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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I get the idea, but it seems a bit blunt, it basically takes the view point that those lives are now sub human in some way. I know of addicts who have turned their lives around, got a family, job, being regular members of society, just with a past that they would rather not have had. Had those people come into contact with the scheme they would have had a free £200 hit, and as individuals are no better, just the possibility of a family is removed. While they may genuinely not want a family, the very existance of this scheme could sway them that way.


    I agree it's an issue that needs to be dealt with, but its a very cold approach.

    So its good to stop kids being born into an environment were drug abuse is rife, but there are ways to do that that also deal with the parents.

    the kids are potential victims, the adults being sterilised ARE victims, and are basically being discounted, there's no point trying to help them, they are a waste of space and time, which imo is an awful point of view, and one that is reinforced (and perhaps made true) by such schemes as this.


    Also quick edit, I recall a woman who was an addict, hadn't planned a family, she got pregnant and then she saw her child go cold turkey and realised she had to change her life. Once she succeeded she then went on to form a charity to help other addicts. Had she been sterilised she probably would still be an addict/dead and wouldn't have helped all the addicts she has since helped.


    YES! Thank you! My exact feelings about this! I just sucked at putting them down in words.

  2. I like it. Get some contact lenses Danny, you'd look exactly like my mate at uni. His girlfriend is hawwwwwt. Ergo/therefore/thus you without glass must = win!


    Not saying without them you aren't just moreso without!


    Thanks. :) I never liked the idea of putting things on the surface of my eyeballs, though. Plus having contacts seems to be more trouble than having glasses.

  3. Because I suspect some of it is. I have seen very feminine transsexuals who I quite believe genuinely feel like women. On the other hand, when I see a massive transvestite walk through a book shop, I feel it must partly be attention-seeking.


    I just find it hard to understand how someone can have enough testosterone to get to 6'6" with broad shoulders and able to grow a beard, and yet feel like a woman. Like I say though, I don't have to understand everything. It's up to them.




    There's no should about it. Heck, I don't like cars or football. Gender roles don't mean much to me.


    But like I say, if you have testicles, they do produce testosterone, which gives you your height, muscles, body hair etc. Believe me, I have every sympathy with men and women who have a hormone imbalance, especially those who are born with both genitals. This isn't a moral stance. It's not about disliking people.


    All right, it just came off a bit like that to me. Especially suspecting people of being attention seekers when your reasoning is that you find it hard to understand how it's possible. I wouldn't really judge people in that respect without having proper knowledge about the biology and psychology behind it.


    But I completely understand your viewpoint. Heck, it wouldn't surprise me if you were right. I think you just came off a bit judgemental.

  4. No. That's why I replied to the thread.


    But upon seeing "Nothing good has happened but [such and such shit thing] did" is frankly flying in the face of what the thread is supposed to be about and an attempt at back door HYWDing.


    Oh, I definitely agree.


    No bad experiences in here, people!

  5. You look like the dud from How I Met Your Mother.




    I'm sorry.



    Shhh, it's okay ...


    But yeah, you really do look like NPH! :D

    Surely this is just a picture of you being caught staring at boobs.


    You'd think, wouldn't you? :heh: But if you look closely, my eyes are actually not directed at my friend's boobs.

  6. My compassionate response is: each to his own. I don't expect everyone to be like me, or to understand everything in the world. On the other hand, for their own good, I do think "trans" people should seek psychiatric help. Is it attention-seeking? Is it a deep-rooted psychological issue? Some sort of rebellion?


    I also think they should go to the doctor's and get their hormones checked. If a man is feminine, for example, a shot of testosterone might make him feel a lot better. It might make him feel like a man.


    I'm not trying to be right-wing, but political correctness is not always useful. After all, a sex change would be a terrible thing to regret.

    Why do you try to "explain" transsexuality as attention seeking, a psychological issue etc.? That seems pretty close-minded to me. Why do men need to be testosterone bombs? Aren't we past the stage where gender roles are necessary for the survival of our species?

  7. Not exactly new, but some "old" photos to celebrate the new thread with:




    Me being sexy (as usual) on our graduation round. (We travelled around to the homes of all the people in our class. There was lovely food and drinks at every single place. It was amazing.)




    From a moving-in party at a friend's. Teddy was a gift for the girl moving in. Eddy was there because it's fun to drag a cardboard cutout around town. I love my pose here. [/narcissism]




    "I'll get you, Cullen ... someday, I'll get you ..."




    Playing the "Guess who you are by asking yes/no questions" game. I'm Gary Oak at this moment.

  8. ReZ suddenly ended a day when someone was a vote from being lynched.


    I trust you will at least warn us before doing it again, isn't that right, ReZ?


    Ah, that's right. He always finished things prematurely. Oh, and then there was the whole day ending thing.


    Anyway, my annoyance at that has receded, so I'm definitely still game.



    Keep that in mind.


    If people post positive experiences from their day and thus bring more positivity to the forum, I really couldn't care less about forum policy. DO YOU WANT TO BRING MISERY TO THE FORUM, HUH, ASHLEY? DO YOU?


    Needless to say, I love the idea, Wolfy! It has already made me happy reading about people's joy. :D


    Yesterday was a great day: I secured myself one of the first 10 copies of Abney Park's new CD, signed and numbered - before their server crashed due to too much traffic, even! :D (At least I hope so - I have this paranoid thought: "What if my order was lost in the chaos?" But that's most likely just me.) Then I went to a friend's birthday party where great food was eaten, Twister and Limbo were played, and general funtiems were had.


    Today, while driving home from the party, I got to spend time with probably my two best friends who moved far, far away (or so it feels) some time ago. It was wonderful. :)

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