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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I'm sure there are some cyber- and steam- punk fans out there! Not sure what category Cryptonomicon would fall into...


    I'm both and especially the latter. Is Cryptonomicon a book you'd recommend for a steampunk fan? (As if I don't have enough books I need to read at the moment ...)

  2. I haven't read any comics, I have no idea who the mandarin is. That said, I've seen quite some comic movie adaptations, so I'm hoping this one is at least on par with the first. I loved the first, but I really, really despised the second, despite Scarlett Johanson (perhaps the only good thing in that movie).

    How come? I thought the second was better than the first. Or at least just as good.

  3. You Cannot assume because you're not interested in the subject, that you won't enjoy the movie.


    A lot of people enjoyed the wrestler despite not been interesting in wrestling. A lot of people enjoyed Kong of kong without liking gaming.


    I can tell you it's a great drama. If you like well-acted dramas... go and see this. Perhaps you can just wait for dvd though :)


    I never said I wasn't interested in the subject, nor that I wouldn't enjoy it, because I probably will since I enjoy most films I see. Heck, I'm not doubting it's a great film. However, for logical reasons, I can't go see every single great film there is as well as every film I'll probably enjoy, thus I'll only go see those that interest me. And then we're back to square one: This film simply hasn't managed to grab my interest. Now, unless some cute girl wants to go see it and asks me to go see it with her, I don't see any incentive for me to go. :heh:

  4. Really, the first day is pointless. It makes so much more sense to reverse the phases (I discovered this while hosting the Colour Mafia): Let the game begin with night 1, followed by day 1, then night 2, day 2 etc. The phases fit together much better as pairs this way.

  5. I think that what he meant is that it doesn't really matter wether or not you're interested, when something is good enough. Which apparently is the case. It's like Milk... I doubt the majority of people was particularly interested in the premise of the film, and yet most people who've seen it loved it. If it's well made, it really doesn't matter what it's about, like chair said.


    Yeah, I guess I see the point. Let me rephrase it, then: The film hasn't managed to convince me to go see it. Even if it actually is a great film, I don't think it's to my tastes.

  6. The fourth rule of artistry is that subject matter counts for little.


    Take Sartre's La Nausee for example (my favourite book). It's about nothing. It's about a man who lives in a little town and walks about and sits in cafes. But its literally too stunning.


    I have so much faith in this film (I've not yet seen), because you can tell it stuns.


    That doesn't change the fact that I'm still not interested. ::shrug:


    I wouldn't say that. Is Titanic a documentary style because its about a real life event?




    Outrageous claims.


    Well, Titanic is about an event. The characters in the film are pretty much made up, aren't they? The Social Network revolves around actual people. Actual living people and what they've accomplished. That makes it more documentary-like in my mind. But it's irrelevant, really. The point is that I really don't find it all that interesting. ::shrug:

  8. From the trailers, I was under the impression that this was a just a dull documentary film.


    Just about my impression as well. I dunno, I think once I head about a Facebook film, I expected a film about the controversial aspects of the site, not a "simple" documentary style film about its creation (which has even been dramatised without any involvement from the real Mark Zuckerberg).

  9. I love your mum's rolls!


    Of fat.


    Cos she is a heffer.




    I'd actually like to see a mafia like this again, the craziness was quite interesting and definitely fun, just needs to be a bit more balanced, I guess. Less identifyable characters/writeups. I did enjoy the speedy and crazy amount of death, though I guess the idea someone suggested of having two mafias who can kill on alternate nights would also be good, really liked the two mafia idea. Numbers might need a bit more balancing in that case though, or maybe if we had more players or something, iono.


    Yeah, it would seem from the reactions to the game that the mechanics and elements worked great, and that the only issue was proper balancing - but that's always the challenge when making a mafia game.

  10. Has anyone been on the server today? I just tried but it just stuck on the "Logging In" screen. Usually I would have just blamed my crappy connection but its still been letting me on since the drop.


    Nope, it's the same for me right now.

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