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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I liked the TV bits. I'd like to see more of this. Although you may need to be a little more creative as spitting at the wall when a possible innuendo is said will get old.


    On the contrary, I actually liked the continuity created in this episode by the callback. It's like the Comedy Rainbow universe has become just that bit more substantial. But yes, mixing it up would be a nice idea. I think that's what you need to do with Comedy Rainbow in general, ReZ. Be a bit more creative with the concepts you have got going. Renew them. Experiment with them. I certainly believe them to have potential.

  2. The counterproductive joke made me laugh a bit, and so did the step race joke.

    The lactose intolerant joke made me smile a bit.

    Wile I didn't find the battery hen joke funny, I have to compliment you on the drawing. It's great.

    The nein joke made me smile a bit as well, but that was a sympathetic, forbearing smile.

    A small smile was also cranked at the pierced ears joke.

    I laughed a bit at the second spitting at the wall joke, not so much because I found the joke itself funny, but because I liked the continuity in it.

    You pretending to cry was a terrifying thing to watch! :heh:

    The music video I was actually fairly impressed with! It wasn't sung and synced equally well all the way through, but when it was good, it was pretty good. :) The video was pretty decently made as well. It was just a bit too long. Remember that our interest needs to be kept, so nothing should be dragged out too much.


    Outtakes: Tetley's cameo was cool, and people falling over unintentionally is always entertaining. :heh: Was the magical appearance of toilet paper in the music video itself? Because I didn't see it, but it looked pretty slick.


    The rest I didn't find funny, I'm afraid. :(



    There are accusations that some of my christmas hat photos were taken pre-this-Bish.


    I want you to listen to me, I'm gonna say this again....I did not take these photos before this Bish started......these accusations are false, and I need to go back to work for the American people. Thank you.


    I neither see how nor why you would do that.

  4. I watched that video and have to say, some of it I just don't agree with. He rightly says that with our attention, we generally fixate on a single item because we can't process more than one at a time. This is kind of true as we can only perceptually fixate on a single item and properly process it whereas trying to do it with 2 or more increases the likelihood of selective information processing and contamination of said information resulting in inaccurate or incomplete memory. Yet, we do receive and, you could say, subconsciously process the fringe stimuli from the various sensory modalities as if you test people on this kind of thing, i.e. to fixate on something, they'll still be able to give information on things other than the fixated stimulus but just not in detail, as the guy in the video said.


    However, he went on about how the compartmentalisation of the perceptual field, the real world, is to the detriment of our species. The way he was talking about it was as though it was something new but compartmentalisation has been part of the way in which we as humans process the world around us for decades, perhaps even longer. It's how we've evolved. The eye is specifically designed so that it primarily fixates on one object, in turn compartmentalising the world to make it more comprehensible. It's how our ears work as well, as studies have shown that if you tell a participant to fixate on the sound coming into the right ear while playing a different sound into the left, they will only be able to recall that information because that is what they've been primed to look for and it is what they'll focus on, blocking out the stimulus in the left ear (although this will be subconsciously processed as small bits can be recalled). As such, it explains why we often 'miss' certain things around us.


    It's hardly to the detriment of humans to compartmentalise the world because if we took it as his 'wiggly world', we simply wouldn't be able to comprehend anything we experience; we'd be overloaded with information about each and everything single item resulting in a figurative brain melt, or even literal damage to the brain due to excessive blood flow as a result of trying to process everything.


    It is worth noting, however, that neither intelligence or attention are understood fully. Intelligence doesn't simply refer to learning, as you seem to be getting at Jay (if I've got that wrong then apologies). It's an encompassing term which refers to the collaboration of various functions and systems (problem solving, visuo-spatial abilities, learning, thinking, etc.). Similarly, attention is an ambiguous term which, in terms of human psychology, hasn't been explained or given an accepted definition.


    And as for whether a person can change, it's all about interactionalism and gene expression as a result of environmental influences. For some people, it's not truly possible to change who they are, any changes simply being superficial, but for others, if they meet a certain environmental condition, it's interaction with the physiological aspects of our being result in changes in our genes which can result in change. Although, it's perhaps less likely to happen in later age.[/wall of text]


    Isn't the video guy's approach to the idea more philosophical than biological, though? About how we should be critical of our own world views and the ideas we hold as truths?


    And when we're talking about people changing, I don't think we're talking on a genetic level, either.

  5. I was out on the town and had tremendous fun last night (read: I was drunk). I always get so merry when I'm drunk. I just find everything funny. I so wished I had a computer with me at the time so I could post in here (I remember even trying out my typing skills on an air keyboard! :p), but by the time I got home I had sobered up. On the plus side, that meant no hangover for me today! :D

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