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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I personally see the scenario of a confirmed murderer needing to find the princess so he can kill her more likely than the scenario of the confirmed murderer needing to find the Princess (who is currently safe in anonymity) in order to protect her. Thats my reason, and I don't think you'd blame me from my perspective.


    Not at all, I completely understand that reasoning. It's the reason I was hesitant about coming forward in the first place. I'm just surprised you still believe I'm neutral/evil rather than neutral/good.


    Anyway, a lot of people are after Zell. Why is this again? Has he simply been inactive or ...?

  2. I am afraid that some of my new ideas do not quite work in a Gentlemanly world. A new setting will be needed, but I am still undecided...


    Post-apocalyptic world, or Nordic Mythology? Vanilla, or with source material?

    Either way, do not put me in the queue until the Gents are finished.


    Post-acopalypse and mythology themes both sound awesome. I'm sure you'll do well! :D


    Anyway, I just came in here to say that I'll be gone for the weekend, so please excuse my temporary absence in the mafia games.

  3. I'm pretty sure whoever is Vader, that they'll be much more than a roleblocker. A role like that would be rather degrading for Vader.


    Yet Yoda is nothing more than a mere double voter. I don't think that argument can be used.


    Anyway, I'm still completely in the dark about who I should vote for. I'll happily go with whoever ends up our main target for today.

  4. Cheers! :grin:


    I'm assuming they're in their first year of learning with little exposure beforehand (as the average student age will be about 7). At their level, they're not meant to understand what each and every word means, only the phrases. The vocabulary being taught here are colours (as a recap, as they would have learnt them very early, as well as the word "colours") and clothes, as the main focus.


    There was a demo video done by one of the school's teachers, which I based the level on. Some of the competition literally copied it out right, or made far, far to complex lessons. I hate to sound mean, but all the bad videos I've seen are done by Americans... :hmm:


    "Fiddiculty" is indeed an awesome word - I'm so teaching my students it!


    Ah, I see. That makes great sense. :)


    I cracked up at that video. You'd make an excellent children's tv presenter. (in the best possible way). Good video, man.


    I have been eating cereal (asda's own brand honey nut loops which I highly recommend) whilst listening to Blue Oyster Cult and The Zombies. A positive end to the day.


    Exactly! I knew it reminded me of something! :D You're going to be the next star of a children's programme, Fish! ;)

  5. Danny; my logic being that Ell's suspicion yesterday was in not voting for Paj, while Cube has been identified in teh write-up but not referred to as a jedi when wiki clearly says he ought to be. 'The Smuggler' and 'The Gambler' are surely han solo and calrissian - they're not jedi, hence the description. While they're probably not evil, I just think that Cube is lying about his character, and I don't think Maddog would be that varying about his descriptions. I understand that Jonnas has some backing now, but I would again rather we had a fair trial and heard from all candidates before we shoot first. Why waste this chance of pressure?


    Just wanted to hear your reasoning as I was unsure of it. :)

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