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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I found Inception gave too much away through dialogue. It would have been far more stunning as a movie if things just happened without explanation, rather than having to have Ellen Page guess everything going on all the time, and somehow always being spot on.


    Without any offence intended, that's because Nolan didn't aim the film at you (and people with your mindset). Inception is obviously a blockbuster, so with the plot he had, he needed to treat the general audience just right. If he used less exposition that he did, he would have lost a good deal of the audience.


    Even as it is, I've seen plenty of people get facts wrong that were actually explained in the film. You can imagine the coherence of the theories they propose about the unexplained parts of film. If even more things were left unexplained, too many people simply wouldn't have understood the film.

  2. Watching Inception for the second time certainly cleared up a lot of things that had been bothering me after my first viewing. It's one of those films where you easily miss some of the details since so much is explained in short scenes and not everything is fully elaborated on. Everything does make sense, though, if you listen closely to all that's being said and use the little grey cells to work the rest out.

  3. Yeah, it holds your shoulders back, and makes you aware of your back, so you sit up / stand straighter.


    Well, I'm pretty much always aware of having a terrible posture. I just tire pretty quickly of holding my back straight ... ¬.¬

  4. Well in that case;


    Withdraw vote


    He said he used to be a spy before you said it, so he didn't get it from you. He's still on my radar though.


    And to answer the confusion, if you are teacher who quit your job after 20 years, you are technically still a teacher I would say.


    Actually, I did mention it at the beginning of this day that I knew someone who used to be a spy, but this was while we were speculating, so I didn't realise it was Dazz at the time. Technically, he could have got it from me.

  5. Used to be a spy? I thought he is a spy right now.


    I've been wondering about that as well. My info clearly states he used to be a spy, hence why I didn't immediately conclude that he was the spy in the write-up until I read it closely and identified myself as his occupier.

  6. How come every time Coolness posts something that isn't flowers, rainbows or unicorn farts everyone automatically goes "OHMAGAWD i DIDUNT EXPECT KEWLNESS TO POST DAT!!!"?


    The same reason everyone goes "OHMAGAWD i DIDUNT EXPECT MUUGEL TO POST DAT!!!" when you post something that isn't a sardonic remark or inappropriate joke: OOC-ness. :kiss:

  7. I think our difference of opinion stems from your definition of 'charm' falling into my one of 'sleaze'.


    Honestly I haven't read the original books, but my dad — who has — said that Casino Royale is tonally much more befitting of the source material. In that sense the high camp Bond has become known for isn't really what he stood for at all.


    Most definitely. :heh: I've heard the same about Casino Royale, but while the original, literary incarnation of Bond may have stood for one thing, the film incarnation pretty much developed into its own, separate being, one that has heavily influenced, if not downright created a genre.

  8. Austin Powers :p


    No I didn't say you did, I just meant that with Die Another Day it seemed obvious perhaps the old formula maybe just doesn't work anymore?


    Goldeneye/TND/TWinE, seem to hit a pretty good middle ground, but even so (and as brilliant as Goldeneye is), I think the change was needed.


    But yeah, maybe it could have been done a bit better, not quite so generic, and with a few gadgets! As far a gritty realism goes Bourne > New Bond.


    Oh, definitely, I think it's hard to replicate the formula today without it becoming a parody of itself. The Brosnan era (bar Die Another Day, perhaps - I haven't seen it myself) did make things more realistic while still keeping the classic Bond charm - something which the Craig films are missing entirely.

  9. While I do think it's somewhat crazy, I can't help but respect the guy (and his co-heroes) in some way. It's an honourable concept. Also, it doesn't sound like he's doing things Big Daddy style, more like he's doing what any citizen is capable of doing, but which police often discourages in order to protect those citizens' safety.

  10. Yes, but you could argue that Die Another Day was the most outrageous Bond film of all time... and yet it's arguably the worst!


    It was probably time the series was shaken up (see what I did there!... no?... moving on), but I don't think it would hurt to reintroduce a few gadgets etc...

    They've still kept some of the one liners/sexual inuendo's etc... although I don't think they work quite as well in the realistic universe, coming across a bit menacing.


    I think there are some great old Bond films out there, I just struggle to remember their names!


    I never said that outrageousness = quality, though. I just said that I don't care much for this much more realistic, gritty, hardcore approach to it. While I agree that the old style probably wouldn't work as well today, I would have hoped they would've attempted to maintain what Bond stood for. Ironically, what best represents the old genre today are the films/shows that parody the genre, like Get Smart.

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