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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane


    I'm not sure. "His" (Scoop lol) last post was February 2007.....but then it says last activity was 20th May 2008.


    I dunno. It took some time before I really started to become part of the community, so maybe they sort of overlapped. I'm wondering what's going on in the Secret Mod Tower at the moment ...


    There is not a chance it isn't. As everything that was said on the previous page + more. And like...to expand on Shorty's point...there is no way a new member would expand to so much of General Chit Chat so quickly, one of his first posts was in Mock The Thread. The avatar. The way they're posting. Glo....its not a coincidence. Etc, etc, etc.


    What about Scoop? Didn't he go to General Chit Chat quite fast as well? I understand your points, but I still think it's a theory at best. None of the points mentioned are very conclusive.


    In any case, so what if it's actually Rokhed? It's not exactly like Glo Worm has caused any trouble.

  3. Frankly, I haven't been following the discussion all too closely, I'm afraid, so I'm not fully aware of the accusations against the involved parties and how much merit they hold. That's why I haven't participated much.


    Regarding Dohnut, it's a really good observation, but he really did sound like he was occupied in the real world, something which would explain his irregular behaviour. Unless it's an elaborate plot to explain his quietness. :heh:


    In what sense? My actual anniversary is (August 2006) I think Rokhed was here for a year or two over my time here.





    You people are acting like we should be treating this person with respect. The sooner he's banned the better.


    But how the heck do you know it's Rokhed? I don't exactly think the "evidence" would be enough to convict anyone in a courtroom.

  5. I'm a vicious word twister apparently. Where has all this come from, what words am I twisting.


    I don't know why you mentioned me by name, but you're always pretty paranoid in these games. That's all I've gathered. I haven't noticed you exactly twisting words in this game, just jumping the gun a lot. And to be fair, jumping the gun is necessary when the info is sparse.

  6. So yeah, now I'm officially hired as a teacher for an Extra English group of 5 students with severe English problems! The scary thing is that that I'm in complete charge of everything that's going to happen. That's suddenly a lot of responsibility. But I'll do my best.

  7. This queuing business is contingent on this phobia of having more than one game happening at once, which I have little empathy for. I have no qualms with multiple games running at once, thus I have no qualms with skipping the queue.


    Of course, it all comes down to supply and demand -- down to how many players want to play. By all means, abstain from playing.


    Well, you do come off a bit dickish by jumping the queue. And with the amount of players (or lack thereof), multiple games might just kill off the buzz again. Just saying.


    Anyway, I'm up for this. Hey, ho, let's go!


    (I think I balanced this game very well)


    (Why the parentheses?)


    It'll always be a somewhat subjective topic. I'm saying that if the balancing we've seen in the past few games is the standard for future mafia games, the town needs to become more aggressive and willing to take risks. Otherwise the mafia will destroy the town every time.

  9. It could just be a mafia putting up a redirection on him.


    I mean, heroicjanitor says that his power increased in awesomeness, as Diageo claims it does, so either they are both mafia or neither.


    Kinda suspicious of you actually MadDog old chap. Obviously not suspicious enough to smash down some voting words, but that last sentence "sounds like a mafia trait" sounds awfully persuasive/follow-my-lead-ish.


    Exactly. If Diageo was protected, no powers would work on him no matter the amount, so it's not exactly a mafia trait.


    Still, I really don't know what to think. We're left pretty clueless about what's going on. :/

  10. How does one actually make glass using lava? I've never worked it out.


    I think he just meant that he should use a bucket of lava as fuel for the furnace. It burns for what, a thousand seconds or something, I think?


    There is also something about it being possible to use lava springs to make glass and other stuff, but I don't know how.

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