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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Have a good diet, high in fibre and you'll need less.


    If you're really lucky you'll be able to get a fabled "nae wiper". This special occurrences happen very rarely and you know it as soon as it happens. A true man won't even take a "just in case" wipe and just walk straight out knowing he is as clean as a whistle.


    I know those, though they're unfortunately rare.


    What types of food contain high fibre?

  2. If you buy quality toilet paper than 2 squares is more than enough! Maybe 3 if it's a messy one.


    After the first few wipes you can go down to 1 square if you're feeling adventurous.


    Poor quality paper? 3 squares to start, going down to 2. :)


    Seriously, how clean is you people's poo? Three squares?

  3. I think what Danny is trying to say, we're a bunch of twats at times. The people that stick around are use to it, but new members won't necessarily stick around long enough to get use to it.


    Well, almost. I wouldn't actually call people twats since I sincerely believe it's all in good humour. It's just that the general banter is very sardonic, harsh, etc. People really have to get used to it, and not everyone will ever get entirely accustomed to it.

  4. Danman, lets not go and attempt to sterilize this place of its personality by expecting everyone to be unnecessarily cordial towards people with whom they've been familiar for years.


    I never suggested such a thing. But sometimes, what some people view as friendly banter, other people view as not-so-friendly banter. While a joke may be meant entirely in good humour, it might not be taken that way by whomever the joke is referring to. And to be honest, the tone in here can be quite sardonic. I certainly had to get used to it.

  5. I started my new job today! Shit's crazy. First the editor gave me Civilisation V to review, which meant I had to play it all day. So that was awesome. Then they told me that everyone in the company is going to get a free iPad bought for them by the company (win!) and THEN they gave me some £250 headphones to use while I played Civ V, which they said I could keep because they were review kit that nobody wanted. Basically my day was busy, but an epic, epic win.


    You lucky bastard! :p


    Not much has happened today. I believe the best thing would be that I can now solve the first two layers of a Rubik's Cube without needing to look up the algorithms. :)

  6. Ah, yes, the post Christmas/post New Year blues ... I had them myself the other day, but I'll soon be back into the routine. What is creeping me out at the moment is the fact that I need to start planning for when I move out. I'm scared to death of it. I've never been good at handling big changes.

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