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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. How many times do I have to say this.




    But didn't you yourself claim earlier that you were immune to nightpowers? I recall you saying it was quite awesome that you only had to worry about getting lynched - which has become quite ironic in the present situation.

  2. What if last night, the mafia actually targetted Chair, and not ReZ?


    What are you talking about? This makes no sense. The write-up clearly states that "a friendly gentleman" killed whom he thought to be ReZ. Instead, he hit chairdriver, whom I assume disguised himself as ReZ to make investigators who would likely target ReZ come up with an evil result. It's rather obvious, I'd say. In fact, I trust ReZ completely for this very reason.


    It's like you have a desire to kill me that you're starting to see things. Nintendohnut claiming I deleted a post is just one example.


    To be fair, though, you have to admit you're quite the aggressive and fairly provocative player. Your behaviour even has insulting tendencies from time to time. While it may not be fair, such a behaviour will attract negative attention. Remember that you yourself was pretty relentless in trying to get ReZ lynched.

  3. From what I can gather it was the detective's assistant who noticed a complexion. Ell was the doctor's assistant.


    Dude.. you're killing me.


    Disregard everything then lol


    withdraw vote




    This is like a quadruple merged post now but aren't you dead? ;P


    Yes, but the law never dies! :p

  4. HeroJan has just informed me that it is indeed possible. I just assumed it wasn't as everyone always said, "oops triple post" etc, and wehenver I triple/double posted, no one ever told me to delete one.


    However I never deleted anything. Nintendohnut, either something freaky is going on with you or you all pulling out anything out of your bag to try to make me look bad.


    Since mods like jayseven can see deleted posts, we can easily see if you actually did it or it's just a mistake.

  5. Just to clarify, I was reading Nintendohnut's post. I refreshed, and then I saw the extended post.

    I don't think it is possible to delete posts by one's free will, so I'm assuming it was a technical error.




    Vote Standings


    MadDog (1): Jayseven


    Cube (2): MadDog


    gmac (4): The Peeps, Cube, Diageo, heroicjanitor


    Diageo (2): Ellmeister, Nintendohnut


    (9 is the majority)


    If you click "Edit", there is a Delete button on the post. I think I remember having delete a post before.

  6. Is it possible to have the automerge function completely removed? It's annoying in mafia games and actually a possible way of cheating without getting caught, and elsewhere most people just edit their original post if they want to add something to it.

  7. Oh I know Dannyboy, you don't need to tell me! It's just especially frustrating considering how little evidence I was nearly lynched for yesterday.


    I'd like to clarify that Diageo just deleted a post. I posted, then read his post, then posted again and suddenly his post went a away meaning that I had instead create a double-post. Which I didn't want to do as it was a separate post. You can see my original post in danny's reply above, before the additions.


    Then I posted another to explain this. I hate the automerge sometimes.


    Yes, the automerge is frustrating, especially in mafia games. In regular conversations, most people just edit the extra text into their original post, no?


    In fact, I'll go ask about it in the forum's official Question thread. I've actually been meaning to for a while now.

  8. I've come to the recent conclusion that winter has become my favourite season. The cold and the darkness, while potentially depressing by itself, is in my head associated with sitting indoors in the warmth, drinking hot cocoa and reading a good book or something equally cosy. Also, in my head, cold/dark weather and Christmas seem to be fairly inseperable, meaning I've been in a Christmas mood since the middle of October - and I frakkin' love Christmas! :D

  9. Well you don't have to, but I don't see why you wouldn't.


    I'd like to explain again, There were a few quotes and posts in quick sucession, one of which included you saying something about it being unlikely that he gave me pills in a flask (something I also found odd). In my head, for some reason, this was you saying you had also received pills. Don't know why. Add to that the fact that Cube later said something along the lines of 'Diageo is a tea giving person', and as I have explained, I haven't been following this mega-closely, which made me think Cube had received tea. BAsically I got really confused about things, and it added to my theory.


    That said, my point still stands. Why wouldn't you believe me? I have pretty much been confirmed good (I'm in the write up doing a friendly act, I am mentioned as having a nice chat with a handsome man, and as Cube has since commented in the thread to say this was him, and hasn't said "OMG HES EVIL VOTES FOR HIMMMM!!!", I would assume this is what he found. I have no reason to lie. Why would I lie if he gave me anything? There is no reason.


