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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I just feel really noobish about making stuff. I hear and see you all make all sorts of things, yet I can't seem to figure out how to do it. And I'm not even sure I want others to tell me. Part of the fun is figuring stuff out yourself.

  2. I guess it's not really in the same league as you're talking about but this year i've been a well travelled person around UK (majority England)


    Driven to Donnington, Stoke, Portsmouth, Birmingham, London, Reading, Swindon, Bath (the latter 2 are hardly long distance driving from where i live, but places none the less)

    .... and been to Glasgow and France.



    I actually really like driving long distance, I wanted to drive to Glasgow, but Girlfriends parents bought me a ticket to go there, so i had no choice in the matter.


    I'd LOVE to drive accross Europe, Like through France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy then back through France home, but i'd need a lot of time off and alot of money for fueling a drive like that.


    One day :)



    gotta love having an apartment in paradise ;)


    as for places i've been too, Austria, Switzerland, France all via coach (once on plane). Mauritius 4 times (gotta love having an apartment in paradise ;) ) and Dubai once.


    2011 = Mauritius

    2012 = Las Vegas

    Pft, you haven't been to Europe if you haven't been in Scandinavia! :p

  3. I try to stick to a strict 48 hour deadline, but before I've sent all the PMs and done the write-up, some time always pass. Sometimes I even forget the deadline, meaning the phase gets prolonged. If it's a day phase and majority hadn't been reached within the 48 hours, I won't count votes after that.

  4. While I love my me-time, just being by myself, doing what I want to do without having to deal with the energy-consuming task of being a social individual, I could never live a life of solitude, a life without human contact. It's an absolute necessity for my happiness/quality of life/entire existence to have loved ones whom I know care about me. I don't want everybody to like me, but I need somebody to love me.


    In regards to jayseven's post, I've always found the old saying to hold true: It's the things you didn't do that you regret the most.

  5. Why couldn't this 'thug' have maybe had a very very very terrible day? Something jay half jokingly alluded to earlier on. How is it we're basically judging this person on this one(non-excusable and outrageous) action, and complaining about him judging someone else?

    People are way too quick to interpret what is said and what is meant. Just because we point out that chair's friend's comment was potentially provoking, it doesn't mean we think he "only had himself to blame" or "had it coming". And just because we call the guy a prick for headbutting chair's friend, it doesn't mean we're judging his entire personality. Only this particular action.

  6. I often get a bit teary-eyed at sad or touching moments in films and books and the like. The last time I cried because of something personal was when I was rejected by a girl I had grown really close to. We never actually got together, but there really was ... I dunno, something there. The feeling of rejection still lingers. It was what really threw me into a state of unbelievably low self-esteem.

  7. No ... so fucking unfair ... I had got way, WAY too deep down into a mine, I had gathered a load of resources; I'm running out of food, I can't find the way I came in (I CONSTANTLY lose my direction in this game!), so I decide to just dig my way out. At this point I'm literally panicking, but ... is that grass? YES! I found my way out! FREEDOM! Now to find my way back to my tow-*BOOM!*


    Then I respawn back at my tower with nothing, NOTHING! Does anyone know what happens to your inventory when you die? Do you drop it all where you die? Are you able to reclaim it? Or is it forever lost?

  8. Did you change the draw distance? That helps tremendously, I only ever have max draw distance if I'm a ways off course and trying to find home base then I drop it back down.

    Yeah, it helps a lot.


    My god, this game is fun/addicting/awesome/win!

  9. I'd say he would prefer a bunch of strangers sympathy than a bunch of strangers telling him "Well, that's bad...but you brought it on yourself". However rude he came across, it's no reason to be that violent towards someone, or use homophobic slurs for that matter.

    What Retro said. NOBODY ever said that his actions were justified. But people gotta be careful what they do and say since other people can be violent dickheads.

  10. Have you tried altering any of the graphical settings yet in Options, thats what I had to do when i got some lag.

    Yeah, I did try it, and it did help, though it sometimes still lags when having to load a large area. Playing in a smaller window seems to help as well.


    Luckily, I'm going to buy a new computer soon! :D

  11. There's also common decency. Responding to an honest request with "How the fuck should I know?" isn't exactly being polite. In the grand scheme of things, though, it's irrelevant. He was hit by a jerk who needs to be caught.


