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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I'm not "proud" of being Danish. I love a lot of things about my country - its general political climate, the Danish/Scandinavian culture, our acceptance of "different" people among other things. But I don't like these things because they're Danish. I like being Danish because of those things. However, there are also things I dislike: Our social closed-ness, for instance. In other countries, people are just more socially open - you can actually talk to strangers on the street. It's hard to do that in Denmark. Ironically, despite our acceptance of people being different, it can be difficult to stand out in the crowd in Denmark.


    On the other hand, there are also parts of other nations' cultures, values, ideas etc. that I both love and hate. I'd rather choose my nationality based on values than choose my values based on nationality.

  2. It's the same with me. The "censor" (can't find the proper English for it at the moment) at my English exam noted that my accent was British whereas most of my fellow students had an American accent. It would seem I'm more exposed to British English than American English. I place the responsibility on you lot. :heh:

  3. the-road-to-el-dorado.jpg


    With both original and Danish dub. It's one of the few dubs where I actually prefer the Danish version. Especially the songs are simply amazing in Danish, but that's because I love the artist who performs those versions.




    The Danish band Nephew's latest CD. I posted a song from it in the Rate The Song Above thread.

  4. Dannyboy; I think you're too concerned with the pronounciation (Eenuh too, to an extent) - I think you're active in your speaking, both with intonations and hand gestures, and they make for a lively and accurate monologue!

    Heh, I realised I use gestures an awful lot when I'm trying to explain something. :heh: And thanks! I know I worry too much about speaking "properly". It's interesting that you all prefer accents. In Denmark, having the dreaded Danish accent is often a source of ridicule. Even in school, the aim is to speak either British or American English. Danish English will get you bad grades.

  5. Oh, I meant in the Alpha. Is it possible to change your spawn point there?


    A few times I've had the game crash on me, and when I reloaded the game, I was frozen in place and constantly got hurt until I died. Anyone else had this happen to them?


    Also, I've encountered a bug with Cartographer. If I don't rotate the map - or if I both flip and rotate it - the map is actually mirrored. Anyone know a solution to this?

    No answers to these questions?

  6. You speak English very well, Eenuh! To me it sounded a bit British.


    Regarding the rolling Rs, I may have been mistaken. I was referring to how the English R differs from the Danish R. The Danish R is, like pretty much everything else in our language, pretty flat. It's somewhere between the English R, which is in the front of the mouth and almost "rolls" off the tip of the tongue, and the Spanish R, which is in the throat.

  7. Right!


    I have longed to comment on this game for a LONG time - as I have have also mentioned a few times. All in all, I have pretty mixed feelings about this game, possibly leaning towards the negative.


    Now, first of all, when I made this game, I had grown tired of the predictability of the write-ups. The mafia often didn't stand a chance because the write-ups had become too revealing. Also, I never liked the entirely write-up-less games like chair's Marvel Mafia because, frankly, those games are too hard for the town in my opinion. I wanted to strike the right balance, and I think I was on to something with this game - but I also believe I failed in trying to implement it properly.


    The general idea of this game was: "There are simple, yet detailed write-ups - but they can't be trusted!" I made a lot of powers that could change the write-up and cause confusion. I was especially proud of Mundi's ability to camouflage himself as any colour and deliver a note to anyone. This could really have created some interesting confusion, I believe, but he only used it once. Also, the idea of two mafias had been tossed around, so I decided to go with it. Balancing the number of players in each mafia was also hard, and I honestly don't know if I managed to balance that properly.


    To comment on the game itself, I admit that I failed my mission. It was still too easy for the town to work things out from the write-up, and the mafias really didn't stand much of a chance. On the positive side, the simplicity and uniqueness of the write-ups did seem to confuse people, and the write-up-affecting powers worked fairly well. In the end, though, it didn't seem like it was enough.


    Now for some specific comments:


    Paj Meen Ah, I apologise for the "mistake" in the write-up for night 1. The thought never crossed my mind how people would interpret the way I had worded it. I made sure to avoid that mistake in the following write-ups.


    The correction of the write-up for night 2 was simply me having forgotten to add in the effect of the two yellows. Ironically, this neat idea intended to confuse people ended up confusing myself as well.


