrings. Must've been hard.

  3. Hey hey, I don't have negative stereotypes of Mormons. I love the fudging Mormons!


    Don't tar me with your Mormophobic Danish brush :p


    Who said anything about you having negative stereotypes? And who said anything about negative stereotypes about Mormons? You're putting words into my mouth, Ashley! :p

  4. I once tried making a small toy plane disappear in my sleeve by magic. When it slipped down into a fold in my shirt and I couldn't see or feel it anymore, I really thought I had magic abilities. I was very disappointed when the small toy plane fell out of the bottom my shirt a few minutes later.

  5. This is quite the honour, honestly :blush:




    Heh, I was undecided between Supergrunch, Ville and Dannyboy, and you guys just have to worsen my indecision :heh:


    I am pleased by this. :) I, too, find that I often agree with Supergrunch, though I did not feel worthy enough to compare myself to him. :blush: We do indeed seem to be a little foursome of like-minded people. :D


    The idea of a chart is not bad, though it would probably require some more work. Moving the idea to general chit chat would probably be a good idea in that regard.

  6. I never said authoritarianism and socialism go hand in hand. I never even implied it.


    Sorry, this was me making a naïve leap to a conclusion. :)


    You're missing my point a bit, people who call themselves Libertarians nowadays nearly always mean economic Libertarians. Which in turn means 'leave everything to the market' 'welfarism is evil'.




    Like I say it shouldn't mean this, it did always mean socially liberal positions, keeping check on authority, that sort of thing. It still does, just now it tends to mean the other stuff as well. The free marketeers appropriated the word for their means, tossers :P


    Noam Chomsky calls himself a Libertarian Socialist I believe, pretty sure Tony Benn does as well. But if someone calls themselves exclusively Libertarian, they will likely be antithesis to socialists.


    Ah, then we agree completely. :) It's a distinction I am very specific about since I myself have very libertarian views while being a socialist.

  7. I feel I should point out that Libertarianism encompasses more than just the social aspect of the relationship the citizen has with the state. One of the defining ideals of 'Libertarians' (if not the ideal) is the belief in a market based economy with little to no social welfarism. The increase in fees for students is exactly the kind of thing that a self professed 'Libertarian' would advocate. That said I agree completely with the sentiment.


    A little pedantic I know but hey :P. According to Noam Chomsky the word didn't always mean what it does now, but free marketeers sort of appropriated it and began using it in that way. I have a feeling it's also a slightly American definition.


    As for the story, shit is messed up. I honestly thought the Tories would be more socially libertarian than Labour, but apparently not. This type of thing seems to have become far too common place.


    Um, I'm no expert on the subject, but as far as I'm concerned, libertarianism and liberalism do not necessarily go hand in hand, nor do authoritarianism and socialism. They often do, yes, but I'm pretty sure there are groups of libertarian socialists and authoritarian liberalists.

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