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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I remember last year around this time, I had a fall that only seemed embarrassing at first, but turned out to be more serious. I was coming out of a building at my school with my heavy backpack and computer bag over my shoulder when I misstepped on the step down, meaning, my leg ended up crushed beneat my entire weight, bags and all. It hurt, naturally, but not surprisingly bad, so my pride was more hurt at the time as it happened in front of some first years. :heh:


    I made my way over to the next place I had to be, my leg hurting with each step, but that was to be expected. However, when I left for the train half an hour later or so, I was barely able to stand, and I only just made it to the train station in time through agonising pain. Knowing the annual ball was coming up where we as third years were going to dance, I was afraid this would ruin my chances at participating, but when I got home I rested my now pretty swollen leg in an elevated position and stayed home the next day (this was a Thursday). Monday morning it was perfectly fine again, luckily. :)


    So yeah, not really that interesting a tale, but I just felt like sharing. :heh:

  2. To quote the list Chairdriver made, which was posted in the first 15-or-so games:


    When the images are of such a humorous quality, I'm not particularly bothered, personally.


    Can you be silenced for whole days? I'll assume you can for now.


    This is usually the duration of a silencing power. One thing we haven't taken into account, and which is often forgotten about silencing powers, is that since the silenced person's ability to vote has been hampered as well, the majority needs to be adjusted accordingly. Now, I'm not sure if Jonnas has even considered this (most people don't seem to), but if he has, it might just tell us if anyone (chairdriver) has been silenced.


    Anyway, regarding ReZ, I'm as unsure as can be, and I don't know whether to stick with my vote for him or not. He's been extremely skilled at evading accusations before when mafia (he's a surprisingly excellent debater), but his arguments are also fairly solid. On the other hand, I wouldn't put it past him to set up an elaborate alibi.


    This is still true, you've just highlighted a post where I said how close you were to majority and not revealed literally anything, whereas I have. Its fair enough you voting for me though (particularly if you're a townie, which I'm back to not buying. :p)


    I'm surprised how many people seriously actually think I'm mafia though. If you're a pro-active townie and open and honest about what you do its as bad as being mafia in this game it seems.


    How about (as I'm a townie) ~I can't remember who said~ but someone said they knew someone who had lied. What was this? Surely someone lying is a better lead than me.


    Besides, the excuse of how I acted in previous mafias doesn't count as I specifically approach each game differently. I don't think I've acted over similarly in any period, let alone dependednnadnant upon which alignment I am.


    But if I do bite it;

    - Diageo, Heroicjaitor are a two for one, probably both townies or both mafia. Possibly.

    - Cube is probably good.

    - MadDog is probably good.

    - Keep a firm eye on Zell, Dannyboy, Chairdriver and gmac.


    (Oh and 5 out of 10 ~when you wrote that~ isn't close to majority)


    Any inkling about your power whatsoever? Or even who you targeted?


    Why should people keep an eye on me?

  4. Lol, but theres nothing else to go on! I can't draw suspiciosunssns out of nowhere. Besides the only time I've been mafia (I think) was in DIY, and we all know that was a different kettle of fish. :p


    But there's a difference between following leads and pushing leads - despite fairly solid alibis. You have a tendency to do the latter.

  5. There's a cycle on the forums where a thread in particular seems to soak up all the discussion.

    MPOTD, HWYD, and now TBTT (the best thing today) is looking to be the likely candidate.


    I still don't see how it soaks up too much discussion. The initial movement of starting new threads for smaller subjects have already calmed to a level close to what we had before.

  6. Dannyboy, you've been viewing the page for a while now, care to share your thoughts? Any info from you?


    Yeah, I've been following the thread, but have nothing to add. I dunno, there are accuations flying all over the place, and I find it hard to figure out what to believe and what to go for. I keep switching between who I find most suspicious. I'm not very good at these more hunch-based mafias. :heh: And I'm afraid I don't get any info at all. I only know what we all know. And it sucks. >_<


    Well thats taking paraphrasing to the maximum. I explained fully my suspicions, which yes if summarised is basically what you said, but you miss the point. That I have noted that this is a proven tactic of Nintendohnut's, that I have absolutely noticed before. Its not as simple as he's been away/distant. So obviously he isn't going to get lynched by you people but I'm personally sticking with him at least for now. Its not just that, it is the way he posts aswell. It is his manner, which if you go back and read the posts I quoted seem major fishy.


    Like....what would you expect him to say if he was mafia? If you just accept the first response he gives, then you might as well not have even voted for him.


    See, a problem with telling the truth is that it's often not the most convincing alibi.

  8. Wait, having just read your post, what is it that you don't buy? I explained the many reasons why I haven't been online much recently. Check my profile for recent posts and you'll see there aren't many. I just haven't had enough of a chance to play these game recently. You should know as you ran the last one.


    Also: I haven't just said "I don't have time". It's not just that, it's due in quite a large part to the internet problem at my gfs. If that were sorted things would be spangly and nice.


    Right, that is literally all I can do, short hand is a bitch and I hate it and I have to do it which I hate more. So I'll see all you sexy people later. And you Rez :p


    Ha! We're sexy. And ReZ is not.

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