    On this final night, I was again confused by the nature of the write-ups. I made a mistake by giving Nintendohnut a copy of Sméagol's PM instead of Zell's PM. It was luckily not a big deal, though, so I simply corrected it and let the game move on.


    Oh, and HJ: I know the colours of the rainbow are a bit different, but the colours of this game were built around the hex code colours, so it was really for consistency's sake - and for mine. I had not considered how bothersome it would be to colour all the colour names in each write-up! NEVER AGAIN!


    The mafias sometimes forgot to send me their targets. Did you lose interest? Or did you feel it was too difficult for you to win?


    In any case, I am aware that this game had a lot of flaws. As I said in the beginning, I failed what I set out to do with this mafia, and even though some of the things worked, they could have worked a lot better. In conclusion, I have mixed feelings about this game, and I lean to the negative side. I hope it has still been enjoyable.

  8. Roles:


    Mafia (Evil)


    You are mafia. Your job is to kill off the other players until you have gained majority in the town. Each night one of you may sacrifice his or her nightpower in order to kill off a player.


    Dark Blue (Paj Meen Ah)

    When investigated, you will appear as good. In addition, you may once in the game force a lynch when half the majority has been reached (round up if necessary, e.g. if the majority is 9, you can force-lynch someone with 5 votes). Simply PM me sayng you wish to force the lynch. It will not be revealed that you were responsible. Note that I may not see the PM immediately, but even if the discussion moves on and votes are changed, if the force-lynch was possible at the time I recived your PM, it will be successful.


    Bright Yellow (Tellyn)

    Each night you may select a player to roleblock. His or her active nightpower will fail that night. In addition, the colour of the player you target as well as the colours of any players that target you will appear brighter in that night's write-up.


    Dark colours will appear as regular colours, and regular colours will appear as bright. Bright colours will not be affected.


    Bright Green (jayseven)

    Each night may select two players whose colours you wish to switch in that night's write-up.


    Rainbow (Mundi)

    Each night you may select a player to deliver a note to. You decide entirely what the note says (just PM it to me together with your target), and the origin of the note won't be revealed to the player. In addition, you may each night select any colour to appear as in the write-up. Select both name and hex triplet of the colour you wish to appear as.


    Selecting a shade of black, white or grey will result in Rainbow appearing as himself. If he fails to select a colour, he will also appear as himself.


    Mafia (Evil)


    You are mafia. Your job is to kill off the other players until you have gained majority in the town. Each night one of you may sacrifice his or her nightpower in order to kill off a player.


    Cyan (Rummy)

    When investigated, you will appear as good. In addition, you have a double vote.


    Dark Yellow (Ellmeister)

    Each night you may select a player to roleblock. His or her active nightpower will fail that night. In addition, the colour of the player you target as well as the colours of any players that target you will appear darker in that night's write-up.


    Bright colours will appear as regular colours, and regular colours will appear as dark. Dark colours will not be affected.


    Bright Magenta (MoogleViper)

    Each night you may select a player who will appear as evil to any investigators that night.


    Grey (Dyson)

    You will not appear in the write-ups. In addition, you may each night select a player to remove from that night's write-up.




    Bright Red (Marcamillian) (Good)

    You have no powers. Good luck.


    Red (ReZourceman) (Good)

    Each night you may select a player to protect and roleblock. His or her active nightpower will fail, but any nightpowers, including nightkills, directed at him or her that night will fail as well.


    Dark Red (The Peeps) (Good)

    Once in the game, you may in the night phase select a player to find out whom he or she has targetted each night up until and including the current night. This power cannot fail.


    Yellow (dan-likes-trees) (Good)

    Each night you may select a player to find out what player(s) he or she was targetted by that night.


    Green (Zell) (Good)

    Each night you may select a player to find out his or her alignment.


    Dark Green (chairdriver) (Good)

    Each night you may select a player to kill. Use with care.


    Bright Cyan (Cube) (Good)

    Each night you may select a player to find out his or her power(s).


    If Black or White is investigated, the PM will say that the player can investigate another player's colour and under certain circumstances both colour and alignment. It will also be mentioned that in one particular case, he or she is able to kill someone.


    Dark Cyan (Jonnas) (Good)

    Each night you may select a player to protect. Any nightpowers, including nightkills, directed at that player that night will fail.


