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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I find the night's events to paint ReZ in a positive light. My guess is that the previously so silent chair was betting on people to investigate ReZ tonight and thus wanted to make him appear evil. He didn't expect a vigilante to take matters into his or her own hands.


    Regarding the thieves and nobles, I think I'll have to read the write-ups over again to see if I can deduce something from them. For now I don't really have any suspects.

  2. I was so excited for The Dark Knight, last film I was like literally like...shivering in anticipation for. And I never saw the trailer! :D IIRC I went to go see Savage Grace with Chairdriver and the trailer for TDK played, but I closed my eyes. I HEARD the trailer, but no more. :p


    You are a stronger person than me. :heh:

  3. Nope, not at all. It was made 28 years ago so it would be a bit of a stretch if you had to, and this is Disney. :heh: You'd definitely appreciate more of it if you saw the original. Legacy plays on the whole idea of it being set 28 years later, the world looks more advance because technology has advanced.


    I think the first one is fantastic - mainly because visually it is just absolutely beautiful (Was the first film to use CGI extensively) plus the soundtrack is electronic and fantastic. Syd Mead did most of the design work and he rocks (Designed a lot of the stuff in Blade Runner and worked on Aliens).


    I think it's hard to not like when you consider when it was made (it's almost an inversion of The Matrix). It's very much an 80s film so there is that whole awkward 80s acting thing going on, but taken as a sign of its times it's excellent.


    I posted this on the other page but it's so good it needs reposting.



    Cool, I think I might check out the original first, then. :)

  4. That's why one should never watch trailers or read blurbs. They either give too much away, or ar just designed to market the film a certain way, to certain people (or both). :)


    [/perfect world]


    I agree completely, yet I can't help but watch trailers. I'm too curious a soul.

  5. Yeah, I logged in earlier just to have a survey, and it did indeed seem like certain areas had just disappeared. A few torches were even hanging in thin air.


    Also, it would seem that there has been some issues with the update of the game itself. Blocks are slow to give off resources when mined, and sometimes they keep reappearing after you've mined them. Leaf blocks also no longer disappear even when they're not supported.

  6. That's right Dannyboy, open up those odds! ;)


    I'm not up for a long-distance relationship, so this is purely me stating an opinion that's flattery at the same time. :heh:



    Your constant use of the word 'females' is weird and creepy.




    Sorry, I don't mean anything by it. It's just a pecularity of my speech. I'll stop it if it creeps people out. :heh:

  7. My comment was mostly for upper body I didn't realise we were going that in-depth :awesome:.


    All shaved is just a bit weird, sure if a guy wants to but it seems so much effort, trimming is probably best. I've never really thought about it.


    I did mention that I was referring to all types of body hair except the hair on the top of your head. Since I'm a pretty hairy beast myself, I've wondered if a shaven look would be more appealing to the opposite sex. ;)

  8. I was drunk when saying that.


    But I still agree with it. I have alcoholic drink to get drunk. If I'm not going to get drunk, I might as well just drink Sprite or water.

    That's not to say I don't like Bulmers or Cocktails.


    Yeah, I agree with this. What's the point in choosing an alcoholic beverage over a non-alcoholic beverage if not for the effects of the alcohol? If you like the taste of the drink in question and can't get it non-alcoholic, then I understand, but why else would you drink alcoholic beverages?


    When I get drunk, I find everything even more funny than usual, and it's great. My problem is that I've never been able to handle large amounts of fluid as it makes me feel sick, and it's even worse with alcoholic beverages. Sometimes I feel sick before I even feel the effects of the alcohol. Oh, and I can't stand the taste and consistence of beer, so I stick with cider and other stuff.

  9. This year I'm getting my dad sweeties, because he has a bad sweet tooth, which is quite lucky, so I'm going to an old sweet shop and getting a massive bag.


    It's not much, but if he likes it then, woo!


    Since I got old enough to buy the stuff I want for myself, I've actually found that sweets and chocolate are my favourite presents since it's something I don't treat myself too as much personally! :D

  10. I dislike body hair, so the less the better. =P

    So if a guy wants to shave his body, I'm all for it haha. Though men's arms and legs are fine with hair on I think; the other areas I'm a bit less keen on.


    I wouldn't ever force someone to get rid of their hair though. It's still their body and their own decision.


    I've also heard women say they prefer their men with hair, so I guess it's down to personal taste. I'm just asking because it seems more one-sided on the men's side whether they prefer the shaved look or not while it seems more divided on the women's side.

  11. As far as I know, shaving will only itch the first few times until you get used to it. But I got that from some magazine, I think. :heh:


    A thing I've wondered: While most men seem to prefer their partners shaved generally everywhere except the top of the head, how do females prefer their partners? Arms, armpits, legs, chest, bottom, private areas ...?

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