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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. After spending aaaaaages trying to figure out how to do to it, I think I've finally managed to put my site online!


    It probably looks crap and cheap and the coding is all wrong/horrible/a huge mess, but I don't care! =P




    Since that's done I can focus on schoolwork now... urgh.


    Looks great, Ine! :D Much, much better than a lot of the amateur websites I've seen.



    EddieColeslaw is definitely interesting. Sméagol, you said you're living with someone and suspects it may be Eddie. Is this due to her heat signature being present in your home on night 1? Because it's not mentioned whether she stayed there for the night, and now we see that she stayed at Tales's home last night. Eddie, what is your address?

  3. On my first watch I actually didn't think it was as funny as some of your previous episodes. But just listening to it through Dannyboy's video review I found it funnier the second time round. Odd.


    Bounty was my fave joke.


    That's not odd at all. I make everything better.

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