    Bright Blue (Eenuh) (Good)

    You will not appear in the write-ups. Each night you may select one or two players. The colour(s) of the player(s) will be underlined in that night's write-up.


    If a player who would not appear in that night's write-up is targetted, he or she will now appear underlined. The player(s) selected will always be underlined regardless of colour changes.


    Blue (Sméagol) (Good)

    Each night you may select a single statement from the previous day phase that you wish to verify. I will reveal to you whether the statement was true or false.


    The lie detector power will reveal the truth no matter what. However, it can only verify a statement that the player making the statement knows to be true or false.


    Magenta (Nintendohnut) (Good)

    Each night you may select at player. If that player receives any PMs from the game host (me) that night, you will receive a copy of each of them.


    Dark Magenta (MadDog) (Good)

    Once in the game, you may in the day phase choose to have a player's complete identity revealed in the thread by me, including colour, alignment and power(s). Simply state in bold in the thread whose role you wish to have revealed, and I will reveal it as soon as I see your post.


    If Black or White is revealed, it will be said that he or she is a team together with the other colour. The other player won't be revealed.


    Black (Diageo) & White (heroicjanitor) (Neutral)

    You are a team. You can communicate with each other outside the thread. Your job is to find your ex-teammate Grey, who you know to be evil. Each night you may each investigate a player to find out his or her colour. If you both target the same player, you will find out both his or her colour and alignment. Once you have found Grey, you must both target him on the same night in order to kill him. If one of you dies or is lynched, the other gets the ability to find out both colour and alignment as well as kill Grey on his or her own. Once you have done this, you become townies. If Grey is killed or lynched before you can get to him, you can still help the town win the game, but you will only gain half a victory each.


    Note that comments in italics were not PM'ed as part of the players' roles. They were rule notes for myself.


    Notes on the game itself will follow!

  9. Rummy (6): Jonnas, The Peeps, MadDog, chairdriver, heroicjanitor, Marcamillian

    No Lynch (1): Zell


    6 is the majority.


    The majority has been reached!


    Rummy is dead. He was Cyan. He was evil.


    All threats against the town have been eliminated. The town wins!


    Winning players:









    The Peeps



    Role list and comments on the game coming later.

  10. There's only one way to find out if you're able to run it: Download it and try it out.


    Another thing I've been wondering: Are the Minecraft worlds infinite? If you just kept walking, would the game continue to generate a larger and larger map?

  11. Press T then type /sethome

    Oh, I meant in the Alpha. Is it possible to change your spawn point there?


    A few times I've had the game crash on me, and when I reloaded the game, I was frozen in place and constantly got hurt until I died. Anyone else had this happen to them?


    Also, I've encountered a bug with Cartographer. If I don't rotate the map - or if I both flip and rotate it - the map is actually mirrored. Anyone know a solution to this?

  12. Mcoy and Minecraft are two of my favourite things right now.


    Spooky Edit: I just completed a glass structure, reminiscent of St Pancras and decided to use Cartograph to get an overview of my map. I've only been playing on this world for a short time and have been focusing all of my attentions on completing the glass building and mining beneath, so it came as a shock when Cartograph spat this out:




    I was terrified. I thought I was alone in this world, but someone else has been slaving away building some wooden tower. I immediately built a boat and went in search of this building and sure enough it's a fully fledged tower. There is a door about halfway up, with a rudimentary staircase leading to it, a work bench and storage containers inside, with a tonne of arrow's and coal, and stairs descending into the earth below.


    I don't know whether this is a bug in the game, the work of another human being or just me going crazy but every second I spend in their tower creeps me out.

    Yup, sounds a lot like the ghost story. Here's the original:




    As far as I'd understood, the story turned out to be fake. But this story of yours ... Please keep us updated - if you dare keep playing that map.

  13. I haven't tried the server. Might later. I don't know how much I'll use it, so I hope it's okay if I don't donate. If I suddenly start using it a lot, I can send some monies your way.

  14. Cyan, Dark Green, Dark Red, Dark Magenta, Bright Red and someone unidentified all stayed at home. Dark Cyan stood guard outside this last person's house while the rest of the town went to Magenta's house. Both White, Blue and Green took notes on Magenta while Magenta himself spied on the notes that Green had taken.


    Day 8 begins now.


    11 players remain. 6 is the majority.











    The Peeps


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