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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Okay, I haven't been following this very well so I don't follow your logic. He accused you of using polyjuice potion yesterday, and it makes him mafia because Diageo now dead? Diageo was accusatory, but this could be some setup to make him appear guilty.


    I'll hold my vote for now and wait for what Esequiel has to say.


    No, Diageo's death has nothing to do with it. Esequiel (previously as jayseven) was already under suspicion because he hadn't voted for two mafia lynches, and suddenly he accuses me of using Polyjuice Potion (an outright lie) while himself being action-silenced. It smells a bit to me like a ploy to cause confusion and maybe even get a townie lynched.


    Still, it may very well be a misunderstanding, but seeing as it's a potential lead, I want to follow it to the end. Thus I again ask: Where did you get the info that I'd been using Polyjuice Potion, Esequiel?

  2. We're old friends. I'm just putting it down to a bad day/internet comment. It's just all these things are kind of building up and getting to me.


    Pretty much anyone else and I'd have torn them a new one.


    I hope so. Even old friends can change.


    Sooo ... I've just had one of those hypochondriac moments, and now I don't know whether going to the doctor to get a check-up would be a silly waste of time or the sensible thing to do.

  3. I love the approach that this film and The Blair Witch Project take to the horror genre, though I feel this one may be a bit too "in your face", especially in the trailer. The unseen horror of Blair Witch was its strong point.

  4. We receive the grades A through E (or U for a fail, and I think they're introducing A* now as well). UCAS has a points system for universities. A=120 points, B=100, C=80, D=60 and E=40. (As levels are worth half for the respective grades.)


    So how is it decided who gets in at uni?

  5. Oh, I haven't seen the Daredevil film. I was talking about the character concept, which I've always loved. Hence my surprise.


    Regarding the web shooters, I've always thought it weird that he needed to make his own web shooters. It seems much more logical to me for them to be organic. That explains my focus on them, at least.

  6. No, because of grade inflation. How do you tell the difference between 10/20/30 candidates with straight As? Grades are meant to measure your ability (Which, honestly, I don't think they do well in their current state) but at the moment it's not distinguishing anywhere near enough.


    How does this system work in the UK? In Denmark, all grades are numbers:


    12 = A

    10 = B

    7 = C



    Higher education requires a number of specific subjects passed at specific levels, and everyone who fulfil these requirements can apply. All applications are then listed according to the applicants' grade average, and people are let in from the top of the list until the number of available slots are filled. The lowest grade average that got in is then published, and next year's applicants to that course then know roughly what average they need to attain in order to get in.


    That's the general system in a nutshell, and I think it works very well.

  7. I feel so worn out these days because the idea of moving away from home and starting uni as well as all the preparations needed for those things keep weighting my mind down. This is one of those situations where I can still feel far too clearly that I'm autistic. I simply can't deal with having all these thoughts on my mind at once. The worst part is that I don't actually have much to do in my everyday life at the moment, so I simultaneously feel like I'm just whining and need to man up (apropos). I have to constantly remind myself that this is not the case.

  8. They probably just changed it because it sounded horrible


    Granted, it might get annoying in the long run, but I actually think it adds to the atmosphere of the temple.


    Anyway, I found that they ran just a wee bit fast through the info for me to properly keep up with it. They needed to tell a number of important details, but had to keep in within a narrow time frame, it seems.


    Not the most interest myth, but still interesting. I love this series.

  9. Um, what the neighbours feared and thought are not really in any way conclusive evidence.


    I'm withdrawing my vote from Ellmeister for the time being. I'm not so sure about that whole affair. However, I still get bad vibes from Rummy, so my vote is going there again.


    Change Arrest: Rummy

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