    What I would say is that you could possibly be right that it wasn't his fault, but I doubt it. I understand that he may have been redirected or whatever, however I received a PM which confirmed everything in the note in the write-up, except for what Diageo did and later claimed. As I didn't receive pills when the person is clearly me, I think it's an alibi for him. Which is why I'm relatively sure it's not a mistake on his part, or a redirection or whatever.


    Either way I'm sticking with my vote for now. I want to hear from Diageo to see if he can explain himself. I would also like to know why people a) think I would like about this b) haven't questioned the fact that he cannot be targetted at night, which to me is extremely fishy and something that would work well as a mafia power, and c) are so willing to jump to his defence. As always, I'm becoming extremely suspicious of everyone.


    If there's a valid explanation I'll remove my vote, of course, but I don't get why people aren't even willing to apply pressure when yesterday I was two votes from a lynch simply because I had been busy. That's not what the game is about.


    A summary of my feelings at this moment:


    I'm getting a bit annoyed in this game. If I don't contribute I get two votes from majority and have to defend myself at length. If I then contribute and suggest reasons someone may be evil, people say that I'm lying for no reason at all. What should I do, just come into the thread to vote for whoever everyone else is voting for, then not say anything else? Would that make me less suspicious because I'm going with the majority? No, forget my info/hypothesis, it's probably better to just vote off someone who has only posted twice or who another player who posts a lot has picked at random (ie Rez picking me, Diageo picking gmac etc) :indeed: [/exasperated]


    There is a reason for why we suspect you of lying, seeing as it's a possible explanation. And you have to get used to unfair suspicions. They happen all the time - trust me, I know. :heh:


    Anyway, I'm still very unsure at the moment. I'll follow the discussion some more before making up my mind.

  10. So even though you noticed it did, you still didn't change it... That doesn't really help your protest of innocence now does it - especially when all you had to do was change the word "her" to "the" :p


    That said, I do like the update itself.


    I felt it was more accurate to specify whose friend zone I was talking about even though it was obvious from the context. Besides, I liked the sound of the semi-innuendo. ;)


    Though thinking about it, calling that the friend zone would imply she sleeps around with all her friends, and that's certainly not the case! :p


    But thanks, Captain! :)

  11. I'm not entirely sure there would be write-up-changing powers in a game where the write-ups are so sparse with details in the first place. Seems unfair to the town. Also, Diageo is generally always hyperaggressive in these games, so it doesn't prove much.


    Despite these minor points, he still comes off suspicious to me, so I'll throw in a vote for now as well.


    Vote: Diageo

  12. The girl I'm interested in liked my status on Facebook from Dear Blank, Please Blank:


    "Dear Ladies,

    We aren't that hard to find. We're in the friend zone, right where you left us.

    Sincerely, Nice Guys."


    Now I'm not as worried about slipping into her friend zone. (That last sentence sounded a bit innuendo-like, though this was not the intention.)

  13. If gmac turns out mafia we need to go through all votes and check who....say the first three people to vote for townies/mafia split is. I'm sure we'll be able to draw some information from it.


    But you know me, ReZ. I'm a naturally hesitant voter. I don't vote for people unless I have good reason to.


    Yeah this is curious. I think it may just be Jonnas, giving us some kind of "write one random occurrence into the write up" just in case we lose(lost) an investigator or somethinngggg.


    The thing is, Jonnas is the gatekeeper and remains neutral. I believe it is a player's power to leave a note of what he or she found out about the target - apparently who targetted the target. Going by the colour, I'd suggest it was Daft, but he's not in the game. :p

  15. I can confirm that I was targetted on night 1, but my visitor was caught in my traps and thus presumably didn't succeed in his or endeavour. I do not know who it was, however.


    Ell, you say you found out chairdriver was tracking me. As it appears from his death description, he was able to find out stuff about others AND disguise himself. Therefore it would make sense that he was disguised as Cube on night 1 while investigating me, right? This would make the notes accurate again. (Except for the fact that it doesn't mention "Cube" (actually chairdriver) being caught in my traps - but perhaps the notes only reveal who targetted the notemaker's target?)


    Do we know who the notemaker is, by the way?

  16. Right, so the Black Masks are the mafia and the nobles are the town. No other groups appear in the write-ups. However, if we are to believe that the three Black Masks confronting Princess Olivia in the beginning and Joseph Baldwin the Thief (originally Diageo) are the only Blacks Masks around, surely there has to be second mafia? Three mafiosos in a game with more than 20 players are far too few.


    I still wonder about the role of Princess Olivia, but right now I am very curious about the gentleman with the tennis racquet ...

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