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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I am interested in this. Yes, I didn't like the second and third films so much, but mainly that's because they were BATSHIT INSANE AND DIDN'T MAKE ANY SENSE.


    Wtf was all the stuff with the oracle, architect, ghosts etc. It seemed they had an idea, but it wasn't thought out well enough and left gaps that looked intentional but I have now concluded it was all just wrong.


    OBJECTION! There weren't actually any gaps. It all made sense, but most people were thrown off since the sequels didn't exactly explain everything, and the explanations we did get were not exactly crystal clear. But rest assured that it all did make sense.


    I am also extremely curious as to what they're going to do with the new films, especially since Neo is present. The story has already been continued somewhat in The Matrix Online (and that does seem to be canon), but not many people know about that stuff, and Neo isn't present.

  2. P.S. Daily win for me; Girlfriend gave me a surprise jar of articholkes!!!


    She gave you a jar of ReZ? How on Earth is that a good thing?


    I personally like the new titles. They're more streamlined. :)


    Fish, I hope you plan on seeing the old part of Dubrovnik. It's really beautiful. I recommend taking a walk around the old city wall for the best view of the old city. If you spot the old classical grammar school (it's a bit out of the way), that's where I stayed during my trip there. :D

  3. I do now! We need to team up, i think we may be outnumbered...


    Haha! :D I've fought the battle before, but I'm not really interested in fighting it again. It all comes down to subjective opinion (like so many discussions). I don't see how people can find the sequels bad, other people don't see how I can find them good. Either party trying to convince the other is a waste of precious time and energy. :heh:

  4. I haven't received any PMs yet, either, but I assume they're on their way. Which is a silly thing to say, though, because in these days of instant delivery of electronic messages, a message is only ever on its way for a very few number of seconds or even just milliseconds. The phrase "on its way" is naturally not meant to be taken literally since there is no way for it to be on.

  5. Oh, no, not a fail, just in response to the talk about train doors. :)


    But I think you've misunderstood it. The whistle blows, the doors close, THEN the train leaves. So there was no running alongside the train or anything, I'm afraid. I simply jumped in just before the doors closed.

  6. In Danish they've given it the most ridiculous title: "To på flugt" (literally "Two On The Run")


    Seriously, that's the best they could come up with? They're not even going to attempt any hair puns?

  7. Once I stepped out of the car the moment the whistle blew. The door on the train was still open, and it was like time slowed down. I pondered for only a moment whether to attempt to get on, and the next moment I was running at the door. I literally jumped in before the doors closed, and during the ride I felt like an action hero.

  8. @Dannyboy: My initial reaction was a bit "...", but then under analysis, I'm stunned, because I love when people dress with awareness. Knowing Professor Layton is a great thing to take inspiration from. Adds.


    Meh, I realise it might seem pretty cliché/wannabe/can't find the right word, but I don't really care. I love the whole 19th century gentleman stereotype, so I couldn't help but buy this. People can think what they want as long as it makes me feel good.


    (For the record I haven't actually played any of the Layton games, but really want to. Unfortunately I lost my DS, and the price as well as the many different models have put me off getting a new one. I plan to sometime, though.)


    EDIT: That's amazing, Retro! :D I think Basil The Great Mouse Detective (Disney's take on Sherlock Holmes) was my first introduction to the era, and I was hooked immediately. It's only as of late I've really begun pursuing this interest, though.

  9. I heard the movie is meant to be a general fairytale sort of affair disney does, but since princess and the frog did poorly enough they are trying to advertise it like dreamworks.... The rock music, the fast paces action, the witty humour etc..


    I can't speak for the film itself as I haven't seen it, but Disney going for a very DreamWorks-like feel with the advertising for it has indeed been discussed on the internet.

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