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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. This happened to me on Sunday. I was catching the National Express coach to get to Londoniminium. I was casually dozing off whilst the rain was hitting the windows next to me.


    I felt myself falling asleep and then- the driver slammed on his breaks. I gradually felt my body rise up from the seat and move in a forwards motion, with the rain still hitting the window. Then, I opened my eyes and saw half the coach doing the same. It all looked in slow motion to me, the way everyone was moving forward in their seats.


    The first thing I thought of was Inception. I was thinking of the WURRRRRR WURRR music in my head, where the van was falling off the bridge with people rising from their seats.


    I was absolutely killing myself laughing. I wanted to tell someone, but I don't think they would have got it.


    The fact that the image created in my mind of the situation screamed "Inception!" to me even before your mention of it is testament both to the awesomeness of the situation and your 1337 skillz as a storyteller.

  2. Retarded, but then it actually makes a lot more potential sense than the other one.


    This one could still be a battle of man vs machine. Its also partially ironic that Superman is called the Man of Steel and he's there fighting cyborgs/androids/robots.


    Linkara of ThatGuyWithTheGlasses.com reviewed it. Those familiar with Linkara know that he only reviews bad comics, and this was no exception. :heh: Still, I agree that it has better potential than the other one. Shame they're both nothing but attempts at cash-ins.

  3. Alien Vs. Predator does work and makes sense. I've got a few novels and read up quite a bit of info around that area. One of the books that I had "Prey" was actually pretty fantastic. It's just a shame that the movies didn't live up to not even a tenth of what the books had to offer.


    But, I can't understand how the Terminator fits into this series, or for what purpose. The Terminator is a story of man versus machine, an industrial story about machines trying to alter the future (the events of the present, to them I guess) by changing the past. You don't get a hint of any of that in the Alien or Predator storylines. In those storylines, there are similarities of an otherwordly creature stalking its prey either in a confined environment (The Nostromo) or in a South American Jungle (Predator). Two different environments, two very different creatures, but there are lots of similarities between the two.


    It seems random to add the Terminator. It doesn't fit, in my opinion. The series has a totally different set of values compared to Alien and Predator.


    Edit: Another one. 28 Days of Summer


    Cillian Murphy mets Zooey Deschanel, with Joseph Gordon Levitt as his love rival, who then gets infected by...the infected. They run through the streets of London over 28 Days, trying to escape Joseph and his army of living things. The soundtrack for this would be amazing.


    You think that's a bad Terminator crossover? Then take a look at this baby ...




  4. Thanks for the replies, I will watch some videos and I think I will be buying it. :) now if only I could convince my friend to do the same.


    While it's definitely fun to play in multiplayer with people you know, I'd still say the main attraction is the singleplayer experience. All alone in a huge, literally unexplored world filled with treasures and monsters. Penny Arcade undoubtedly said it best:



  5. How do some people have .5, is that when a neutral wins too or something?


    In my Colour Mafia, for instance, if Diageo and/or heroicjanitor had not been the ones to kill their target, but the town had still won, they would both only have gained half a victory.

  6. Hm, a little pressure never hurt anyone.


    Vote: Sméagol


    Simply claiming someone as evil so soon would be a bad tactic for the mafia, yet I can't help but feel there's something suspicious about it nonetheless. If we are to believe that two others visited Sméagol, it's not too farfetched to think that one of them made him appear evil, no? It is our best lead so far, however, so I shall stick with my vote for now.


    The write-ups are certainly cryptic and vague, which doesn't help us in the slightest. I am particularly interested in the princess - what role does she play in all of this? Is she even a player? And if so, is she good? Evil? Neutral? It is all very mysterious, indeed ...


    By the way, I love this game to frakkin' bits! :D The theme, the characters, the write-ups, the music ... it's simply brilliant, Jonnas! :bowdown:

  7. So I'm the only one who wanted to carry out experiments with different lists of gifts on a control list I gave to my parents and a list I sent up the chimney myself? I can't remember if I actually did this or not though, I remember asking my sister to put the list up the chimney because I was scared of doing it. :heh: But yes, I liked to make lists of pros and cons for santa's existence. One of the pros was always that I'd seen his sparkly sleigh flying through the sky like a shooting star - it's amazing what you can make yourself believe. Anyway, I suppose I gradually gave up on the idea of him existing as the list of cons grew...


    So you're saying you were always the brainy, geeky type? :heh:

  8. I have a feeling ReZ is letting me live as a punishment for revealing what I'm not supposed to reveal. It completely discredits what I've said, making me look like the idiot.


    Anyway, I'm obviously dead either way, but just promise me you'll be wary of MadDog and especially chairdriver, all right? This game is still called Trust No One!

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