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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. CUBE! I wanna play Cube's!


    Also I think Dannyboy should run the Harry Potter Mafia.


    Thank you for the vote of confidence! :) I've actually toyed with the idea of a Harry Potter Mafia since before my first mafia, so I think I'll take it. Put me on the list for some undefined point in the future, though.

  2. And what has you and chair got to do with mine and Diageos situation? Just assumptions, which mean nothing. Why do me and Diageo, who are both town, have to defend ourselves?


    Since chair trusts you and is evil, I assume you're evil as well.


    Now, why I'm not dead yet, I don't understand at all. If ReZ has pulled a triple bluff on me, I shall be displeased.

  3. Well, since it seems I'm going down anyway, I'll do the controversial thing and reveal what I'm not allowed to reveal. I assume it'll kill me, but that doesn't really matter now.


    I am Metapod, a fragile tracker. I cannot be protected, and if I'm silenced, I'll die instead. The same goes for my partner, chairdriver, who is Kakuna. If one of us dies, the other evolves. What then happens, nobody knows but ReZ.


    Now, what I'm not supposed to reveal, and what chairdriver does not know I know, is that he is, in fact, mafia. I would have been able to send a message to someone on a night of my decision with the info that Kakuna was evil, but I wanted to play my cards right. As long as I could keep it going, I would know who to suspect and not suspect. Chairdriver has stated both in the thread and to me personally that he trusts MadDog, which is why I am so certain MadDog is mafia. Also, chair claimed to have tracked Aqui1a and believes he was last night's killer, but as we've seen, that doesn't fit with the write-up, which is why I trust Aqui1a to be good.


    Now, I'll probably die, and you'll hopefully trust my info. This should get rid of two mafias, chairdriver and MadDog, so it's a gain for the town.



  4. For the flaggarnatieth time, read what I've already written!


    I LITERALLY cannot reveal what I know! It's in the game mechanics! The moment I utter the info I have, I will presumably die! That's what happens when you do something that's against the game rules, right?


    The info definitely benefits the town, but it will continue to benefit us as long as I'm alive. Once it's out, it will only have been useful up to this point. But it's your call. Heck, I'm probably a prime target for the mafia now. They'll likely kill me tonight if I'm not lynched in order to make sure I don't get to reveal my info before I die, and I wouldn't count on a townie protector to believe me enough to protect me. And I completely understand that.

  5. I'd like to know how Danyboy knew that I had an "original target" before I came forward with any information. Know something we didn't, Danny?


    Um, because it's my power to do so? As I've said, I'm a tracker. And yes, I do know some stuff you don't, and I wish I could reveal it, but I can't. If only you would be willing to follow one of my leads, you would hopefully see that they are accurate.


    If you're still going to lynch me, at least give me the opportunity to reveal the stuff that will kill me instead.

  6. Actually, we in the Danish education sector should be mad at you Finns. :heh: Your darn good test results made our government go crazy with tests and record-keeping of our education system in the ridiculous belief that it would improve our test scores. They have worsened our education system even more.

  7. So Dyson's target would have been changed to Maddog's target. Can you say who he actually targeted or did your PM not say?


    Nope, all I got was that his original target was MadDog.


    I've asked him plenty of things. He's [kiddy voice] not allowed. [/kiddy voice]


    You never asked me that exact question. And there's no need to bring it down to that level.

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