    Gaggle, no one is blaming the victim for getting hit. We're simply saying that certain types of behaviour are detrimental to self-preservation. I don't go up to a gang of hooded people at night and ask for directions, either. In a perfect society, I should be able to do that, but we don't live in a perfect society, so I'm not. Doing so anyway is quite frankly foolish behaviour.


    Now, this case is nowhere near as obvious, but the point still stands. You have to watch out for your own behaviour on a night out. Some people are easily provoked, even beyond common sense. Violence is still violence, though, and the victim can never be blamed for it.

  12. Kind of a massive question, so any answer I could give is no doubt going to be somewhat flawed. But I'll Hit You With My Best Shot:


    I'd say a quality of good music is that it forces you to care about the artist in question. In a positive way. Good music often challenges. Often it just is.



    I believe there is such thing as an X-Factor; a determinant which objectively makes music good. Technical talent goes a long way in making music good, but it can only take you so far -- there's something that separates Laura Marling from Sandi Thom. They both play the guitar as well as each other, but there's something that makes Laura Marling appear in the "I feel belittled by her greatness" category in my head, where Sandi falls into the "meh" category. Laura is objectively better.


    But then, this X-Factor is hardly a discrete thing. It's not about a binary of good or bad, or X-Factor or no X-Factor. There's a scale of X-Factor-havingness. So maybe the above paragraph is misleading?


    You couldn't really measure all music in comparison to what makes Laura great. Her wise-beyond-her-years lyrics certainly factor in; compare to Bjork's childlike and simplistic lyrics. I'd probably place Bjork above Marling when push comes to shove.


    Maybe its a society-driven thing? Society tells us that things which are inspired and things which are creative and society tells us things which are innovative are good. Society tells us things which challenge are good. [Or at least cultured society does -- shit society tells us to like Ne-Yo, because only ArtFags listen to other stuff.]


    In the same way that society tells us what gender is. That a man can't like pink. That a man can't cry at a movie. That a woman must be good at sewing. At the heart of it all, everything is built upon the biology of the XY and the XX chromosomes. Its so ground into us that our sexual characteristics must govern action and thought that few question it - perhaps gender is fluid, and the standard gender roles we stick to are contrived?


    But then, men are stronger -- better at fending off lions. Better at reading maps. Women are better at looking after children. So maybe that last sentiment is false, and gender roles are wholly natural?


    And at the heart of it all, the qualities generally acknowledged re: good music are ultimately built upon the fact our brain likes certain combinations of certain soundwaves. Some sound waves sound better. Some combinations sound better. Some artists are better at using them.


    But then, to take this line of thought too far to heart disregards the human emotion present in music. The human involvement. All the satisfaction and juissance which comes from this inexplicable X-Factor.


    Writing it off as subjectivity disregards the power music has to influence and effect. To say the fact I genuinely cried when I first heard Kate Bush's This Woman's Work with real ears is a product of subjectivity discredits her extraordinary accomplishment in engaging with her audience. I'd sooner judge a person by their reaction to that song than I would that song by the reaction it has on people. If you dared to even entertain the idea that U Smile is a better song than This Woman's Work, I'd think worse of you from that day onwards.


    It's hard to come up with defined reasons why I think music being totally subjective is a fallacy. Maybe I think it's objective, within a communally-agreed-upon set of rules, which are really, underneath it all, subjective. 90% of the world believes gender is binary, and there is nothing between man and woman, but 10% have divorced themselves from that concept. We've agreed subjectively that x,y,z makes music good, and once that is set in stone, things become objective.


    I care about these things. You don't have to care -- just be aware that I'll think you're nothin'/nuttin' for having shit taste that reeks of unawaredness. If you engage yourself in music properly, you'll grow out of it, I promise.



    tldr: I'm a Rambling Man. With lots of pretension. Because really the truth is Too Far Deep, and I'm pretending I can delve and dive so far. JUST LISTEN TO THIS, AND BATHE:


    Oh, AND, gays, gender/trans, boring outrage (which I wish was bored outrage) etc etc. The usual.

    Have I ever told you how much I respect you?

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