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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I'm confused.


    I'm not surprised. People are joking around with the idea that you're an infamous former member who was banned. Rokhed was the most manly man you could imagine, yet one day he found out he wanted to be a woman. He crossdressed and whatnot, and that was all fine, but at the same time he became a real troublemaker, always seeking confrontations and causing arguments and trouble. In the end he was finally banned.

  2. Okay then, who would actually be up for a winter meet in Newcastle?


    I'm not just saying this cause I live near, but it's a great city plenty to do, next to the beach etc.


    Who's with me?!


    Winter swimming?! Fuck yeah, I'm there! :p

  3. I think using this as treatment for PTSD is a wonderful idea. The problem arises if people start erasing fear and/or memories (whatever is actually possible) at their leisure. Memories and feelings are what constitues who one is as a human being. If we start to purposefully meddle with these things, we risk becoming "perfect" individuals, a thought which has always frightened me.

  4. Without having given it enormous amounts of thought (it's 2 o'clock in the morning and I should have gone to sleep at least an hour ago), I believe I was more passive when I was younger, thinking that I had my life ahead of me and that it would end up sorting itself out in time. As of fairly late, though, I have been hit by the sudden realisation that - surprise! - my time here on Earth is actually finite, and while I've always been bothered by the concept of wasting time, I've now developed an actual fear of missing opportunities in my life and ultimately ending up unhappy about how I lived it. This has led to me becoming more aggressive in nature, thinking more about what I actually want to do in my life and deciding to take matters into my own hands instead of expecting things to work out on their own.

  5. I really couldn't care less how much they know about games and stuff as long as they don't pretend to know it. As a customer, I can't stand watching an employee give wrong or stupid info or advice to other customers. If you don't know it, admit you don't. If you're not able to give advice, don't give any. I'd take a polite "I'm afraid I don't know/can't help you with that" over a hopeless attempt at pretending you know enough to help me any day.


    Politeness goes without saying in any job that involves human interaction.

  6. The Apollo program was a lot more than just a "We did it first" thing.


    The entire world gained a huge amount of technology because of it, even more if you look at the entire space race. Modern computers being the primary example.


    There was also the issue of the weaponization of space. The Americans had to match the soviets in terms of space related technology, one way of doing that was setting a firm goal, which in this case, was putting a man on the moon. And before it, Eisenhower's goal of a surveillance satellite.


    Interestingly enough, the increases in the american debt back during the space race weren't really even that significant compared to what they are today. In 2003, the increase in their national debt was greater than all the debt they acquired before 1974.


    Side note: Interestingly, even though the soviets beat America in just having a man made satellite orbit the earth, the Americans did have the first surveillance satellite, and even before sputnik, for about a year they were ready to launch their own satellite, however, they were waiting until after the soviets launched their own to let the soviets decided on weather you could put a satellite over another country without permission.


    I see. It'll probably always seem a bit like a peeing contest to me, though. :heh: But it's good to know it had humanitarian goals and benefits. :)

  7. I seriously doubt that we would spend the huge resources needed to send probes to stars where planets "may" be habitable. I dread to think what this planet will be like in another 100 years. I doubt space exploration will be high on the priority list.


    Yet America spent God knows what sending people to the moon just to be able to say: "We did it first!" That's always bothered me. It's like the greatest expression of "I have a bigger penis than you" in the history of mankind (if you discount wars).

  8. Funny, because as far as I know, Heidi isn't Dutch at all. =P

    I just get reminded of the story Heidi, Girl of the Alps. And the cartoon. And Swiss Mountains.


    Ironic. :heh: But yeah, that's the picture I get as well. It's funny that even when you actually know someone named Heidi, the associations still stick.

  9. I had a peculiar experience once. As I was going to the midnight premiere of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince with a group of friends, we stopped by at a café/restaurant and had dinner there before going to the cinema. As we were leaving the place, I suddenly noticed that my mobile phone wasn't in my pocket where it should be, so I went back with a friend and looked everywhere I had been in the café/restaurant, including the bathroom. I even asked the bartender, but they hadn't found anything.


    I was rather bummed for the rest of that evening, but managed to enjoy the film nonetheless. The next day we tried calling it from my home phone several times, but to no avail. I went out and bought a new phone, but later that day I was called on my home phone by my mobile phone, which the bartenders had found. It was a good thing we had tried to call it so many times as they then knew which number to call. The peculiar thing about it, though, was that when I got it back, someone had sent a text message to a number not in my contacts list, asking "Where are you?", and received a message from the same number, asking "Who are you?" I'm really curious about what happened and where my phone has been.

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