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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Once again, calm down.


    Lileep doesn't kill anyone. The fact that your power says that he targeted Zell is wrong. Therefore it doesn't match up.


    Sorry, I didn't actually mean to be offensive. You know how people get worked up over these games. :heh:


    For the same reason I know he is town. He is lileep, he is town, he targeted no one yesterday.


    Again, it's word against word. You claim to know stuff about MadDog, yet my info contradicts yours. I'm becoming more and more certain you have been misled in all of this. How do you know you're not the one whose info is wrong?

  2. It's still word against word. I am always paranoid in these games. Get used to it. I always act like this, good or evil, and people can verify this. You can't draw any conclusions based on it.


    Anyway, I accused you of twisting facts because of the mistake you made since you seemed eager to incriminate me. If it's a genuine mistake, I apologise, but I didn't know that. You just said: "That's how it is." For all I know, you're mafia trying to discredit me.

  3. You are wrong, MadDog is not mafia. If are indeed good, stop now. This is just getting worse for you.


    I do admit though, I read the write-up incorrectly. The green pokemon has the ally. Not the red pokemon.


    What is your basis to vote for MadDog, he has done nothing wrong. And he's clearly not the killer from the first night. You'll never convince me, because I know you are wrong.


    My basis was originally that he might be the killer from the first night. This basis is indeed not waterproof, I admit that - however, something else has convinced me that he is indeed mafia, something which I am quite literally not able to reveal. I ask people to trust me on this one.


    May I ask why you find it clear that he is not the killer from night 1? Your certainty that he is good makes me suspicious of you, yet I can't help but think, with the "Trust No One" mantra hanging above our heads, that you have wrongly been led to believe he is good.

  4. In all seriousness, a good way to get into classical philology these days is to do linguistics with Latin/Ancient Greek as your special languages, then specialise in historical phonology. It's not just funding cuts that make philology rare, it's that it hasn't been studied much in its traditional form since Saussure.


    (if you're more interested in the literary aspects of philology, then I guess it's better to go into via literature, but I don't know as much about that)


    I'm not sure if the Danish system works like British. I'll have to look into my actual options when the time comes. It's hard to say what'll happen right now.


    Yeah I don't think it's possible to tell if a girl's interested.


    And I hate that. T.T

  5. I am wondering why many people voted for MadDog yesterday, yet none do so today. I am even more certain of his scumminess today than yesterday. Also, it's interesting how I always get labelled as suspicious when I push someone. People seem to think my very direct approach is scummy.


    I wasn't the one that first implied it, but the write-up speaks of the red pokemon having an ally. How many teams are there?


    It doesn't. However the small green pokemon does have an ally. I'm more likely to believe Dannyboy here, he is being open and even admitted he had an ally.

    He is probably neutral though and I feel like his mission has something to do with MadDog. Difficult call.

    I can see why I would seem neutral, but I can assure you that I am completely good. I'm just very eager because I think I've found a mafia goon. :heh:

  6. Getting quite defensive and insulting aren't we? Very unlike you.


    MadDog is not mafia, so you're just putting yourself further down the hole on this one. The more you push, the more I'll think you are mafia. Reason's you are unable to reveal? You can't expect us to just trust you. I have given reasons when voting for people.


    I wasn't the one that first implied it, but the write-up speaks of the red pokemon having an ally. How many teams are there?


    Continuously making stuff up? Like what?


    I'm getting defensive because you're making stuff up. And I always act like this when I'm wrongly accused in these games.


    Read the write-ups again. They don't mention the red Pokémon having an ally anywhere. Only one partnership is ever mentioned as far as I can see, and that would be me and my partner. And none of us are red.


    I literally can't reveal it. It would kill my character. But I'm so very certain of this that I'm willing to risk my life on it. I know you don't have much reason to trust me, but I urge you all to lynch MadDog. If he against my expectations should turn up good, you can all lynch me. But if he does turn up evil, I want people to take note of who was eager to discredit me.

  7. There is an article on the Minecraft Wiki regarding the disappearance of trees. If any leaf block remains supported from underneath by another block that's not a leaf block, that leaf block and all connected leaf blocks won't disappear.

  8. As far as I could tell, at the time it wasn't necessary for you to reveal. It didn't really add anything to the discussion, and I was just a little confused as to why you admitted it? Again, I'm not accusing you, and I'm not saying we shouldn't vote for Maddog either, but I would like that answered.


    Maybe it wasn't strictly necessary, but people kept pushing the issue, and Diageo was being ignorant, so I honestly think it'd have been necessary to reveal later. Even if it was a mistake to reveal it then, there's not really anything scummy about it, is there?


    I'm quite suspicious of Dannyboy. He's very eager to get MadDog lynched and claims to be in a team.


    This is interesting because I know MadDog is town. No question about it.


    Beside the info revealed yesterday, I have my own reasons for believing MadDog is mafia. Reasons that I am unable to reveal, but which make me almost certain that he's mafia. Concordantly, I am now also highly suspicious of you.


    I am in a team, yes. So have many good guys in the past. Don't try to turn this into a "double voter" tactic on me.


    Also, Dannyboy is in a partnership with the tiny red pokemon, who confused people yesterday into trying to lynch MadDog. To add to that, Dannyboy tried to get the lynch train going for him again today.


    What? Now you're just making stuff up. My partner is most certainly not tiny, nor red, and I don't have anything to do with it. I tried to get a lynch train rolling because I'm certain MadDog is mafia. You're continually making stuff up and trying to twist facts into making me seem bad, which only fuels my already high suspicions of you.


    Take notice of who was against me if I turn up dead and right, townies!

  9. Sorry I was doubly replying to both you and ganepark. What was the course you wanted to do? Is it available elsewhere?


    Oh, I know, don't worry. :)


    I've been wanting to get a candidate degree in classical philology, i.e. Latin and Ancient Greek, and now it seems those subjects are being closed down or merged with other subjects at the university I was going for. It's not like there are many universities in Denmark to choose from, and I really wanted to go to this particular one where a lot of my friends also are. Besides, it's supposed to be the best university to study those subjects at.


    But it's uncertain how things will turn out in the end. It might work itself out in time. I'm just so annoyed at this whole disregard for the humanities. A fairly large group of languages is the target of this cutting round.

  10. Guys don't worry about uni type things' date=' job wise you'll sort yourself out afterwards and course wise there will always be something available you want. Damnit I wish I was at uni.[/quote']


    I never said anything about a job. I'm not happy doing just any degree that'll get me a job. I've been wanting to do this degree for two years now. Sure, there are other interesting degrees I could do, but what really gets me is the absolute stupidity of the decision. I hope it doesn't get to that.

  11. Right, I've just found out the university degree I've had my eyes on for the past two years might not exist from next year due to cuts and higher demand for "societal value" from the humanities.


    Fuck. Fuck it. Fuck the current government. I've had it with their bullshit.

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