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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. What's the standing at the moment? If I'm about to get lynched, I want to reveal what I know in time.


    Listen, whether my info on MadDog from night 1 is accurate or not is completely irrelevant to the real reason I'm suspicious of him. I really wish I could reveal it, but I can't. Not until my death is certain, anyway, so please give me a chance to reveal it before giving me the final vote.


    As I said, I'm a tracker. I'm not at all useless now. It's hard to explain the nature of my prime suspicion of MadDog, but it's not related to my power.

  2. What? I have not changed my opinion one bit at any time, and I'm not refusing to accept facts. Your claims don't count as facts. I stick to my lead because it's a bloody good one, and I curse ReZ for not being able to reveal what I know, though I completely understand why.

  3. Mythological creatures? Eh, I guess so, maybe deep down in the dark ocean, but not like Big Foot or the Loch Ness Monster or anything.


    Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster are typically what paranormal enthusiasts believe in. I've never heard of paranormal enthusiasts believing in unicorns, for example.

  4. Thanks for the reminder, that comic is awesome...makes Scandinavia feel like a family.


    YES! It's seriously one of my favourite things ever. :D


    Btw, here's something I remember seeing as a postcard, the "Perfect European":




    "Discreet as a Dane", love it! :D


    Check :DChristiania is in Denmark, right? Other than that, what comes to mind is smørrebrød and strong salmiakki (salty liquorice). Btw, quite weird that salmiakki is not popular in the whole of Europe, just in select countries...


    Yup! Christiania is actually a great example of the Danish stereotype, I'd say. :p Smørrebrød is another "famous" Danish thing, but I've never heard about "salmiaklakrids" being typically Danish.


    What's The Matter With Denmark? Part 1

    What's The Matter With Denmark? Part 2 - Military Arrogance


    Videos posted by a friend on Facebook this evening. Quite hilarious. :D

  5. He can't be the killer. The write-up specifically said that a black pokemon killed Zellm, and that Lileep did nothing.


    Or are you saying that he's not actually Lileep either, and in his "other PM," he got that he is another pokemon. And someone else who is active enough to send PMs but not to talk is actually Lileep, or some pokemon with the same colours.


    Why are you trying to put words in my mouth? I don't know what Pokémon he is, but I do know my result is that he targetted Zell on night 1. Besides, that's not even the main reason I'm convinced he's evil.

  6. So what are you trying to say then Dannyboy?


    Is MadDog not Lileep. Did he actually target Zell. Is he the black pokemon as well. Nothing in the write-up matches anything you said.


    While it matches everything I said.


    Are we just going to sit here doing nothing. We must vote for somebody.


    Is that an actual role reveal HeroJan?


    All I'm saying is that he may be the killer on night 1, and that I'm pretty certain he's evil. I have no idea about the rest.

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