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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. But chair started saying nothing even when accused and we assumed a silencer. Turned out he was mafia.


    But chair is usually active. I have never seen gmac being active in a mafia game, and I haven't seen him participate in this game at any point, so I don't think he's necessarily a scumnag lying low, and thus I don't want to vote for him in case he's the very one I have to protect.

  2. Well gmac has had plenty of time to come out as a princess. Its also not like we've (you've) arrived at the name randomly, we've listed all people, he is one of the few people we know nothing about.


    And Danny, proposing he is the princess, the only way you can (win?) is by targeting him anyway. *Shrug*


    Has gmac even viewed the thread? I haven't seen him online, so I don't really think he's following the game at all. Also, what does him being inactive have anything to do with ... anything? He could still very well be the princess, and if we lynch him, I can't win with the rest of you. :(


    Oh, and I've already explained why I don't go around targetting random people. I want to be sure who the princess is.

  3. Thanks, guys :) It's good to know that my little experiment (that is, more flavour, less wackyness) is working well. The high amount of posts and activity means I have so much to keep track of, though :heh:


    By the way, a couple of things:


    -The current day will end Wednesday night, and the following night will last 24 hours, not longer. If you have a tight schedule, you may send your PM earlier (as in, during the day) so you won't miss out.

    I have a good reason for this suddenly arbitrary schedule, and I will explain things in their due time;


    -I was going to ask you this at the end of the game, but there will be so much more to talk about then, so I will ask now, since it doesn't affect gameplay, and I'm curious:

    How many of you genuinely noticed my name on the player list, during the first day?


    Didn't notice it at all, though I noticed the pecularity in you leaving the house in bold and staying neutral. Not very common for a mafia.


    Anyway, I love the game to bits as well. Best mafia in a long time for me. :) Just the flavour text and atmosphere alone are pulled off so well. I loved how you described ReZ's editting of his post. :p

  4. You are certainly a peculiar individual, Diageo. :heh:


    If chair was disguised as Rez the night before then he would have been the one punched right? But that was Rez.


    Danny you definitely targeted Rez? And went after chairdriver instead? I wonder if it was a random chance for going after chair or rez, say 50:50, to allow for you "seeing" one of them first.


    If we assume that chair disguises himself as the last person he targetted (which I don't think in the case), he would not have been disguised as ReZ the night before. He would have been disguised as whomever he targetted the night before that night.


    I definitely targetted ReZ, but I got a PM telling me my hit was succesful, but that I did not hit whom I thought I had hit. The rest was revealed to me when I read the write-up.

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