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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Dark, looks brown?


    I thought I'd asked Ell who about where he lived, now I see it was just a general question for what he could tell me about himself, even so it went ignored, that was the night after I'd been in his house. Do you know anything about who you live with, Ell?




    Indeed I did! Do you live with anyone else? It seems I stole some of your letters, somebody's a fan of Justin Bieber and House lol :p

    Not that you should vote for me, but why would you not vote for me on that basis that I stole from you? I didn't write anything about you anywhere though, did I?




    Are we sure there isn't someone else with glasses? I don't know if I broke in, but I guess I did. I don't know why I don't investigate like that, maybe it's because evidence doesn't lie whereas people could? I'm guessing you and Dannyboy are investigators also from that statement, but what have you been investigating/finding out?


    Acutally reading the writeup again it does seem I'm the man with glasses who broke in, as the times match. Strange. Maybe it's because Jonnas was out at ReZ's?


    Nope, I'm not an investigator.


    Rummy, I'd still like you to explain who your character is, and I'd love to hear about your power too. (Apologies if you've already mentioned these things. I'd love to have them reiterated.)



  2. I am perfectly able to let myself go and immerge myself in a sport (most often handball), especially when Denmark is playing an important against another country. Like just recently when they played against France in the World Cup final. I was screaming and cheering and shouting insults at the incompetent referees. Yet whenever I do immerge myself, no matter how the match turns out, as soon as I've calmed down, I'm always left with a bit of an empty feeling inside because I realise it hasn't affected my life in any way. Which is strange, considering I don't feel that way about other mediums of entertainment that have no direct effect on me, like games or films. I think I'm just generally less interested in sports, and I have to admit I feel a bit put off sometimes by the fanaticism of some sports fans.

  3. Spontaneously went to see Tangled and was blown away by it. If I'd ever forgotten why I love films, I've now been reminded. It was just ... amazingly great. I feel so joyful inside right now.


    Incidentally, it was also the first film I've seen in 3D (I know, I'm behind), and it was done perfectly. It wasn't the carrying element, meaning the film was beautiful/worked without it, but it also wasn't a pointless gimmick since it augmented the overall quality of the film and simply made it into an experience of pure joy.


    I feel like I could fly.


    Why the heck is this post in the Bad Stuff Thread? I could've sworn I posted it in the Good Stuff Thread. Obviously it belongs there.


    EDIT: Wait ... fuckers have changed the titles around again. Would you please just stop that? It's annoying as shit.

  4. Spontaneously went to see Tangled and was blown away by it. If I'd ever forgotten why I love films, I've now been reminded. It was just ... amazingly great. I feel so joyful inside right now.


    Incidentally, it was also the first film I've seen in 3D (I know, I'm behind), and it was done perfectly. It wasn't the carrying element, meaning the film was beautiful/worked without it, but it also wasn't a pointless gimmick since it augmented the overall quality of the film and simply made it into an experience of pure joy.


    I feel like I could fly.

  5. Withdraw Arrest


    Hm, I'm having doubts about Rummy now ...


    Rummy, who are you? You don't need to reveal your name if you fear the Death Note (since that wouldn't help us, anyway), but I'd very much like to hear your role and personality.

  6. Arrest: ReZ


    I'm an investigator and according to my PM, he is mafia. Everyone else I investigated appeared good (I've forgotten some nights). I want protection tonight if it works in this game. If you want me to, I can investigate Rummy tonight...


    Wait, what?


    I know for a fact his power is intercepting PMs. Isn't that more useful as a townie power than a mafia power?

  7. Go explain that to the schools here. =P

    I agree though, I get dehydrated quickly. But I can see how in some schools this could cause problems. Stuff like students bringing in different things, or just playing with water in the class etc.


    Well, that's more a matter of discipline, I'd say. But I do see the potential issues.

  8. I can confirm that ReZ is a hacker who inctercepts PMs from the GM since his result on me was sent to me by accident. He has also cleared me as good, so I trust him (unless he's being as sneaky as in the Firefly Mafia, but his power makes more sense for a townie to have).

  9. I think the reasoning is that if the teachers are allowed, so would the students. Which would result in them bringing in stuff other than water. Or they'd start eating in class etc. *shrugs*


    I think everyone should be allowed to have water with them, but yeah, I can't change the rules.


    If anything, water should be allowed so that both kids and teachers can stay hydrated in class.

  10. You're not allowed to drink during classes no. The students aren't allowed to, so neither are the teachers. Which is a bit annoying. I got a sip of water during the break, but then it was two hours of no water again. And I'm normally someone who always has a bottle of water next to them heh.


    That's too bad. I can't say I fully understand the reasoning behind it, though.

  11. Though I did sorta lose my voice at times (annoying when you can't drink) and so I'm a bit worried for my classes tomorrow, which will be the more difficult ones. Hope I get my voice back properly!


    You're not allowed to have a water bottle or something with you?

  12. I guess that depends on how well the team and the individual players perform. Sometimes drop a little, sometimes a lot. But how often and how drastic are we talking about?


    The small dots is the average form. Very important to keep it high, the younger the player the higher it should be.


    Bad performance for my 100th match. Another away match on Friday, should win that one.


    Poor Emo...


    Well, not all too drastic, really. I was just a bit surprised by it.

  13. You're still missing the point, guys. I'm talking about the psychological barrier (which seems like such an overblown term, but it's the most fitting), not the actual action of picking up a comic book and reading it. It's not the comics themselves that seem hard to get into, it's the world of comics. You follow?

  14. "As you can see, I've managed to approach this beautiful creature in its natural habitat. It is a common misconception that they're dangerous - in fact, with a gentle touch, you can even manage to stroke it."




    "Tonight on 'Urban Life' with David Attenbearough ..."

  15. Good point.


    Everyone's different, though, so long distance relationships may not work for you. There's only way to find out, really.


    It basically boiled down to us not having much in common. My desire to see her was lessening constantly because we didn't do much bar watch TV or a DVD, or snuggle. I absolutely loved lying there and being close to her as she had a wonderful personality, but there was just no content to the relationship. We were close for the sake of being close.


    It does sound like you weren't content with the relationship, and when that's the case, it just doesn't work. Both parties need to be happy with the relationship, not just one of them.

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