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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. A sexually attractive person is someone who you want to have sex with. A style or body that excites you that way.


    Someone beautiful isn't someone you necessarily want to have sex with. It's just someone you visually admire to the same way you would admire a painting, or a landscape.

    (Not to say someone can't be both, of course)

    Oh, of course. The point still stands, though.

  2. I didn't say we invented it, I'm just saying it's been part of England for centuries, what with us being a Christian, Protestant country. I love the Church of England service on Christmas Eve, for instance. Halloween, on the other hand, is some sort of commercial, American celebration of horror and blackmail.

    Well, I'd say that depends on what you choose to read into the traditions that you celebrate. Do those celebrating Christmas really celebrate Christ? Some do, other don't. That's their own choice.

  3. I don't have a clue what I'm going as but it has to be cheap. Also none annoying my homemade ghostbusters pack last year ended up being an annoyance lol

    Heh, I know what you mean. I always try to stay as much away from accessories as possible. They're always a bother to carry around. :heh:

  4. Actually, the current Christmas is based much more on a pagan festival than the birth of Christ. Especially as the church moved the celebration of Christ's birthday to December 25th in the fourth century.

    I know, and it was what I was getting at. No traditions are really that "pure" anymore - they've all evolved, changed, been mixed together and adapted. I say people should just celebrate what they like the way they like it.

  5. Diageo I'd like to ask what you think of beauty, is that subjective too? I could argue that Jack Nicholson is better looking than Orlando Bloom and would you accept that?


    If anyone thinks I'm hijacking the thread just pretend I'm discussing Bieber's attractiveness :)

    Can I answer this question, too? :heh:


    I am with Diageo here as well. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." A lot of people can agree on a lot of things/people being beautiful because our brains are often rigged in the same way and thus perceive the same things as being beautiful. But then there are people who have different experiences of what's beautiful and attractive. Like for instance, some people find, if you'll excuse my rather blunt expression, fat people unattractive, but then again, some people find fat people super attractive.

  6. You know, I honestly don't think it's ever too early to think about Christmas. I know people moan when Christmas things appear in shops, but why? Really, I don't get it.


    I moan about Halloween, but that's because I don't like it. I'd moan about it if the Halloween stuff appeared even one week before the event. Christmas, though, is a fine, English tradition and I have no problem with seeing a selection box a few months early.

    Um, how is Christmas an English tradition? I think some bloke down in some Middle Eastern country started it. Besides, Halloween is believed to have originated in Ireland.


    Anyway, I think it's totally up to people themselves to decide when they want to start thinking about Christmas. Heck, as soon as summer ends and autumn kicks in, I'm already looking forward to the winter. For some reason I'm able to project the lovely, cosy feeling of Christmas onto the whole winter month.


    BUT! I try not to look forward to Christmas before Halloween. I like a bit of festive chronology. All in all, though, I love this period of time. There's just something about autumn and winter and their holidays.

  7. Well I was fully dressed and just on the floor, rather than like tumbling around moaning, at that point. And her catchphrase is "You alright?". Plus she's a third year so probably assumes all freshers are on hard drugs or something. She's nice though, and she's the one who made me a bag of stuff to take to hospital.

    Ah, all right. The original post just made her sound pretty uncaring. :heh:

  8. I hope to God this was made for a laugh! As much as I adore Avatar, that's just going way too far...:blank:

    I think it's a sketch. But even if it isn't, I'm not gonna judge. Whatever floats their boat, right?


    Saw this on a facebook, I don't think it's embeddable, though.




    To quote;

    This is scary. Why did he do it? I could understand if the controls went nuts like in the other case mentioned, but wasn't it apparent to him that he would be able to break through the door? Why would he continue to slam into it?

  9. Jonnas said it best, I think. While to us it seems like something minor, especially since you said he could have it back, the way he went about it, considering your history, I can easily understand your frustration. I don't know what's best to do, but I do know you should try to let go of your anger (or as much of it as you can) before doing anything about it. Otherwise things could escalate into something truly nasty, I believe.

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