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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. (Having re-read my PM it is more complicated than I first realised) Essentially it seems that Eddie is also a hacker like myself, and she hacked Dannyboy....who appears to be good almost certainly. And might have a partner...it implies.


    (And it also confirms that Dannyboy was probably truth telling earlier in the game when he said something along the lines of "My power is confusing/I don't fully understand", because I didn't. Lol...


    I don't have a partner that I know of. However, someone else do live in my house with me, but I don't know if that character is played by someone or is just flavor text.


    Regarding my power, it doesn't confuse me, but it's hard to figure out exactly how effective it is. Plus it works a bit differently than most powers, hence why I missed the first few phases.


    Now, I am a bit suspicious of Eddie, but I'm not at all sure of anything. This game has left me extremely paranoid. I don't think I trust ANYONE at the moment. :heh:


    EddieColeslaw has collapsed. Does anyone wish to remove his helmet to check if he is OK?


    (Eddie is a girl, by the way. :heh: And I'm fairly sure we're going to kill her if we remove her helmet, for I believe her to be the one without a heat signature, meaning she's probably also an animated corpse.)

  2. Well someone has been using polyjuice potion to hide their actions but I have no idea who. I haven't made notes for the last couple of write-ups because I've been in lectures since Thursday and work all day today but it seems that whoever gets imitated also gets silenced.


    Ah, yes, makes sense. Thinking about it, Polyjuice Potion was used on me the night I was forced to talk with actions. But how does Esequiel know it has happened to him? I don't see any proof of Polyjuice Potion being used in the write-up.

  3. No way should anyone say "no more mafia games!" Just pick and choose which you want to play, duh.


    Still missing the point. I'm don't personally want a break, but I would love to see more activity in the games. Telling inactives not to sign up hasn't worked before and probably won't work now.


    You all make it sound like I'm decreeing that mafia games should be halted or something. It was just a suggestion that I think would help create more activity. ::shrug:

  4. He's getting at the fact that mafia members use inactivity as a strategy.


    Yeah, I get that, but I'm unsure how it's relevant to the debate. The town does not benefit from inactivity, thus it's in their interest to combat it, but we see games crawling to a halt with little to no activity from neither scumnags nor townies.

  5. Excuse me, I happen to be one of the more active members. I don't personally want a break. However, I happen to believe that a break might help us out of the current drought. Besides, we've been telling inactive people not to sign up for as long as I can remember, but inactivity still happens.

  6. I'm only just scanning stuff since it's so late but I don't get it, please explain.


    This DEVILWORSHIPER_ fellow is criticising Rihanna for having sex with Eminem and some Drake guy and for generally being a "hoe", to which Rihanna replies that he/she missed a few people on his/her list.

  7. :hmm:


    People wear leather, she wore meat. It's still torn off lumps of animal.


    There's a distinctive different in people's minds, though. And it does give off the vibe that she has crazy ideas, even though it's obviously all well-planned.

  8. Didn't those belong to Jayseven?


    Wait, what? Have I completely messed something up in my head?


    If so, I apologise. Now I don't even know why Rummy is under suspicion ...


    Wait, Rummy was writing in a black book. That's it. He is a scientist, but jayseven was the explicitly anti-religious one.

  9. Where did you get he's anti-religious too?


    The books found in his home. These are the reason he's under suspicion.


    Also about Dazz, since this game is realistic(ish, I mean besides gods of death and the death note) I would bet his ability to see people's auras is random. As in it is random whether they are good or bad. Since real people can't see auras.


    I don't know, the ability to see auras seem to fit perfectly fine into this game's universe if you ask me.

  10. I'm not a policeman I'm a princess!


    Do I have to roleclaim my power? I haven't been wanting to say much, but basically it isn't steady. I know ReZ IS a hacker though, I know Ell lives with someone(though I'm unsure who Ell is), I knew Peeps was in the Sparks mansion, and I now know who possibly lives at 234 Lansdowne Road. It's difficult to know what to do or who to go for with the writeups consisting of residences, and lots of people going in between them all. The only two suspicious people are now dead, so I targetted at random. I am, as stated, a scientist. What else to say about myself?


    You're say you're not an investigator? But you knocked at ReZ's door and went in? If you're not an investigator, what are you? I can't be the only one answering all the questions! Why did you want to know about my hair? Can it help prove anything?


    I was led to ReZ's house by someone, presumably mr-paul, I didn't go by myself. As I've stated earlier, my power does not require me to leave my house. I asked about your hair because you mentioned you had glasses and since I've seen a person with glasses. The hair colour didn't match, though, so I can't make anything from it.


    I'd rather not reveal my power since there is currently no suspicion on me. You, on the other hand, have been found to be an apparently anti-religious scientist, which is worrying considering the keeper of the Death Note this time is apparently anti-religious.


    Unsure why there is suspicion on me.


    Because your aura appear as dark, which is worrying considering other people's auras have appeared as light.

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